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She keep running...and the voice was start coming closer ken where are you!!...she yelled no response as she keep running.. suddenly she feel sudden pain in her chest as she start breathing heavily....she look at the pendant it was glowing red... nothing will happen to you until you wear this!..suga's words were in her mind...

Where is she???.... taehyung yelled in frustration!...
I don't know...i told her to come down...the younger one said making all of them sigh...
Calm down!...she did wear that pendant...we will get to know where she is and no one will dare to hurt her until she have that!..suga said as all of them nodded...
*Tae pov*
Where are you y/n?!... don't you know it's dangerous there...
He is on the verge of crying...he don't know where are you?...why did you go there..he just want you here right in front of him... I'm going to find her.. taehyung said as he went from there...

Y/n keep running as there was Lot's of trees and all...her necklace got stuck in one of them..as she pulled back...
Ouch...aishhh..she open the pendant and run from there... little she didn't know that she did the biggest mistake just now....she left the pendant there when she knew that she isn't safe...
She stopped in front of a mansion as voice of ken stopped....are you here ken!?...she touched the door as it suddenly open..y/n backed off a little..

She walk inside as the door of the mansion closed making her flinch...ken-...she said as she walk further..... finally you are here princess....a deep scary voice came from behind as she look back....his eyes were green....he looked scary so scary.....w-who are y-you?....she said as she keep backing off.... Don't get scared....you are that human right...those vampire's weakness...he said as he keep walking towards her...now I'll call them here....she remembered vampires...means them...n-no.. don't do anything to them!..what do you want?..who are you?...

Such a caring girl you are...but you know that they are vampires right?..they can kill you right at the moment....he said as y/n shaked her head as no...they Aren't like this...who is he?...TAKE HER!!!...he yelled as two women come and hold her hands and started to drag her in a room.... Hey!..who are you?..where are you taking me!!... she screams as she started to move to get out from their.. grip but no use..

Where the hell did she went?!!
..the older one said...as they all stopped and look around for y/n!...h-hyung.. isn't this that pendant!?... namjoon said as they all look towards where he is pointing...he is right.. it's y/n's pendant....
Wth!....she!...her life is in danger hyung!!... taehyung yelled...
Calm down!...we we're right they got to know about her....if her pendant is here she didn't went so far from here i guess....hoseok said as they all nodded.... taehyung just
walk further and saw a Mansion...
She is here!...he said as the older one look at him....
How do you know?...jimin asked
I just know!....he said...
There was all silence...
They are werewolves!...suga said while looking all of them...they all were looking each other fear was visible on there face....

Everyone knows werewolves can kill vampires....no matter how strong they are....
I don't care!..i just want to save y/n!... taehyung said as all of them look at him..they all knew from the starting he likes her..or more than just like her...it is the first time he loves someone that much...so they all just sighed and nodded...

*In the mansion*
Y/n was sitting in the room which was on the top floor...there was no window no light just some candels...she was shivering in cold...as the door opened....she looked at the person's face...Ken?..ken is this you?!.. finally you are here...she said as she hugged him and start crying...but soon stopped when she hear him laughing...he was laughing like a maniac...
She looked at his face...no it can't be...
Do you think I'm ken?..aww no sweety!.... I'm one of the werewolves....he yelled as she backed of  tears started to fall from her eyes...t-then ken?....she asked while her voice is also shivering..her whole body is trembling in fear...for the first time in her whole life she felt so lifeless....
There was no ken!!...that day the guy who was taking you there was one of the person work for that vampire...he bought you there because it was their plan to kill you!.... remember you saw someone there at that night on the road that helpless man who was begging for his life....from that night...you life changed....he says as y/n's whole world crash in front of her...but why I'm reacting?..i knew they will kill me that's why i ran from there but soon i get to know they aren't going to kill me...LEAVE ME!!...she yelled with whole anger....

Not soon!..let them come here...let them die specially that taehyung...you love him right?.
.he says as y/n's heart skips a beat...she never realise she started to love him until now... don't you dare!she said as he chuckled....why?..what will you do Little human?..he says as y/n stopped she knows she can't do anything....now see him die..in front of your eyes!....

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