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Where the hell she is??....all of them panicked!!
You know that...she is in danger now!...jin said making all of them more panick!...
She didn't went too far from here!.. let's find her!!... jungkook said as they all nodded and went out!!...

I don't even know where I'm going!.. I'm just running straight from past 10 mins!....i hope no one come here and i need to find that road so i can ask someone for help!...
*What?...she ran from the Mansion?...
*Yes!.... now It's more easy for us to take her!! As now those vampires aren't around her to protect her!...
*Great!!...go take that girl here!..

Y/n keep running as there is no sign of road... only forest!..she wants to run from here before the sunset!..then she realise!!...she forgot her mobile there!..she don't have her mobile with her!...she stopped as she checked her phone in her jeans pocket!..but no there wasn't it...she sigh heavily and keep running!...

Jimin: did you find her?...
NJ: not yet!...
Suga: let's go on different directions!!...he suggest as they all went on different directions!!...
I keep running but then i feel like someone is behind me...i slowly turned around but there was no one!...
I shrugged it off and keep running forward!...but the feeling that someone is behind me is still there...i fastly turned around one more time...but no one...i start walking forward as i see a man standing near the tree his back is facing me so i didn't saw his face...i just keep walking ignoring him!..

*After some time*
It's already night i don't have any torch or something with me...and I'm getting vibes like someone is behind me idk it's just I'm hallucinating or it's really someone.. because after what i just in that mansion it's normal if i say that there will be more aliens i mean some other kind of creatures in this forest!...I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my leg as i fell down!...i yelp in pain and touch my leg where i was feeling pain!... it's bleeding how?...i try to get up but failed!...and not so late i hear some voices...that someone is coming towards me...i look towards that direction it was so dark that I'm not able to see who is it!..
W-who is there?...i again try to get up but it's impossible!..

But then i see him... it's a man i can't able to see his face...i saw him...as his getting close to me..i can see his nails and hand aren't like normal human!...he was going to hold my neck as i hear another voice from my right side...the only thing i remember before passing out is... two ppls are fighting with each other...the person who came from my right is beating the another one.....
To be continue......

Hii!...first of all thanku so much for 200+ readings 💗!!..this means a lot!!....and sorry for the delay!..
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