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My birthday is tmmr , 17th so this chapter has all my motivation mushed in for you guys.
( This fic would maybe come out on the 18th).

Day three has started.

Rengoku rises from his bed. He looks for Kezio but she is no where to be seen. Surely. Surely im not far from civilisation. Rengoku had been thinking about all the possibilities to where he is at now. If i don't figure out soon i might not be able to get out. I might have to resort to committing seppuku. He'd rather do Harakiri than live his life stuck with her. It seemed selfish to him at first but then he also told himself to not live this lie.

As he walked around the barrier he found out that only dirt , water and stone had no effect on this horrifying barrier. The rest just dicentegrates into nothing. As he was done scouting the area he sat down infront of the house on the hill awating for his captor's arival. Till then he watches as the sunfalls and the moon slowly rise. He hopes that when the darkness consumes him , Akaza would rise and save him from it all. Only the sun being his only weakness, he hopes he is doing well during his battle to find his lost lover.


Akaza had sworn he heard Rengoku's Cries. Mitsuri too. They were headed for another village to restock on blood. Heading onwards from the souh trail , Both of them have yet to stumble upon any signs of Remgoku. The lack of progress is worrying them. Mitsuri had sent a crow to The Crew asking for any progress. Both of them hope at least one of them has a trail. No matter how little it can be , every small info about him is precious to them.



Another crow hovers above Kokoshibu. He one resting on his shoulder flys up to it. The stay in the sky for a whils before his crow flew off and the new crow decended onto his shoulder.


It flapps its wings vigorously while still on his shoulder while screaming the message. Kokoshibu didnt flinch at all. He nodded and soon gave his message.

" i was able to talk to a womman , she said that she had seen a 'lady with a bright yellow haired man with red tips'- And added that the man was carried by two other men on a stretcher.- she said he looked unconsious and had never heard from them after"

Kokoshibu stares at the crow to see if it got his reply. It took a while before it left. He then continued his search. He was headed for a village called the village of the west. Or west-vill the lady had said.' Just follow the sun'

Douma had stayed in his dorm for a long time. He had also visited his cult. Unaware if the time he had realised the sun had fallen long ago and that the sun was soon to rise. He curses and goes back into his dorm , pacing back and forth for a plan.

Tanjiro had gotten Mitsuris crow. He had hated to report that they were empty handed but senjuro reassured him that they would be able to find something. He hopes someone had good news.

After a while Douma had left and was immediately greeted by a crow. Starled-Douma had jumped back instead of attacking it. "WHOA-hey there, dont..dont do that again please i may hurt you on instinct..." The crow rests on his shoulder and nods. It then tells him Misturi's Message. He thinks of a reply and only came up with " Barely any civiisation" The crow soon sets off the oppsite direction. Douma continues his journey running through mountains and rivers. Highly doubting that rengoku is even there. Then again its is far away from people making it the ideal area for holding one hostage without a trace.


After a long journey , the four groups had already sent their replys to Mitsuri and Akaza. The rest were soon informed of the others progress. Senjuro had talkedto Tanjiro about Kokoshibus situation. Stating that he could be in the lead. He also stated that Douma could be heading nowhere. With the information that his captors were definately human ,he could easily say that there was no way they could be headed south. With Doumas statement that his Journey was mostly seeing different landscapes ,there was no way hs captors had the ability to take him away so far and the path being dangerous and far from any source of food or civilisation.

As Tanjiro listened to Senjuro , he Agreed to his theory and sent his crow to The other three groups , also stating that Douma should head west where Kokoshibu was and meet him there to help further and quicken the inevestigation. He hopes he made the right choice and that he didnt misguide Douma. He hopes Rengoku was not held at the southside , missing the opportuinity to save him by changing his cource.

Day 3 as eneded , Day 4 has started.


The next chapter will only come of the previous chapter hits 100 views , till then good bye!

The Sun Falls , The Moon Rises | Renkaza/Akaren Where stories live. Discover now