Chapter 13

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"So, why did Mira send us out here again?" a tattooed man, his gaze fixed on a familiar red-headed Fairy,
asked quizzically.

"She wants us, evidently, to spy on Gajeel and Levy as they go on their date," the Fairy, Titania Erza, answered simply.

The two followed the said couple at a fair distance as they walked through the field, towards their destination on the beach.

"Don't you feel like we're intruding?" Jellal, the man with the tattoo on his face, inquired, the breeze blowing wisps of his blue hair from his eyes.

"It's very sweet that you care," Erza smiled, gently putting her hand on his shoulder, "but it's not really intruding, as long as we keep our distance."

"Yeah but-" Jellal started.

"It's okay, just one date," Erza stated, "we just need to make sure they actually come through."

"Okay, okay," Jellal sighed, shaking his head.

"I never knew you cared so much about things like this," Erza looked up at him, "young love, going out on dates..."

"I just think it's..." he paused for a moment, "I just think it's sweet."


"Pardon me for just believing in the beauty and sweetness of love," Jellal put a hand on his heart.

"I like this side of you," Erza spoke, gently stroking his cheekbone with her thumb, "it's adorable."

"Hmm, you think so?" Jellal smirked and gave a small chuckle, moving his face in closer to Erza's.

But just as their lips came to the moment of touching, drops of water started to fall down on them.

"Rain!" Erza squeaked.

"Come on, under the tree," Jellal held up his long overcoat and ushered Erza to duck under its small canopy.

Erza hugged his waist as the two ran into the forested area, under a large tree that provided them protection from the rain.

About twenty yards away Gajeel and Levy similarly took shelter under a large tree, a giant cherry blossom.

"Here, climb up, we don't want to be seen," Jellal held Erza's hips as he helped her mount the tree and climb up,(using his best efforts to resist looking up her skirt.)

He got up after her and the two sat on a large branch, with a clear view of the other couple.

"Guess a date on the beach is out of the question now," Erza remarked.

"That rain just came out of nowhere," Jellal nodded.

"Well, I guess we're stuck here until the rain stops," Erza concluded, "however long that may be."

"So, what would you like to do?" Jellal asked, smirking, placing his warm hands around Erza's waist, moving even closer.

"Well, I have a few things in mind," Erza traced circles with her finger on Jellal's broad chest, "but I would really like to continue what we were doing earlier."

"I certainly wouldn't mind that," Jellal said quietly, before claiming her mouth with his, kissing her, with full force and passion, just the same as she kissed back.

It had quickly turned into what seemed like an everlasting match of lips and saliva and a fight for dominance with their tongues.

It lasted several moments, moments of pleasure and bliss, but as Erza's eyes traveled open for a second, she spotted the other couple, mimicking their current action.

She broke away.

"Look, it's Gajeel and Levy," Erza pointed at the kissing couple, her mouth agape.

"Well look at that," Jellal grinned.

"And the rain cleared up," Erza looked up at the clear blue skies.

"That was fast," Jellal remarked.

"I guess we can report back to Mirajane."

"I think Mira can wait," Jellal said, "lets just enjoy the moment for now."

"To commend theirs," she glanced down at Gajeel and Levy, who looked at each other with eyes full of glee and love, "and our happy relationship."

"May all our love be everlasting," Jellal called out and a little to loudly to the heavens above.

"Yes, everlasting," Erza wrapped her arms around his neck.

They kissed again, this time a little more gently, but still blazing with passion and love.

'Yes, Love,' Jellal mused, 'this is love, this is what love means...'

Love, the most incredible and interesting thing.
Love, the most confusing and befuddling thing.
Love, the most exciting and uncertain thing.
Love, the most wonderful and beautiful thing.
Love, the one thing we can't live without.
Love, the thing that changes us all for the better.

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