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...this is a golden chance for us!..i want that girl here!!...it will be easy for us...
??: Yes boss!...they aren't letting her go outside of the Mansion!..we have to call her outside!
Yeah do whatever you want but remember i want that girl here!..
??: As you say *he bowed and went from here*
I woke up as i look around then i remember i was going to open this window but i was just too scared of him that i fall asleep without any second thought!....i need to get out from here!...i can't stay here!...she said as someone knock on her door!...
Come eat something y/n!...jimin said as y/n nodded and went down!...
How can you guys eat human food?..she asked as they all looked at her!...
Jin : *Chuckle*... it's a secret!...he said as y/n looked at the plate in front of her with a disgusting look!...
Jin: don't worry!...your food has nothing!..
Suga: yeah because we will drink your blood anyways!...
Y/n glup down the water in just one go after listening this!...
After some time y/n went upstairs in her room!...as they all were together in a room!..

*Then we need to protect her!...
*Why would we?..she came here coz she wanted to it's not our problem anyways!...
*Remember she didn't come here because she wanted it...hoseok said looking towards taehyung!
*It's not my concern...it was her mistake that she saw me there...nd it's final that she will gonna tell about that to someone...so I called her here...
*So what kill her?...
Everyone stopped as they looked behind yoongi...y/n standing there with her wide eyes she knows that they are vampires they will kill her forsure but listening this from themselves she got more shocked as she run inside her room without any second thought!..

Hoseok: sh*t!!...
Y/n went inside her room as some tears fall from her eyes!...she wanted to run from here but she didn't.. because after living with them from a little long time she get attached to them!...but after listening this she knew whatever feeling she have...she needs to run if she wants to save her life!...
Don't forget y/n that they are vampires!!...she thought as she get up and open the window!...she took out Stool as she get up on it and look outside!...
Oh god!... it's so high!... I'm scared of heights!!...but anyways!...she tied a cloth on the window and jump from it!...she got a little bit hurt!!..but she just run from there...

Jungkook: she is hurt?....
Hoseok: ofcourse she is!...and you know if she get out of this mansion her life is in danger!...
Suga: so it doesn't mean her life isn't in danger here?...i mean we're here too!..
Namjoon: you know that we're not going to hurt her!...
Seokjin: SHUT UP Y'ALL!!!.... I'm going in her room!...he said as he walked from there!!...y/n open the door!.... He knocked!..but no response!... Y/n open the door!!!!... He said again but still no response!!..
Taehyung: what happened?!...
Sj: she isn't opening the door!..now what?...
Tae didn't wait any second and break the door!....
Tae: yah-...he said but soon stopped as he looked the whole room is empty there is no sign of y/n!...the window is open and a stool in front of it!..a cloth is tied from the window!...

Idk what trash I'm writing!🥲..but still is it good?...

Vampire diaries!!..(bts ver.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now