Chapter 2

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"So how was training, you two?" Mirajane inquired Gajeel and Levy, who had just entered the guild hall, the latter being carried in Gajeel's arms.

She leaned over the counter with a hopeful expression on her face.

"It was good," Levy answered, smiling.

"You guys are soaked," Mira noted, "what happened?"

"Just a little trip to the beach," Gajeel answered vaguely, as he set Levy down on one of the stools.

"And is there a reason you had to carry Levy in?" she asked Gajeel, quirking an eyebrow.

"She's travel sized," Gajeel replied swiftly, grinning.

"Aw," Mira sighed as if caught in a sweet, romantic imagination, "you two are just adorable."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Levy wondered, folding her arms.

"I'm sure you know what I mean," she wiggled her eyebrows.

A large red flower bloomed on Levy's face, and Gajeel's cheeks blazed slightly pink.

"Aww, you're blushing," Mira giggled, "that's just too cute."

"Wh-whatever," Levy stuttered, trying to play it cool.

She was saved from having to cover herself longer when the doors of the Guild hall burst open and in came a familiar blonde and Pink haired duo, a blue cat with outspread wings hovering above them.

"Welcome back you two," Mirajane greeted them sweetly, "how was the job?"

"Well," Lucy sighed as she sat on a stool, "we were attacked by a demonic cat that shredded up all my clothes," she pulled at the black and orange waistcoat that she now wore, "Natsu had to give me this."

Because of that, Natsu's bare torso and chest was exposed, though he seemed relaxed and nonchalant, with his hands back behind his head.

"I'm sure Natsu got quite the view then," Mira giggled.

Lucy blushed. "Mira!" She whined.

"Pfft," Natsu shrugged, "it's not like it's the first time I've seen her naked."

"Natsu!" Lucy's face burned bright red.

Levy's jaw dropped and she looked to Lucy for an explanation.

"You have now?" Mirajane inquired, a smirk creeping across her face.

"It's not like that!" Lucy waved her arms spastically , "it's just that-"

"I didn't know Salamander and Bunny Girl had a thing." Gajeel jutted.

"We don't," Lucy assured frantically, "I mean it was only a few times and it was out of context."

"How so?" Levy raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, sometimes things happen and my clothes get shredded," Lucy spoke, trying desperately to subdue her blush, "Natsu just always happens to be around, but it means absolutely nothing, trust me."

"If you say so," Mirajane laughed.

"I do!" Lucy snapped.

"Glad I didn't get involved in that," Natsu sighed.

"You could have backed me up a little," Lucy scolded.

"I was just speaking the truth," Natsu defended.

"You're hopeless." Lucy groaned.

Before Nastu could retaliate, the guild doors burst open once again, revealing Gray, towing a beaming Juvia on his back.

"I'm sure you two had a good time," Mira peeped.

"It went pretty well until Juvia slipped on her own water and twisted her ankle," Gray rolled his eyes, "I told you to be more careful."

"I'm so sorry Gray-Sama," Juvia apologized, looking ashamed, "Juvia was only trying to help Gray, but she only made the job harder."

"It's okay," Gray soothed, "we finished the job, and at least you didn't get hurt too bad."

"You're so caring Gray-Sama!" Juvia blushed and looked up at him adoringly as he set her down gently in a chair.

"Wendy," Gray called to the blue haired dragon slayer, "could you fix Juvia's ankle?"

Wendy appeared before them, "Of course."

She smiled gently and gingerly propped up Juvia's swollen ankle, setting to work on performing healing spells for the doe eyed water Mage.

Mira watched the whole scene with shining eyes, and she looked as if she were trying to keep herself from swooning.

To her, something needed to be done to finally get all these oblivious people to finally realize what their feelings were for each other, and she was prepared to go by whatever means necessary to make that possible.

Her eyes searched the room until she located her brother Elfman, who sat a table with Evergreen, who was waving a green fan cooly in her face.

She could sense the tension between the two all the way from where she was.

Yes, it was definitely time to do something.

"Operation 'pair up these idiots' is underway," she spoke quietly to herself, a slightly malicious grin plastering onto her face as she rubbed her hands together, anxiously.

She sped off into the direction of the guild's library, laughing quietly to herself.

"She does know we heard that, right?" Levy looked around at the others.

"She's definitely up to something," Laxus, who just materialized beside them, said, "this could get interesting, probably not in a good way."

Everyone at the counter groaned.

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