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Damien's driver takes me and the puppies home, the whole car ride is spent silent. I spend the whole car ride analyzing what happened between us. Even now as I cook myself some dinner, my mind continues to go over what happened last night and this morning. I can't help the uneasy feeling when I think about how dismissive he was of me this morning. I thought he had enjoyed himself, did he not? Was this all he wanted from me? Am I overreacting? Yes I needed to leave this morning anyway, but that's not the point. The point is he got what he wanted then tossed me away. He put me in a car and sent me away, without even having the decency to take my phone number. My confusion slowly turns to anger. I'm not necessarily angry at him for pushing me away because the sensible part of me understands. What was I to expect? We are from different counties. I am angry that he treated me as if I was disposable, not even worthy of saying goodbye. I was just a fuck toy for his own amusement. Fuck you, Damien. If all you wanted was some company then fine, but at least have the balls to say to my face that you are done with me.

My thoughts are disrupted when the smell of burning reaches my nostrils. "Fuck!" I remove the burnt chicken from the stove and sigh in defeat. Not wanting to start over with cooking, I slip on my shoes and head out, intent on finding a restaurant.

It's a gorgeous evening as I walk through the city. A slight breeze blows through my hair. The smell of food hits my nostrils and makes my mouth water. I end up stopping at the first place I find that is closest to the villa. Luckily for me it's not crowded at this time and I am seated immediately. I am looking over the menu when the waitress comes over. She quickly introduces herself as Isabella and tells me her favorites off the menu. Since the restaurant isn't busy, she spends more time talking with me. She starts by asking why I am visiting, and what I have seen so far, making small talk. It's not long before she ends up sitting in the chair across from me as we continue our conversation. She tells me more places to visit, places tourists usually don't think to visit. I find myself liking Isabella, finding her authentic and enjoying her company. She is about my age and I can honestly see us becoming friends. By the end of the meal, we exchange numbers and promise to see each other soon as she volunteers to show me more of her home city. I go home feeling lighter, proud of myself for making a new friend in this new city.


Several days go by and I don't hear from Damien, not that I really expected too. But you know what? Fuck him. I came here for myself, not to meet some guy. I am here for me, and as a tribute to my parents.

I have spent everyday with Isabella. Some of them with her showing me more local tourist attractions, some of them just hanging out at my villa watching TV and playing with the dogs. Other days we would sit outside and drink wine together, gossiping and sharing stories. Even though I've only known her for a few days, I find myself saddened at the thought of leaving her. I'm only here for one month, which means I barely have a little more than two weeks left here.

Tonight Isabella is taking me to a local club. I have spent my days at tourists attractions, so I'm excited to see the city at night when it comes alive. She tells me it's the usual hot spot full of attractive men. Not only am I excited to go out with her, but I also need some fun. Also, I'm not objected to having fun with a guy if I meet one. I wouldn't mind meeting someone to help me forget about the last man I met here.

Isabella and I spend the evening getting ready, my auburn hair in loose waves in contrast to her black hair which is straight. My make up is smokey, making my dark blue eyes pop. My red lipstick completes the look, making me appear sultry. Isabella brought over a little black dress for me, insisting I wear it. I am slightly bustier than Isabella, but I manage to fit in the dress, it basically becoming like a second skin. The dress shows off a decent amount of cleavage, my strapless bra pushing my breasts up. The dress is short, just covering all my parts that need to be covered. The red heels I slip on give the appearance that my legs are much longer than they actually are. I don't recognize myself in the mirror, seeing a sexy, wild woman looking back at me. I'm excited to be this woman tonight. I've spent so much of the last several years taking care of my mom, the finances, and working, that I haven't really lived. I plan on fixing that tonight. I want to see what it's like to live, to let loose, to be wild.

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