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Ramessuem- Moments Later

Everyone is assembled around the tomb display of Seti The First.  We recognize his chariot and sword. The Curator sits on Seti's throne, "We are part of an ancient secret society, the cult-of-the-Madjai, and we have a sacred mission, passed down through thirty-nine generations. For over four thousand years we have guarded The City Of The Dead. We are sworn at manhood to , do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world."

"And because of you, we have failed." The leader glares.

"And you think this justifies killing innocent people!?" Evy yells to them appalled.

"To have stopped this creature?-" The Curator starts

"Yes!" The leader and the Curator sync

"Okay, let's cut to the chase. He's afraid of cats, what's that about?" Rick asks, holding Maggie by her waist.

"According to the ancients, cat's are the guardians at the gates of the underworld. Imhotep will fear them until he is fully regenerated, and then he will fear nothing. " Maggie explains to as she begins to play with his hair.

Daniels is totally wigged-out, he looks at Rick, "Right! And ya know how he gets fully regenerated?! By killing everybody who opened that chest and sucking us dry! That's how!"

"Yes, the creature must first try and regenerate, and then he will attempt to resurrect the one he has loved for more than four thousand years." The Curator explains to Daniels but he just freaks out even more.

"Anck-su-namun." Evy starts.

"Dalilah." Maggie finishes. The Curator and The Leader look to Maggie and Evy. Thunderstruck.

Maggie sighs, "In the necropolis, when I saw him, alive, walking, he called me Rania. And then in Mister Burns' quarters he tried to kiss me."

"He also said he would make me immortal for bringing him back." Evy also throws in.

"It is because it was you who read from the Book, Evy. He has also chosen you to be-the human sacrifice needed to regenerate the body of Raina. You resemble her as well, Maggie." The Curator says looking between the girls. Rick's hold on Maggie tightens.

Jonathan scratches his ear with the barrel of his pistol, "This is not good. Not good at all."

The Leader has been staring out a wall of windows, "Tonight is the full moon. The moon of Osiris. It will begin tonight." Everyone follows his eyes, through the windows we can see the sun, which is now going into a full eclipse.

"And he stretched forth his hands towards the heavens, and there was darkness throughout the land of Egypt." Jonathan recites.

Evy's Foyer- Day For Night

Evy and Jonathan are pacing the foyer. Maggie and Rick are sitting, Maggie on Rick's lap. The Americans are sitting down as well. All equally in disbelief about everything.

"We must stop him from regenerating." Evy starts. She turns to Daniels and Henderson, "Who opened that chest?"

"Well, there was me and Daniels here and then poor Burns of course, oh yeah, and that Egyptologist fella." Henderson counts off.

Rick looks over to him, "What about my buddy Beni?"

"Naw, he scrammed outta there, before we opened the damned thing." Daniels explains.

"We must find the Egyptologist and bring him back here to the safety of the fort, before the creature can get to him." Evy rushes out frantically.

Rick looks at Maggie, kisses her cheek and stands up, "Okay, Evy and Maggie, you wait here, you two come with me." Everyone immediately starts protesting.

"The hell with that! I'm not goin' nowhere! we're safe here."

"Yeah, I'm not leavin, this fort for nothin'."

"Who put you in charge? You can't just leave me behind like some old suitcase. I'm the one responsible for this mess and I intend to be the one to clean it up." Evy angrily argues back.

Rick just shakes his head and sighs. Totally put-upon. Then he takes Evy, shoves her into the bedroom, slams the door and locks it with a skeleton key. From inside her room, Evy is pounding on the door and yelling.

Rick throws the skeleton key to Daniels, "Keep an eye on her. If you leave her door, I'll rip your spleen out C'mon, Jonathan."

Jonathan swallows hard and points to himself, "Me?"

Maggie stops Rick, "Are you really going?"

Rick sighs and looks down into her eyes, "I'm going to keep you safe no matter what." He grips her hands in his, "Don't make me lock you in a room too."

Maggie laughs at that, "Just come back to me please. I can't lose you."

Rick pulls her into a long passionate kiss, "I'll always come back to you, Mags."

"You two are disgusting" Jonathon pipes up. The couple laughs before playfully glaring at him.


Beni is ransacking the joint, pulling out drawers and files, and throwing them on the floor. He finds a silver pocket watch, shakes it, then throws it into his pocket, and then he starts tipping over bookcases and clearing shelves, "well, well, well." Beni spins around and Rick and Jonathon are standing in the door.

"Let me guess spring cleaning?" Beni turns and runs for an open window. Rick grabs a

chair and flings it into his path. Beni trips and crashes into a wall. Rick strides over, grabs him, and lifts him up the wall. Beni's feet dangle off the floor, "Where's your new friend?

"What friend? You're my only friend?" Beni tells him, fearfully. Rick quickly slides his knife up under Beni's chin.

"Then you got no excuse for living. What the hell you doin', being buddies with this creep, Beni? What's in it for you?" Rick interrogates threateningly.

"It is better to be the right hand of the Devil,....than in his path. As long as I serve him, I am immune." Beni explains with a small, smug smirk.

"Immune for what?" Rick spits out.

"You shall see" Beni antagonizes him.

"What are you looking for? Lie, and I'll slit your throat" Rick shoves the knife deeper into Beni's skin.

"The book! The black book they found at Hamunaptra! Imhotep wants it back. Said to me it would be worth it's weight in diamonds." Beni rats out. Fast and squeaky.

"What does he want the book for?" Rick demands.

"Something about bringing his dead girly friend back to life He needs the book," and he looks at Jonathon, "Your sister," he looks at Rick, "Your girlfriend." Rick grits his teeth together and looks at Jonathan. Beni seizes the moment and knees Rick in the balls. Rick doubles over and collapses. Beni leaps out the window. Jonathan cringes.

"That looked rather painful," Jonathan states cringing. Rick looks up at him annoyed.

"You know, ever since I met you my luck has been shit."

"Yeah, I tend to do that to people." Jonathan shrugs out. And that's when they hear a blood-curdling scream, coming from down in the bazaar. Rick and Jonathan scramble to the window and look out into the bazaar, people are screaming and quickly backing away from the shriveled corpse of the Egyptologist. A partially decayed hand reaches down and takes the sacred canopic jar out of the Egyptologist's shriveled hand. It's Imhotep, having regenerated even further. He looks up and catches eyes with O'Connell. Imhotep grins then unhinges his jaw and his mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and then a huge swarm of flies comes out of his mouth and races straight up at Rick and Jonathan. They both slam the shutters. The flies slammed into the closed window and immediately spread throughout the bazaar. Sending people screaming and running.

Rick and Jonathan look at each other, panicked, "Damn it! That's two down and only one to go!"

"Then he'll be coming after the girls!" Both men look fearfully at each other before running out.

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