Chapter Twenty Three

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Elias had noticed a shift in the girl's demeanour, she had become suddenly anxious, and he could practically see her mind spinning through her eyes. But he said nothing and leaned back and cradled her in his arms. Aloura had rested her head on his shoulder, her gaze fixated on the hem of Elias' sleeve. Elias' head rested on Aloura's as they watched the sky silently; too comfortable in the arms of the other to be the first to break the silence.

Aloura swallowed after a while, looking up to Elias with cautious eyes. "I'm scared" she confessed; her voice as timid as the look in her eyes.

Elias frowned, "what're you scared of baby?"

Aloura opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, she stared at Elias for a moment and breathed out. A futile attempt to calm the feelings that bubbled inside her. Elias' heart broke at the sight of the girls' quivering lips. He tightened his hold on her. "Hey, hey. Please don't cry." He kissed her hair, "It kills me to see you like this."

Aloura's breath came out rugged, "He's going to kill me."

Elias scoffed at her words, frowning down at her. "Look at me Aloura" he told her when her eyes refused to meet his. She looked at him. "Do you really think I'm going to let that happen?"

Aloura sniffed and shrugged, too stubborn to admit she felt safe around him. Elias smiled a little, before answering his own question. "I'll set the world aflame before another hair of your head gets touched." He promised her. Aloura sniffed again and looked at him. He smiled at her gently. "I promise."

"I don't have anywhere to go-"

"If I have a place to go, then so do you." His voice firm but reassuring. "It's not much." He warned her, suddenly embarrassed he never bothered to decorate. But Aloura shrugged and smiled at him thankfully, anything was more than nothing.

The journey back to Elias' apartment was long and tiring, mainly because every movement sent a shot of pain through Aloura's body. Elias had offered to carry her, but that's where Aloura drew the line. She appreciated his efforts, but she didn't want to burden him. Afterall, he too was injured.

Aloura stood awkwardly as Elias' anxious hands pressed the key into the lock to open the door. His mind spinning with how messy he had left his house two days ago. He'd rushed to bake Aloura her cookies, and unable to contain his excitement to give them her, he left the dishes as a future him problem. He pushed open the door and motioned for Aloura to enter before him. "Uh" he messed his hair, "I'm sorry for the mess."

Aloura smiled at him gently, "I promise I don't mind. It could be a cardboard and I'd still be thankful."

Elias' tense shoulders fell at Aloura's kind words, he offered her a small smile as they walked further into the apartment. Elias placed the keys on the side table as he slipped his shoes off. He watched Aloura as she scanned his home with curious eyes; lighting up at the picture of him and kalian hung on the wall. "My brother" Elias called from behind her, Aloura turned to him, offering him an invitation with her eyes to tell her more. "He's called Kalian."

Aloura nodded and frowned at the realisation that he wasn't in the apartment, nor could he be with his parents unless he too had died. "Is he dead too?" Aloura's blunt words made them both wince. Her eyes widened as she quickly rushed out an apology. "I didn't mean it-"

Elias laughed, "it's okay. And no, he lives in Italy. It was too dangerous to keep him here."

Aloura frowned, "Why Italy?"

"My dad was half Italian" he explained, his eyes falling to the picture of his parents that hung on the wall.

"Woah" Aloura gasped. "So, you're basically Italian?" Elias' amused eyes fell to the gaping girl.

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