Chapter 3

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"Okay," Mira said to herself as she ruffled through the many books and papers in the Library, searching desperately for the perfect desire, that would fulfill her wishes.

"Their problem is that they are too afraid to say anything, they'll never confess," she droned, pushing the ladder over and climbing up, searching the higher shelves.

She skimmed the row for a period, before plucking a book from the shelf, flicking her way through the pages.

"A love potion," she examined a page, "no," she shook her head, decidedly, "I don't want to force them, they have to lift the feelings up for themselves."

She tossed the book carelessly over her shoulder, and continued searching the shelves vigorously.

She stopped and plucked out another book, a book of spells. She once more skimmed over the pages as she flipped through them.

"Ooh!" she squealed, a little to loudly as she stopped at a page, "this could make things interesting! I know I've seen something like this before. Oh well, this will work nicely," she grinned, "and the spell doesn't reverse until their true feelings are confessed!"

She laughed, "Time to switch things up a little bit."


"Mira has been back there for a long time now," Lucy spoke up, drumming her fingers on the countertop, her face rested in her head boredly, "I'm starting to get worried."

"I'm sure Mira is fine," Laxus assured.

"I'm not worried about her," Lucy corrected, "I'm worried about us, what do you think she's planning? I was listening outside the door and all I heard was her squealing nonsense, about love, and 'breeding.'"
"What does that even mean?" Gajeel inquired.

"With Mirajane, who knows what," Gray retorted, stirring his drink with a straw.

"I think I'll wait and find out tomorrow," Lucy sighed, "I'm going home."

"Can I go with?" Natsu asked excitedly.

"Can't I spend one night in my bed alone, without you turning up?" Lucy whined.

"Nope," Natsu answered, flashing her a toothy grin.

"Alright then, it's not like I can stop you anyway," Lucy gave in, hesitantly.

She and Natsu left, leaving just Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, and Laxus in the guild hall.

"Shrimp," Gajeel whispered to Levy, who was laying with her head in her arms on the countertop, her eyes closed.

"Shrimp," he spoke again, more insistently, gently tapping her shoulder.

"Hmm," Levy peered up at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Don't you want to go home?" he leaned over, laying his head down beside her's.

She shook her head slowly.

"Come on shortie," he put his hand on her back, "I'll walk with you."

She sat up slowly, giving out a little yawn, "Okay."

She stood up, letting Gajeel guide her out of the hall gently, his hand locked in her's.


"Do I need to carry you again?" Gajeel asked Levy, "you're practically asleep."

Levy gave no reply, but just sighed and snuggled closer to his chest, letting her eyelids droop and close.

Th sun had already set by now, and the two were walking the path back to Fairy Hills.

Though Levy wasn't really walking. She was barely awake enough to keep her feet moving at a slow pace.

She leaned against Gajeel's chest and he kept his arm around her to keep her moving, she was, as he had previously noted, practically asleep.

"Mmm, you're warm," she murmured as she nuzzled her face into his chest.

"Uh, thank you," he chuckled, "you must be really tired, like a sleepy little kitten."

She just yawned.

Gajeel continued to walk the path with Levy, until they came up to the girl's house in Fairy Hills.

As they stepped up to the porch, Gajeel couldn't help but feel a little saddened that their walk had ended.

The small girl hadn't uttered a word throughout their walk, but soemhow, Gajeel felt pleased just being near her.

When he kept his arm around her, it felt like she'd never leave, like he could hold her with him forever, and she to him, like they were puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

But Levy was tired, so in her best interest he released his arm from around her.

"Goodnight shrimp," he said softly, and he dared to bend down to kiss the top of her head.

She finally opened her eyes and murmured the farewell back to him and gave a small nod. Then she opened the door and went inside.

He stayed there for a moment, waiting until he saw her give a small wave from her window and turn the lights off, then he took off back to his house, where he had a lot of things to ponder over with himself.

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