Chapter Thirty One

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Aloura leaned in close to Elias' chest, leaving a trail of hickies on his golden skin. Elias swallowed and stared at the scene in front of him with hungry eyes; Aloura was beautiful clothed, he had thought that from the moment he saw her. But she looked like a goddess nude.

Aloura pulled at Elias' boxers as he reached to the bed side table for a condom. He sat back in his place and faced Aloura- holding out the packaging in his hand. Aloura didn't take it from his hands, instead, she leaned over, and with her eyes locked onto his, she placed the corner of the package in her mouth. She placed her hand on his pelvis to steady herself as she ripped the package open with her teeth. Elias licked his bottom lip but said nothing. Too fearful his dry mouth would betray him.

Aloura grabbed the condom from him, before scooting back down to her previous position, and Elias watched her breasts bounce at her movement, shifting in his place. Aloura grabbed his girth and placed a few strokes on his dick before situating the condom at his tip, evoking a string of moans.

After securing it on, Aloura lifted her hand to her mouth and spat twice, before lowering her hand onto Elias' dick, lathering her spit around. Elias once again shifted in his place, grunting in pleasure. Aloura abandoned his crotch and scooted up, pressing her lips on him gently. Elias used one hand to grab her throat, squeezing it lightly as their lips connected. A few seconds later, and Aloura broke the kiss, moving back down Elias' body.

Elias held Aloura's waist and held her up as she grabbed the hem of her underwear and slipped them off. They were pretty, but an unnecessary hinderance between them. Aloura discarded them next to their other clothes, before turning to Elias. His hand moved slowly to the slit of her jewel, inserting his fingers gently. Aloura tensed but gave him way. He curled his finger inside her, inserting and retracting them for a few times before pulling away. He placed his fingers at the bundle of nerves between her legs, her wetness on his fingers as lubrication.

Aloura swallowed and held his shaft and positioned herself above it before lowering herself down slowly. If Elias was sexually frustrated by her slow pace, he didn't show it. Instead, he helped hold her up with one hand, and the other massaging her bud of nerves.

Aloura rocked and swayed back and forth on Elias' shaft, prompting him to utter a torrent of curse words. Her stomach churned with the sensation of being full. Seemingly growing dissatisfied with her hesitation, and slow pace, Elias placed both hands on her hips, forcing her down as he thrusted up, sending Aloura into a fit of whimpers.

"Fuck" he moaned into her ear, "you feel so good, Aloura."

♡ ♡ ♡

The space beside Elias had long grown cold when he'd rolled into it in the morning. He groaned and stretched, before he grabbed the pillow underneath his head and wrapped it around his face, annoyed at the light that infiltrated the room.

He blinked a couple of times before he dropped the pillow and lifted his head, his eyes scanned the room for a certain green eyed brunette. His stomach clenched when he found no sight of her. He threw the covers off his body in a haste, before grabbing his discarded boxers and sweats and pulling them on.

He briskly opened his bedroom door and stepped into the hallway; his lips suddenly dry at the thought of Aloura disappearing. His erratic heart only calmed after he walked into the kitchen, spotting a silent Aloura sat on the kitchen table, one of her legs propped up, and her arm wrapped around it securely. She had rested her head on her knee, deep in thought as she spilled her thoughts into the paper.

She wore Elias' shirt from last night, it had ridden up slightly, showcasing her underwear band. He sighed in relief and approached her cautiously. He gently placed his hand onto her back, rubbing it gently. Only then did Aloura notice his presence. She flinched and squealed slightly, before looking up at Elias, "you scared me" she laughed, although he could tell by her reaction.

Elias smiled at her, before pecking her grin softly, "sorry baby." He pulled the seat beside her and motioned to the sheet of paper, "what you writing?"

Aloura's eyes looked around for an excuse, she shrugged and turned the sheet around. "Issa' secret."

Elias frowned at her; he didn't like the sound of that. "You can't keep secrets from me, we made a pinkie promise" he told her, placing extra enunciation on the pinkie, in case she forgot she stood at a chance of losing her pinkie.

Aloura laughed at this, "I'll tell you soon I promise." He frowned but dropped it, he trusted her.

Elias stood from the table and walked around the kitchen island and to the kettle. He flicked it on and opened the cupboard, grabbing two mugs if coffee. "Do you have plans today?" he turned to Aloura, who had placed her head back on her knees, admiring the shirtless tan brunette as he worked.

Aloura shook her head as she watched Elias scoop the coffee and into the mugs, "we've not been to the roof top in a while" she told him.

Elias grabbed the kettle and poured the hot water into the cups, "do you want to go today?" he grabbed the milk and poured it in their cups.

"Can we?"

"We can do anything you like" he told her, handing her a mug. She grinned at him and muttered a 'thanks.' He kissed her forehead and took the place beside her.

"We can finish the book today!" Aloura cheered, her eyes lighting up at the thought of finally reaching the end. They had religiously read together each night, a perfect and cheap substitute to watching rentals. Something they both refused to waste money on. Plus, Elias didn't have a tv.

Elias grinned, "yeah but I'm not starting because I read more last time."

Aloura frowned and pouted, she did not like the sound of that, "but I like listening to you read." Elias closed his eyes. He didn't want to see the innocent look she would shoot at him; he knew he'd give into her. "Please, please, please" she begged, shaking his arm.

He peeled an eye open and sighed, "you're lucky you're cute." He told her, she lifted the mug to her lips, a forlorn attempt to hide the smug grin inscribed on her face. "Before we go, can we talk more about whatever your plan is?" Elias placed his arms on the table.

Aloura swallowed but nodded, "sure, what's up?"

"Talk me through everything. Please."

Aloura watched him for a moment but nodded, she thanked the skies that she had prepared for his questions. She stood from the table and walked to her bag, before spilling the pages on the table. "When's your next fight?" she asked, Elias frowned before answering.


Aloura's breath hitched in her mouth, and the lump in her throat tightened. Aloura pushed through it and blinked rapidly. "And the boss will be there?" Elias nodded again, Aloura looked at him for a moment. "We need to get him in a room." Elias' eyebrows knitted together, and he parted his lips to object, but Aloura was quick to shush him, "You'll be there I promise." When her words did nothing to reassure him, she placed her hand gently on his. "Don't worry Eli. Think about calling Kalian after and telling him the good news."

Elias nodded reluctantly, he trusted her. Aloura carried on, "when we have him in a room, we have to keep him there. Until the authorities come"

"I have the evidence of all the patient confidentiality violations and the fraud." Aloura handed him the sheets, he flicked through them, his heart sinking at his own mother's documents in the pile. "And then" Aloura paused looking around the table for a specific piece of paper. She shuffled the sheets around and picked up the small note with a list of names her mother had written. She handed it to Elias, "we call up and report to both the list."


"My mother said one of them is corrupt and part of the organisation but didn't specify which. By calling both, the odds are in our favour." Elias listened intently, he didn't like the sound of gambling with their life, but this was barely living.

"And then we're free?" Elias' voice mumbled; vulnerability evident in his voice.

"And then we're free." She told him, "I pinkie promise Eli."

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