Chapter Twenty Six

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Aloura watched Elias through the valley of her breasts, and between her legs. Her gaze burning into his skin, he looked up at her. He moved over to her face, pressing his middle and ring figures into her mouth. She parted her lips and latched onto them, her eyes holding his through her lashes. Elias groaned at the sight of her. Aloura swirled her tongue on his fingers salvaging on them, before he pulled them out. He pecked her lips and moving back to his place between her parted thighs. "Is this okay?" he asked her, she nodded in response.

Elias nodded and swallowed, pressing his lips around her clit, and his now moist fingers at her entrance. He pushed his fingers gently, pausing as Aloura tensed around him, her hands tangled in his hair. He gave her a moment to readjust with his fingers in her, before pushing the remainder into her, curving his fingers as he retracted and pressed them back in. Aloura's body stiffened, her hands pulled at his hair, and her head now thrown backwards, her body in blissful pleasure.

Elias' tongue swirled and pressed her clit, and Aloura couldn't help the moans that spilled out her mouth. The room now filled with Aloura's wet scent, and Elias could have sworn he was high on it. He sped his fingers inside her, curling them once more and repetitively hitting the spot inside her. Aloura pulled in a lungful of air, her hips suddenly hovering off the bed.

Elias' movements halted, his fingers remained in the girl as he moved the other hand and laid it flat on the girl's stomach, pushing her body down. "What did I say, Aloura?" he asks her, his voice daring. Aloura swallows, she opens her mouth to speak, but Elias' fingers curl inside her again, "hmm?" he asks, the heel of his palm hitting her clit, his movements now faster.

"Don't move my hips off the bed" she moans out, her voice broken and coated in pleasure. Elias nods, his fingers speeding inside her, hitting her g spot retentively. Aloura closes her eyes in pleasure.

Elias clicks his tongue and speeds his fingers inside her once more. "Open your eyes Aloura, I want you to look at me as you cum."

Aloura squeezes her eyes tightly shut before pushing them open, locking them with Elias' who watched her intensely, her thighs tightening around his hand. Elias watched the girl beneath him dissolve into pleasure, trails of fire growing in the pits of Aloura's stomach as she rode his fingers.

Aloura shuddered uncontrollably as sensation of blinding reales filled her core. Elias pressed his lips on hers as she came down from her climax, pulling his fingers from the shaking girl, he pulled down his boxers and used them as lubrication for his own pleasure.

He reached to the nightstand, and pulled a condom out, he looked at Aloura and held it up for her to see, "can I fuck you?" he asks. Aloura's eyes widen at his blazon language, when she doesn't reply, Elias pulls her ear lobe into his mouth, biting gently, "can I fuck you?" he asks again.

Aloura nods, before whispering out a "yes" after realising he'd asked for verbal consent.

Elias once again, watches her for a moment to make sure she was certain. He nods after confirming with himself and placing the corner of the condom package in his mouth, ripping it open, his eyes fall to Aloura's parted thighs, his arousal growing at the sight of her swollen clit.

Elias placed a few strokes on his dick, his eyes latched to Aloura's body, his pace speeding. "you're so fucking mesmerising Aloura" he told her, "So fucking mesmerising."

Aloura blushed at his words, her wetness deepening at the sight of him pleasuring himself over her. "Are you ready baby?" he asked her as he positioned his girth at the slit of her entrance. After she nodded, Elias held his dick her entrance before moving it along the slit of her opening. Gathering all her wetness and spreading it towards her clit before pressing pressure on her bundle of nerves, eliciting a moan from the aroused girl.

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