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Are you scared?....i hear a voice from behind me!...i turned around and sighed in relief when i saw he is my bestfriend ken...i ran towards him and hugged him!...what happened?...you are behaving like yoi saw a vampire!....he said as he chuckled and i just looked at him!...i wanted to tell him about what happened some minutes ago but words aren't coming from my mouth!... let's go!... let's have coffee!..he said as i looked at my watch!.. it's a bit late i should go home ken!...we will talk tomorrow!..i said as i saw his disappointed face!..

Ken is my childhood bestfriend!..he is my father's friend' son!...they both were business partners and friends!..so ken used to come our house usually!..but we never talk friendly!..just a casual "hi" and"hello" but later on when i was 5 my parents got into an accident!!..after that i lived with his parents!..we went to same school!.. that's how we become close with each other!..his parents sent him to another country for higher studies!..and i also start working part time and buy my own apartment!...

I come so fast just to meet you and you are saying no!.. let's go my house!..or your house!..what do you say?....he asked and i just nodded in agreement it's better to go anyone of the house instead of go to coffee shop at this hour and specially what did i just saw some time ago!.. let's go!..my house!.. it's not too far from Here!...i said as we both start walking towards my house!..but something is different!..i don't know why!..my mind was still thinking about what happened that time!

Are you ok?..what are you thinking about?!....ken asked as i looked at him and said nothing in a low voice!...
Here!...we went inside my house!..as i made him sit on the couch!...be comfortable ken!.. lemme just go and make coffee for both of us!..i said and walked towards the kitchen and start making coffee!..
After some time!..
Here is your coffee!..you wanna watch movie?..i asked as he nod and smiled at me!... weird because he isn't that type of person who smile so easily!..but anyways I just shrugged it off!...

Btw y/n..tell me what happened with you?...you were so scared when i saw you there on the street!..did something happened with you?!... Ken asked with a concern face as i told him everything!...oh!...y/n can you bring me some cookies!.. it was weird how he suddenly changed the topic but anyways i nod and went to take cookies!...i came back and saw there is no one!....ken where are you?...i said there is no response!..did he leave already?....but cookies?.....But then i thought to call him!..like why he suddenly leave like that!..i pick my phone and call but he isn't even picking up my call!...maybe it's something important!..i thought and went to sleep!...

She saw it!...now what we will do!...
??: It's ok!.. I'll talk with her!.. nothing will happen!...
Yeah better!...just remember i want her here!.. whatever happens just take her here!..
As you say!...*he bowed and left*

Ana: y/n..you didn't pick up my call yesterday!.. everything fine na!...
She asked as i just smiled and nodded my head as yes!... I'll go now!..i have to leave for work now!..today we actually have lot's of work to do!..so I'll call you later!...i said to ana as i run towards a taxi!...
Y/n.. fast there are Lot's of customers!...
He said as i nodded my head and went to change my dress!...i was coming back from there just when i saw that man!..that hoddie one from yesterday!.. I'm not believing my eyes!..he is so strange i want to ask him what he was doing yesterday with that man!..i was going towards him when kris stopped me!...y/n can you pass me that sauce and pls give this food on table 13!... He said as i looked outside and saw that man was gone now!...i cursed myself in my mind and take the plate!...

Y/n!.. someone is there to meet you!..kris said as i went their and saw ken with a wide smile on his face!..
Hey!..you are so busy i see!?... Ken said!... yeah a little why what happened?.... I asked.. nothing!..i saw a place which is too beautiful!..and i wanted to take you there!... He said but i remember i have to work a little late today!... I'm sorry ken maybe i have to work late!.. i said as i saw a little disappointed on his face.. it's ok!.. I'll wait for you!.. finish it!..and we will go there together!... He said as i nodded with a smile but something was strange he changed a lot ken isn't a very jolly nature person he is a kind of cold person and i don't know why he is behaving like that....

He lived in another country so maybe that's he is a little changed now!...i thought and start doing my work!..
At 10:45!!...
Finally it's done!..ken you must be tired right!?.. I'm sorry i have to let you wait like that!...i said with a apologitic look!....nahh it's ok y/n-ah!. let's go now!..i searched a lot about that place!... He said as i nodded we went towards his car as i sit inside he start driving!... It's already 11:15...when we will be here!...i asked as i was being impatient about that place!... He hear him chuckled a little!... Just wait a min!...
After some time we went there as i saw a long way in front of me and if seems little scary!...is it beautiful?...i said to ken and he just laugh!... first let's go inside princess!... My heart take a flip when he called me that!..i don't know what was into me i start following him!..this forest really is scary!...i stumble a little when i saw my shoe lace was open!..i tied it and look up to saw there is no one in front of me!....wtf!...did i get lost!..ahhh sh*t
..why did i stopped in between i should've stop ken!...i thought as i start walking!... Ken!!...where are you??!... I said i hear no response as i keep walking!...

I looked at my phone and saw it's going to be dead now!..and it's already 11:55!...oh my!... I'm scared wtf!..mummaa!..save meee!!!...i screamed internally!...i keep walking now my phone is also dead i can't even turn on the light!...just when i saw a house in front of me!...it was looking creepy but it was so big!..

it was looking creepy but it was so big!

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   So what do you guys think about ken?..who is he?...tell me your thoughts!...

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