Chapter Seventeen

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Aloura was situated between Elias' legs, her back pressed against his front as he held the book in her lap as he read aloud to them. Aloura had said she'd gotten breathless from the reading- but they both knew she just wanted to nibble on the cookies whilst listening to Elias.

Aloura would lift her cookie up to Elias' mouth every few minutes, and he'd take a bite, before continuing his reading. Aloura never failed to giggle at the sound of his voice muffled through his filled mouth.

They weren't sure when or why they'd agreed to the arrangement of sharing one cookie every time instead of one each- but neither of them was complaining. Elias thought the cookies tasted almost as good as when his mum had made them- but he agreed it was purely because he was being fed by aroura. "Food fed to me by your hands tastes like heaven" he'd grinned at her after the first time she held the cookie to his lips.

Aloura blushed, and shyly offered him another bite.

"Have you lived in Cambro all your life?" Aloura asked, interrupting Elias from his reading.

Aloura felt Elias' nod from behind her, "what about you?

Aloura nodded too, "I hope to leave someday." I'll follow you.

"When?" Elias mumbled as he pressed his lips on the curve of her neck.

Aloura shivered in rapture, she forced her body to remain still and not push itself further into his embrace. "I'm not sure yet" she whispered, "do you want to leave someday?"

"I want to make a home somewhere- here or far. You just lead the way and I'll follow you" the words brushed past Elias' ajar lips before he could process the weight of them. Aloura smiled and leaned back in his touch. He wants to make a home somewhere, with me.

"What if I want to go to space?" Aloura joked, giggling slightly. Elias' lips tugged up against her neck.

"Then I'll build you a rocket fit for a queen."

Aloura's heart bulged in her chest, almost enough to leave a mark on the outside. She replayed his words again and again in her mind, her heart speeding with every scenario she pictured in her head. Aloura didn't reply, and Elias didn't need her too. He knew how much his words meant to Aloura- and he swore to speak kind to her for the rest of their lives, and to build her a rocket ship if she ever needed it.

Aloura reached her hand back behind her and pressed her hand inro Elias' curls as he opened the book and continued to read out loud. Aloura's eyes fell onto the star in the distance blinking down at them. She giggled in her head, subtly pointing to the boy behind her. Look mama. She wanted to call out.

"What're you doing?" Elias laughed at the girl between his legs, Aloura froze, her face heated up at the fact he'd caught her. She turned around from Elias' hold to face him.

"Do you want to meet my mum?" she smiled at Elias, the question brushing past her plump lips before she could process it, her voice laced with excitement.

Elias' head snapped to Aloura's hopeful gaze; his eyes glistened earnestly. "Yes" he grinned before he could stop himself from answering. He had never met anyone's mum before- all his relationship had been random fucks. He liked it that way. Panic filled Elias as quickly as the sound of his voice died from the air. What if she didn't like him? She'd want someone who's not so messed up as her son in law. Someone like Kaden.

Aloura didn't give him time to back pedal his answer, she turned around, pressing her back into his front before she pointed to the sky. Elias frowned, following her extended finger. "Look"

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