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I got so unmotivated but you guys kept me going . This chapter in my opnion is the worst one based on the quality but enjoy the content. Love you guys. Ps I haven't done art for this book in a while so have kyo.⤴️

I kinda died LOL
Got too my twitter link jn bio! Go to my Insta link in bio! GO THERE !!




Stay safe <3


"You what?" Akazas eyes Once again widen. He couldn't believe it , she was here? The audacity of her to stumble in-

"I found her and brought her here.I suspect her to be the one , she has the initial"

Akaza gave Tanjiro a look and Tanjiro returned it with a chuckle , eyeing Rengoku. Hes glad he was ok . Tanjiro had placed alot of faith and trust into akaza and approves of their relationship. Need a witness? Tanjiro would be there


Kezio stirrs , her body movement is limited. She feels sticky and everything feels heavy. She can't even take in one breath without having an irritating sharp pain poking at her side. She tries to sit up but a child settles her down to her back once more but she's leaning on the wall this time.

' mam, your injured please refrain from
Moving too much. Food is on the way please be paitient." The small girl left the room and a taller one came in. She looks a her and askes how and why she was brought here. The girl starts explaining

"So I fell unconsious? And you uh-- "Aoi" --Aoi yes , treated me? Well I'm thankful but I really got to lea-"

She was pushed back down lightly when she tried to get up again. She let out a huff and lectured Aoi why she should be let go.

"If you want to leave you would have to wait 3 day maximum, I still need to treat your wounds and check if your ready to be released. Though your injuries aren't fatal it can cause bigger problems when left untreated" Aoi gave Kezio a glare.


"Kezio is.. pregnant Akaza"

Ok Akaza would have a heart attack at this point. His mind was blown thrice! Tanjiro glances at Rengoku who was staring outside oblivious of the heating situation.

" is it his?"

"It is..."

"Do you think he would want it.. I mean he is the guy would take on this kind of stuff "

" Yeah Mr.Rengoku does seem like those people... how about-"

"Tanjiro! Im a demon!"

" But your morals-"

" I know I can't hurt them , BUT I.. I don't know.. its a baby."

" you would do just Great!I know it!" Tanjiro Gave akaza a pat on the shoulder.

" I knew you would say that"



Mitsuri runs to him arms flailing signaling a hug. He braces himself for the impact and hugs her back. He's glad she's back.


"Ah.. aaH- ah!! Ah-kaza! AKAZA!"

Akaza chuckles lightly, .

The Sun Falls , The Moon Rises | Renkaza/Akaren Where stories live. Discover now