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I woke up feeling a sharp pain in my head as well as my leg..i feel like I'm not able to move it!..i look around..wait this place is quite familiar!...i look at the window wait.. I'm in that mansion..but how?..i ran from here..how did i get back here?..i start thinking as i again feel a pain in my head...oh are you ok?..i look towards the door seeing jin standing there!...i started to get up but he was fast enough to help me...it feels like he just flyed from the door to my bed...
Y/n: h-how-..
Jin: i know you have lot's of questions but we will answer them later...first of all..why did you run like that y/n..you know how worried we were!..he says as i look at him in shocked...
Worried for me?.. aren't they all talking about killing me some hours ago?..
You are awake!..i look up to see hoseok and namjoon standing there!..

Namjoon: how are you feeling?..are you ok?..is your head paining?..
I don't know what to do!!...what should i tell them?..can i trust them?..
NJ: you can trust us y/n!...he says as i look up with wide eyes!..oh shit i forgot they aren't Normal..so that means they are gonna read my mind anytime?...
NJ: no!..we will read your mind when we want!...
Y/n: what the-... before i can speak more jin putted his index finger on my lips!...
Jin: language y/n!...he says woah!..he look serious?.. just because of a cursing word....
Y/n: ok eomma!...i says as i hear them laugh!...for the first time...they aren't scary as they seem...
Jin: yahh!!... I'm not eomma!..behave y/n!..
Hoseok: yah hyung!..why are you yelling at this poor girl...let her rest!.. hoseok said as all of them laugh and i just look down!...
NJ: I'll go tell others that you are awake now!..they all were worried!..he says as he walked out of the room!..
I'll go make something for you..you must be hungry right?..jin said as he and hoseok also went from here!..
Wait but who tf saved me?..who was that person...he doesn't seem human tbh!..wait hahahaha i feel like I'm in this shit for forever now!!..

After some time the door wide open as jimin came inside with the tray in his hands as he looked at y/n who is sleeping....hyung said she woke up!..he thought as he went towards the table and put the tray there...
Y/n open her eyes slowly when she hear the sudden sound... Who?-..she said as she sit straight!...oh-... it's me!..jimin said as he walked towards her...she sighed...you scared me...y/n said as he just Chuckles.. anyways eat something...he take the tray and give her....she ate the food and put the tray back on the table...uhm...jimin!..she called him as ge turned around...yeah?....he asked as he walked towards her....

Who saved me?...and who was that person in the forest ...it was so dark i was unable to saw his face...she asked as she looked at him waiting for an answer... taehyung!...he..he saved you!..we were on the other side we all were finding you..and thankfully he saw you there and saved you on the time...he said as she nodded her head....for the first time i saw him this worried..he mumbled.... did you say something?
..y/n asked as he move her head as no...and y/n..it was a misunderstanding...i mean you didn't have to run like that...he says and looked at her who was just looking at the blanket...*sigh*....rest well!.. I'll go now!..he left the room!..

After some time...
Y/n was sitting on the bed bored....she was just staring at the window...so she thought to take a walk and even thank taehyung!...
She went out of her room...and walk downstairs there is no one here...so she start walking towards the library...she went there as she looked around...woah!.. it's so cool!...she keep walking while looking at the books...as one of the book fall because of her elbow...who is there?...she hear a voice...

*Tae pov*
I was reading abt something as i hear a noice from the other side of the library....who is there?....i asked as i walked there...and saw y/n standing there with wide eyes...hey!..what are you doing here?..are you ok?..did something happened?...i asked as she calm down a little!...i-i was just finding you...she said as she smiled awkwardly...
A smile form on his face...as he turned around not wanted to show this to her...
Uhm... tae?...she asked.. what?.. he says as he keep walking towards a book shelf...while y/n is walking behind him...thanku for saving me.. she said slowly but loud enough for him to listen!..

It's ok!..he turned around suddenly making y/n stumble on her own legs as she fall behind but he was fast enough to hold her by her waist....she closed her eyes tightly as he was just looking at her....cute!..he thinks but when he realise what did he just thought...he leave her waist causing her to fall on the ground...ouch!!..she yelp in pain and give him a death glare..
Th: what?..who told you to fall?..
Y/n: who told you turned around that suddenly... it's because of you..she says while getting up...he suddenly laugh making y/n look at him more angrily.. now what is funny?...she asked....as he stop laughing but laugh again....your face...he says as he keep laughing...

She didn't realise that she was just looking at him continuously without even blinking....
Stop looking at me like that...you look creep...he says making y/n curse herself mentally...
Y/n: whatever...she says as she walked out of the library....
What was that feeling?...

Hello besties 💜...hope you are liking it...if there is any questions regarding this book you can dm me on my insta....it's @/ggukfcz... Well what do you think abt y/n and taehyung?!...

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