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"Here's to all of our happy couples!" Macao cheered, raising his glass high in the air, "hooray!"

"Hooray!" The other guild members cheered in unison.

As you probably would have guessed, a celebration ensued, set up by Mirajane that night of the very same day that they'd all gotten their bodies back, to honor the newest blossoms of love that had sprung.

Mirajane herself celebrated with her own beloved, her new boyfriend but longtime crush, Laxus Dreyer.

Concurrently, Juvia spent the occasion with her boyfriend, Gray Fullbuster, and Lucy with her's, Natsu.

Not to mention Jellal and Erza, who of course, were together.

Most of all, Gajeel and Levy, the tall steel dragon slayer and the small script mage, the tough guy and the gentle girl; they were together.

Gajeel was sure to keep a protective arm around his girlfriend's shoulders, holding her close just as he'd wanted for so long.

"Wow, Mira put this together in like a few hours," Levy remarked, looking around at the lanterns strung around the room with awe.

"The woman probably had the whole thing already planned out," Gajeel scoffed.

"I can actually believe that," Levy agreed.

Gajeel chuckled, "She planned out everything, not even knowing if any of it would work out."

"Mirajane may be a bit extreme on her delusions," Levy said, "but I think she always knew that love just works itself out somehow, as long as it is given a little push."

"So this means we, all of us who switched bodies, were deeply in love?" Gajeel looked down at Levy, "not just a liking, a loving?"

"I already knew I was in love," Levy stated surly, "I've known now for a long time, that the way I felt couldn't have just been a liking, but a loving. I know that when all you want to do is live out your life in another's arms, that when you look at them your heart does flips, that when they speak to you, everyone else in the room disappears and it's only them; yes, that's what happens when you're in love. Every part of you, your entire heart and soul, yearns for that person, and you wish to give it all to them, that's love."

"Then, truly, I am in love," Gajeel bent his head down and kissed Levy's cheek softly.

Levy turned her head and did the same, touching her lips gently to his cheek.

"Aww," a certain water Mage cooed.

They looked to see Juvia, holding on to her boyfriend's arm with a bright smile on her face.

"Juvia is happy to see Gajeel-kun has found love in Levy-chan just as I have with my beloved Gray-sama." she smiled up at Gray, who looked back down at her affectionately.

"Gray-sama is very happy too." he laughed quietly, before giving Juvia a loving peck on the lips.

Levy gave Gajeel a small squeeze and rested her head on his chest as she watched this, grinning happily.

"Isn't this a lovely sight?" Mirajane's sweet voice chimed.

"Oh, hey Mira," Levy waved to her, who neared them, bringing Laxus along with her by their clasped hands.

"I am truly a miracle worker," Mira stated, very pleased with herself, "you guys look adorable."

"So do you guys, Mirajane and Laxus!" Levy crooned, "it's rather funny, I recall seeing something regarding that written in one of Mir's notebooks. It had an interesting name, I believ she called it...Miraxus?"

"What?" Laxus looked to Mirajane, confused.

Mira looked down at the floor, letting her long silver hair to fall in her face, hiding the bright red blush on her cheeks.

"Aww," Laxus chuckled, much to Mirajane's surprise, lifting up her chin, gently bringing her to look up at him, "I think it's cute, just like you."

Mira got up on her toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

At the moment, Jellal and Erza, followed by Natsu and Lucy, joined the couple's circle.

"Ice Princess...Metal head," Natsu started, a smug grin that flashed his pointy teeth appearing on his face.

Gajeel and Gray both clenched their teeth and their fists, preparing for some sarcastic comment or insult.

"Congratulations!" Natsu said cheerily, "I guess we're all lucky tonight, Laxus included. I mean look at the beauty I managed to get." He laughed, throwing an arm around Lucy's shoulders, pulling her close to him.

Levy met eyes with her best friend, and they both smiled and shrugged their shoulders, a message that said, 'they're both weird but at least they're cute.'

Gajeel looked down at his girlfriend quizzically, "What is it shortie?"

"Oh nothing," Levy answered, still smiling.

Gajeel looked over at Lucy, who gave the same silly grin, then back at Levy.


"Hey, where did Mira go?" Gray asked, pointing to the vacant spot that Mirajane had previously occupied just a minute ago, right next to Laxus.

All heads turned, even Laxus looked too, obviously oblivious to Mira's disappearance.

"I think I can answer that question," Lucy chimed, nodding up to the stage, on which Mirajane now stood, a little green bird carrying a microphone in front of her.

"This congratulatory party for our happy new couples has surly been wonderful," her voice blared, "but I can only think of one thing to make the night better," she paused, "a dance! You know you're partner!"

She winked to the group she'd left behind.

Just as commanded, sweet lyrical music had begun to ring.

"This takes me back," Gajeel said, taking Levy's hand and spinning her around, "remember our last waltz?"

She brought her hand up to his shoulder. He put his one hand on her waist and used the other to clasped onto Levy's hand, composing themselves just the way they had that day, beginning their dance.

"I remember how I never even asked you to dance and you grabbed me anyway," she answered, "jealous much?"

"I couldn't just stand and let those cheerleaders dance with you," Gajeel said, "I'm wasn't being jealous, I call it protective."

"Whatever you say," Levy laughed.

"Besides, I got the girl," Gajeel smirked.

"And I got the boy," Levy smiled, resting her head on his chest, moving her arms up to wrap around his neck.

Gajeel wrapped his arms around her in return.

She craned her head to look up at him, "Can you say those words again?" she asked.

Gajeel looked down at her questioningly, but then understood.

"I love you," he stated, very surly, "I love you shrimp."

"I just wanted to hear it again," Levy smiled, "so I can say that I love you, too."

"And don't plan on that ever changing," Gajeel said, before placing a much longer, more passionate and loving kiss on her lips than before.

Love Changes Everything-Gajeel x LevyWhere stories live. Discover now