Chapter Twenty Four

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Aloura's eyes flew open as the darkness faded away; sunlight now infiltrating the room. Her eyes scanned the room for a sign of Michael, a breath of relief leaving her lips at the reminder of what had commenced the day before. She attempted to snuggle herself deeper into the covers when she noticed the weight on her stomach.

She lifted the covers off her, grinning at the sight of Elias' arm gripping her waist protectively. She hadn't ever woken up snuggled in a bed before. Kayden's place had always long grown cold when she'd roll into it in the morning. Aloura grinned to herself, before lifting the white covers to her chin, and snuggling into Elias, who stirred in his sleep. "Good morning" she grinned at him as he opened one eye, cursing at the sunlight.

His scowl disappearing at Aloura's face, instead smiling softly at her, "good morning princess" Aloura's heart flipped at the nickname. She resisted the urge of kicking her feet around under the covers in excitement.

"What are we doing today?" she asked him, pushing her body into his, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, kissing her forehead. He grinned against her hair at her use of we for talking about their day.

"We have work" he laughed at her pout, "and then I have training. I have a fight tomorrow." Aloura deepened her pout.

"Can I come?"

Elias scoffed, "to the fight? No way." He would rather have every finger plucked individually from his hands than agreeing to place Aloura in a scene so dangerous.

Aloura huffed, "But you said I was your lucky charm."

"You are" he promised her, "but it's too dangerous baby. How will I win if I lose you?"

Aloura rolled her eyes, "you know. It would be a shame if I tipped the police off about our age gap." she muttered, although it wasn't illegal, or that big of a gap.

Elias laughed at this, before swiftly pushing his body off the bed, encompassing Aloura beneath him. "You wouldn't."

Aloura frowned, how dare he underestimate the lengths she'd take? "sure I would" at the sound of her words, Elias' hands found Aloura's side before digging them in, sending the girl beneath him into a squealing mess.

"Take it back" he laughed, digging his fingers deeper into her sides, eliciting a string of pleas to stop; ones which he obviously ignored. "Take it back first."

"I take it back I take it back" Aloura squealed, gulping a large breath of air as Elias' hands retreated. "Can I at least come to your training?" Aloura plead.

Elias thought about it for a moment, before nodding, "I'll introduce you to Blayde" he told her. She grinned, and he matched it, before he dug his hands once again into her sides, sending the girl into another fit of giggles and squeals. "Okay seriously now" he laughed climbing off her, "we have to get ready, or we'll be late."

Aloura wheezed and nodded, she sat up on the bed, placing her hands protectively on her stomach in case Elias attempted to viscously attack her again. "You look so fucking beautiful in my clothes" Elias told her, Aloura looked down, suddenly aware she had no bottoms on.

"Stop looking or I'll seriously tell the cops" She warned, he laughed, before throwing a change of clothes and a new toothbrush in her face. "Kidding, kidding" she laughed, she seriously didn't want to be tickled again.

Elias threw her a fake scowl before walking out the door, offering her some privacy to change. He made his way to the kitchen, frowning at the empty cabinets. He sighed, and re heated last night's cookies, before grabbing two mugs and making them each a cup of coffee. Aloura made her presence as the microwave beeped. "I'm sorry I don't really have much to offer you" he mumbled, placing a plate of cookies and the mug where she sat.

"Are you kidding?" she frowned at him, grabbing his arm and turning him to her, "back at home I would have a glass of water at most." Elias frowned at this, although he had no right, because his routine wasn't much better. "Here I get a comfortable bed, a safe place, coffee and cookies!" Aloura rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "I'd consider myself the luckiest girl in the world."

Elias sighed out a breath of relief, her words providing him with much needed reassurance. "How did I get so lucky?' he kisses the tip of her nose.

Aloura blushes and spins to her food, ignoring Elias' words. He laughed, taking a seat beside her.

The pair of them ate in comfortable silence, occasionally catching the other staring, like each one of them couldn't believe to be in the presence of the other. When they'd finished, Elias moved to the bedroom to change, and Aloura rinsed out their dishes.

They walked hand in hand to the bakery, greeting agnus and Cassidy with wide smiles. Agnus hadn't asked Aloura about her bruises, but deep down she knew. "Get ready, love birds" Cassidy laughed, throwing them an apron each. "This time, maybe stay out of the supplies closet" the pair blushed and caught their aprons, sauntering off to place them on. Cassidy laughed, she didn't really care, just loved teasing them.

Aloura's hands fumbled with the strings of her apron, she sighed and turned to find Annie; a ritual she had performed ever since she had started worked at the CAFE. Her eyebrows furrowed when she couldn't locate agnus.

Elias watched the lost looking girl in amusement, he probably should have intervened earlier, but it was too entertaining to pass the chance of seeing Aloura so helpless. "Need help?" he laughed as he made her way to her, tying his own apron with ease.

Aloura huffed at him, "No need to show off" Elias laughed and motioned for her to turn around. She hesitantly complied. Elias gruesomely moved in slow motion, attempting to prologue the girl's embarrassment for as long as he could.

"Eli" Aloura groaned. "I'm telling Agnus to fire you."

♡ ♡ ♡

Elias tightened his hold on Aloura's shaking hand as they reached the gymnasium door; a vain attempt to calm her nerves. Although he was anxious himself, not that he'd ever admit that out loud. He had never been given the chance to formally introduce anyone to his family or friends, so this was a large and important moment for him. And he desperately wanted to pause time and be able to experience it without the anxiety of what if it goes wrong.

"What if he punches my throat and tells me to fuck off?" Aloura asked, her face as serious as stone. Elias frowned down at the abnormal girl.

"Why the fuck would he do that?" Elias laughed, the worry suddenly at the back of his mind.

Aloura shrugged, "I don't know. You're the one who kept telling me he was a dangerous boxer called Blayde and if I was sure if I wanted to meet him" Aloura pulled a face. "You made him sound unhinged."

"Because he is dangerous" Elias laughed. "And he is called Blayde" His laughter running short as someone scoffed behind them. The pair turned to face an offended looking Blayde.

"Don't listen to him sweetheart" he grinned at Aloura, before shooting Elias a disapproved glare. "I'm anything but dangerous." Elias sneered at Blayde, for both the nickname and the lie. "I'm Blayde" he held out his hand.

Aloura shyly placed hers in his, "Aloura." Blayde nodded, and shook her smaller hand, before lifting it and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Elias frowned, grabbing Aloura from his grasp and tucking her into his side.

"Not my girl, dickhead" he snapped, although humour was evident in his voice. Aloura thanked the skies that Elias had a firm hold on her, because her knees would have buckled beneath her at the sound of his words.

"Elias jealous? I would have never even dreamed of this day" Blayde laughed out loud. "Come on now pretty boy" Blayde tapped Elias' shoulder. "We have a lot of work to do." He told him, before turning to Aloura. "Sorry sweetheart, I'm stealing your boyfriend for a while."

Neither Aloura nor Elias corrected him. 

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