Chapter 8

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I jerk awake scrambling to sit up in bed as I hear banging and someone yelling 'OPEN THE DOOR! I NEED THE WITCH!' Realizing what's happening I whip my head over towards Aden to see him jumping out of bed and throwing on clothes with lightning speed. Once he's dressed rushes to the door but stops in the door frame, turns around and tells me to get dressed and grab what's important. Without even thinking I start doing as he says. I rush to throw on the clothes from yesterday not even worried about clean ones and run around the room with my bag collecting wallets, keys, phone chargers and anything else I can think of until I hear Aden yell my name. Dropping everything I have in my arms I start running towards the front door.

Taking a good look at what's happening in the entry way I stop and let out a loud 'WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?!' The Alpha we saw yesterday is standing a few feet away from Aden and there are two large guys standing in the door, which I'm assuming are members of his pack.

"Sammy, this is Trenton, the Alpha of the Colorado pack. Don't freak out. Just walk over here. It'll be okay." Aden says calmly. I decide to nod my head and comply. Once I reach them I grab Aden's hand and give it a squeeze letting him know I am not comfortable.

"I'm not going to move but I will allow you to let your case be heard by Sammy. Make no mistake, if you try to even lay a finger on her you will be dead before you can blink." With that Trenton nods and Aden looks down at me flashing a wick smile.

"So why exactly did you wake us up at the ass crack of dawn in the rudest way you possibly could?" I say dry staring down Trenton.

"In the simplest way I need your help. I felt your power and strength and knew I needed you on our side."

"What do you exactly mean by 'on our side' because that's a little sus."

"What is 'sus'." The large man wolf dude says dryly who's name is apparently Trenton.

"Do you live under a rock or something? Come on man. It means 'suspicious'."

"Oh, okay. Well it's not 'sus' it's just the truth. There's been an ongoing war between supernatural creatures for a while now. It's occurred in the shadows. This war has been predicted for centuries but no one thought it'd be true. Including myself. That was until I felt the power rolling off of you in waves. In the legend it was said there would be a one of a kind powerful praecantatrix that would rise above and call for peace. I believe that to be you my dear."

"First off, do not call me dear. Like ever again or I will clip your balls like a dog. Second, what in the actual fuck is pre-can-ta-rix thing? Third, why would I ever help you fleabags? You had the audacity to surround us yesterday then come here banging on the door. Yeah helping you? I think not."

"Fair enough ma'am. Now, not to get too technical but we aren't actually related to dogs. We are humans who coexist with a Grey Wolf. So if you could not clip our balls that'd be much appreciated. If the wolves go, ours go. And a praecantatrix is the Latin term for enchantress. Roughly meaning immortal beings gifted with magic. I do apologize for my actions yesterday and this morning as well. When I felt your power I was afraid you had come to kill us all until I saw the Fae protecting you. If you knew who you were you would be the one protecting the Fae. This morning was uncalled for as well. I should have waited for you to wake up and made myself known to you outside. I just didn't want to miss my opportunity to talk with you. As to why you should help us, well that's a little bit more complicated. If you agree I'd like us all to find somewhere to sit for that conversation."

"Okay, this is a lot of information right now. But yes, I am willing to hear you out. You can make yourself comfortable in the living room as long as Aden agrees. If he does, I'd like to talk to him alone while you get situated."

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