chapter 17

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A months had passed since that confession, and Taehyung began to court him. He took Jimin on dates when he had free time, and they occasionally went on vacation with their friends.

While Jimin was unaware of Jin and Namjoon's relationship, Hoseok began courting Yoongi, and Jungkook being Jungkook.

Taehyung was now in his office, planning to take Jimin out today and ask him to be his boyfriend in order to be officially his.

Taehyung finds his phone and calls Jimin right away, despite the fact that he had to wait for a few seconds for the call to be answered.

Taehyung said, "Hey kitten," as he heard shuffling sounds.

"Hello Taetae, why did you call?" Jimin yawned softly.

Taehyung chuckled as he heard Jimin yawn and said, "Be ready later at 6 p.m., I'm taking you out on a date, okay?"

"Hmm, taetae, can I now go back to sleep? I was sleeping when you called."

Taehyung laughed and nodded, saying, "OK, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep. Bye kitten, see you later."

"Bye byeee," Jimin said as he hung up the phone.

Taehyung began to do things in his office as soon as the call ended, mumbling a small goodluck.


Time skip (5:30 p.m.)

Jimin examined himself in the mirror, checking his outfit, which consisted of a baby blue sweater/cardigan sweater, a white t-shirt, and black pants.

Jimin is relieved that Taehyung will take him out on a date again; he enjoys it when Taehyung spends time with him because it strengthens their bond.

Taehyung was waiting for Jimin when he heard a car honk. Jimin double-checks himself one last time before sprinting towards the main door and opening it.

He notices Taehyung holding a white rose as he closes the door and walks towards him.

"Hey kitten, you look pretty," Taehyung said as he stared at him, kissed his cheeks, and handed him the white rose.

Jimin laughed and said, "You too, Taehyungie, shall we go now?" Taehyung laughed and nodded.

Taehyung started the car as they got into it and drove away from home.

"Taehyung, where are we going?" Jimin inquires as he peers out the window.

"Hmm, you'll see," Taehyung replied as he pressed his right hand against Jimin's thighs, causing Jimin to slap it.

"Yah! Don't you dare to squeeze!" Jimin exclaimed, glaring at Taehyung.

Taehyung smirked and moved his hand up, making Jimin squirm.

"Taehyung," he threatens, but Taehyung just laughs.

Taehyung informed as he parked his car  , "We're here"

Jimin got out and looked around. They were on the beach, and children were running around. Couples and families were also enjoying themselves. Turning his back, he noticed Taehyung walking towards him.

"Let's go, shall we?" says Jimin as he drags him to the beach.

"What brings us here, Taehyung?" Jimin inquired as they sat hand in hand in the beach.

"Hmm, I had something I wanted to tell you, but I'll tell you later."

They are both at ease with each other, watching folks be joyful and expecting that both of them would be happy after this.

Taehyung stands up, causing Jimin to gaze at him, perplexed, "what are you doing?"

"Wait here, I'll get something," Taehyung said as he ran back to the car to get the flowers. As he got them, he poked his pocket to feel the small box and then ran back to Jimin, who was waiting.

" Jimin, I'm terrible with words, but I really need to tell you this." He said this while glancing at Jimin and made him stand up.

"What exactly is it?" Jimin asks why he suddenly feels scared about this and he doesn't know why Taehyung suddenly gives him the roses he's been holding and he gradually accepts it.

"Jimin, we've known each other for months now, and I'm so glad you came into my life by turning up in the alley with that cat in your arms." Taehyung expressed his apprehension. "Thank you for being the light in my otherwise dark existence, for believing in me, and for always being there for me. Jimin-ah, you're the sweetest boy I've ever seen. You're so precious and pretty. And I promise to protect you regardless of what happens, so Park Jimin, will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung remarked this as he looked at Jimin, who was crying at the time.

Jimin was moved by Taehyung's words; he couldn't believe he wanted him to be his boyfriend; he couldn't believe someone would love him for who he was.

Jimin looked at Taehyung, who was patiently waiting for his response, and noticed that people were now watching them, with some saying that he should say yes.

Jimin smiled broadly as he looked at Taehyung, then jumped on him, throwing his arms and legs around him and laughing slightly as Taehyung tightened his grip on him so he wouldn't fall.

"You're a moron! Of course, the answer is yes! Kim Taehyung, I want to be your boyfriend." Jimin stated that when he looked at Taehyung, he slowly leaned in to kiss his lips.


Hello everyone! So this is it the update ksksks. Sorry for taking so long!

Was this chapter is okay? Too boring is it? HAHAHAHAHHA I'LL APPRECIATE IF SOMEONE COMMENT AT THISSSS:))

Tell me if this story is getting boringggggg:((

Btw, see u in the next chapter☁️

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