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The banging on the doors can be heard as Evy and the Curator quickly sort through broken pieces of stone tablets. The others watch. Evy pulls out a large piece, "Got it!"

"Got what?" Rick questioned arms around Maggie keeping her beside him. The banging on the doors gets louder and then the windows shatter. Evy quickly and efficiently translates the tablet,

"Since the black Book of The Dead was found inside the statue of Anubis, then according to this, the golden Book of The Living should be inside-"

"What?!" Rick, Jonathan, and Daniels all demand.

"The golden Book Of The Living is inside the statue of Koz-us. Take that Bembridge Scholars!"

Two of Imhotep's henchmen charge out of the doorway, screaming. Rick and Ardeth grab them and chuck them over the railing. The men fly through the air and crash into the lower display cases. The front doors suddenly burst open, The crazed mob pours into the museum.

"We'll celebrate later, let's go!" Maggie exclaims, grabbing Evy and running across the balcony and down the stairs, everyone following suit.

Jonathan sneaks out of some bushes and quickly heads for his convertible. Suddenly, a splinter group of the diseased mob comes around the side of the museum. Jonathan instantly bugs his eyes out, starts drooling, and begins chanting, "Imhotep." The crazed group runs past him and heads into the front doors of the museum. Jonathan leaps into the convertible, fires it up and 180's it back over to the bushes.

Rick, Maggie, Evy, Daniels, Ardeth, and the Curator all pile in the back of his car. Everyone is on top of one another. Imhotep looks out of the museum from the shattered upper windows just as the convertible peels out. Rick points a finger at Beni as they race past him, "You're gonna get yours pal!"

The convertible hauls ass down the narrow bazaar street. Crazies start jumping out of stalls and leaping onto the car. Rick and the others fight them off, throwing them overboard. More people jump on. Jonathan swerves the car and crashes through some stalls, knocking them off, but not before they manage to open the back door and yank Daniels out. Before falling he grabs onto Maggie but Rick rips his hands off of her just in time.

The convertible slowly motors down the narrow alleys. Ardeth and the Curator are still in the back. All of them stared out the front windshield. Freaked out. Then suddenly one of the hideous ghouls crashes through the windshield! Everybody screams. Jonathan hits the gas, loses control, and the car slams into a wall. Rick grabs Maggie. Ardeth grabs Evy and she blushes.

They all leap out of the car. But the angry, festering mob quickly surrounds them. Rick quickly reaches into his gun sack, pulls out a stick of dynamite, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a match. He looks around for a way to light it, then reaches over and strikes it across Ardeth's face. Ardeth gives him a 'really?' look. Rick holds the lit match near the fuse.

The crazed, chanting mob gives Rick a wide berth, staring at him and the others with insane, bloodshot eyes. And then Imhotep steps through, having fully regenerated, he now looks as young and handsome and muscular. Evy stares at him, wide-eyed, "He's gorgeous!" Everyone gives her a weird look.

Rick gives her a nasty look, and the match then burns his fingers. He yelps and throws it down, grabs another match, and strikes it across Ardeth's face again. He gives Rick a look that could kill. The Curator shakes his head, "He has consummated the curse, now all he need do is raise Anck-su-namun from the dead, then it will be the end of us, and the beginning for them."

Imhotep moves forward, heading right for them. Rick lights the fuse again. Imhotep steps up to Rick and stops, watching the fuse burn down. it's a game of chicken. The tension mounts. The lit fuse is about to vanish inside the stick of dynamite, blowing it up, when Maggie leans forward and blows it out. Rick exhales but keeps his eyes on Imhotep, who extends his hand to Maggie and Evy.

"Koontash dai na." Beni steps through the crowd and starts translating,

"Take his hand and he will spare the others."

Evy and Maggie look at each other and then hesitate, looking around at the huge, bloodthirsty crowd surrounding them, holding axes, picks, and scimitars, waiting to pounce, then she looks at Imhotep, confident, powerful, invincible. Maggie looks at her love, "Any bright ideas?"

"Fresh out of them," Rick says through gritted teeth. Evy and Maggie look back at Imhotep, then starts to reach out to take his hand. Both Rick and Jonathan move to stop her, but Ardeth grabs them both and holds them tight, "Maggie no, please!"

"We don't have any choice now!" Evy's trembling hand touches Imhotep's: His hand closes around hers. Nothing happens. Imhotep smiles but sees Maggie still looking at Rick and then scowls,

"Keetah mi pharos, aja nilo, isirlan."

"Come with me, my love. It is time to make you mine, forever." Evy gives Beni a nasty look, correcting him,

"All eternity, idiot." Maggie immediately jumps back into Rick's arms and Ardeth lets him go to hold onto her.

"Everything will be okay. Go get the gold book and come find me. You never let me down. You also better think of something good, because if he turns me into a mummy, you the first one I'm coming after." Rick looks down at Maggie, and tears start to well up in his eyes, "I love you so much!" They pull each other into a long passionate kiss. Tears start to slide down both of their cheeks.

Evy looks upon the couple and can't help but be sad but happy at the same time. How she's happy for her sister for finding someone who truly loves her, but sad because she would kill to be able to have someone love her the way Rick loves her sister.

Imhotep has enough and grabs Maggie away from her love and Ardeth restrains Rick again. Imhotep suddenly notices something. He reaches forward and rips the key out of Jonathon's jacket pocket, "Hey that's mine!" Jonathan wines out.

Imhotep pulls the girls away and Rick can't take it anymore, he tries to break free of Ardeth's grip, "Maggie!"

"Be calm. There is still time. We can stop him!" Ardeth tries to reassure the distraught man in his arms. The crowd parts for Imhotep and the girls. And then Imhotep stops and looks back at Rick and smirks.

"Pared oos." Beni smiles,

"Kill them."

The girls then scream out, "No! Please don't!"

"Rick!" Maggie screams out and Rick sobs quietly to himself and struggles some more breaks out of Ardeth's grip and stumbles forward,

"Maggie!" But the rabid vultures are already moving in for the kill. Rick quickly bends down, pulls open a manhole cover and shoves Jonathan down inside it, then jumps in after him. The Curator pushes Ardeth towards the manhole.

"Go! Find a way! Kill the creature!" The Curator turns and throws himself at the mob as Ardeth crawls down into the hole. The mob tears the Curator apart.

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