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Thebes. City of the Living. Crown jewel of Pharaoh Seti the First. Home of Imhotep, High Priest of Osiris, Keeper of the Dead, and his wife Rania, the most beloved and beautiful daughter of Seti. Birthplace of Anck-su-namun. Pharaoh's Mistress. No other man was allowed to touch her.

Anck-su-namun walked into her living chambers, paying no mind to the priests that lined the hallway as she made it to the middle of the room. Behind a curtain her secret lover, Imhotep, stand waiting for her. As Anck-su-namun made it to him he pulled her to him and passionately kissed her his right hand gripping her shoulder and going down her arm, smudging the paint that lay there.

As the two lover were engrossed with each other they failed to notice two others gazing over the sight from a balcony across the palace. The daughters of the Pharaoh, Princess Nefertiri and her older sister Dalilah, Imhotep's beloved wife. Dalilah looked upon her husband and Anck-su-namun absolutely heartbroken. A single tear made its way down her check as her right hand moved to cradle her swollen bump that carried her baby. Nefertiri wrapped her right arm around her older sisters shoulders while her left gripped her sisters unoccupied hand.

Imhotep's priests move to close and lock the door but the Pharaoh bursts into the room and gives the priests a look of angry confusion, "What are you doing here?"

The priests back away and bow, scared shitless, obviously his arrival was unexpected. The Pharaoh continues his stride forward. The priests close the door behind him. The Pharaoh reaches the middle of the room and pulls back the curtain to see Anck-su-namun standing alone one arm resting on a minx statue that lay in the middle of the area. She looks to him and gives him a sexy smirk. The Pharaoh's eyes roam to her shoulder where Imhotep smudged the black paint. The Pharaoh's eyes filled with betrayal and anger as he pointed to her left shoulder and shouts, "Who has touched you?!"

From the balcony Dalilah and Nefertiri watch as their father enters the crocodile's habitat, he's still unware that Imhotep was still in there. Dalilah looks down to see Aharon, the leader of Medjai and the one person who her heart truly belonged to. Dalilah then shouts down pointing across the way into Anck-su-numan's chambers, "Aharon! My father is in danger! You have to go to him!"

The Pharaoh stands there in front of Anck-su-namun hurt, betrayal and anger displayed in his eyes that soon turn to shock as his sword is torn out of its resting place on his hip. He looks up to see who the culprit was. He sees his Mistresses lover, "Imhotep? My priest, my son."

From behind him Anck-su-namun raises a dagger and plunges it into his back. The Pharaoh lets out a pained gasp and slowly turns in her direction only to be hit with his own sword by Imhotep in the side closest to him.

Dalilah and Nefertiri let out horrified screams. Nefertiri leans to far off the balcony and falls off. Dalilah tries to grab her sister but was to late. Nefertiri fell down to her death. Tears flooded down Dalilah's face. Servants run to her aid upon hearing her scream thinking something has happened to the baby. They reach her and usher her off the balcony as fast as they can.

WHAM, the doors to Anck-su-numan's chambers try to open but are locked. Anck-su-namun and Imhotep stand over the Pharaoh's body, "Pharaoh's bodyguards" Imhotep growls out.

The Priests run passed the lovers and two stop to grab Imhotep to bring him to the balcony with the others to escape. He struggles against their grip, "You must go. Save yourself. Only you can resurrect me" Anck-su-namun ushers out pushing him towards the balcony.

The Medjai rush in tearing open the drapes that separate them and Anck-su-namun. They walk in to see their Pharaoh dead on the ground. They look up as Anck-su-namun hisses out pointing to the Pharaoh, "My body is no longer his temple"

Imhotep lets out a silent scream and a look of despair as Anck-su-namun plunges the dagger into her heart. Imhotep looks out to see his wife being ushered off the balcony of their chambers. He catches Dalilah's gaze that turns into a deadly glare as they lock eyes. Horror and shame washed over him. He really loved Dalilah but they could have never shared the passion that he and Anck-su-namun share. His love for his Mistress overpowered the love for his wife right now, he was hell bent on bringing her back.

To resurrect Anck-su-namun, Imhotep and his priests broke into her crypt and stole her body. They raced deep into the desert to Hamunaptra, City of the Dead, ancient burial site of the sons of Pharaohs and resting place for the wealth of Egypt. For his love, Imhotep date the God's anger by going deep into the city where he took the Black Book of the Dead from its holy resting place. Anck-su-namun's soul had been sent to the underworld, her vital organs removed and placed in five sacred jars.

Imhotep began the ritual. A black watery shadow rose up from the pool in front of him and his dead lover. The black shadow made its way from the pool and to Anck-su-namun's body. Her body absorbed the shadow and she awoke with a gasp of air while shaking.

Anck-su-namun's soul had come back from the dead, but the Medjai had followed Imhotep on the new Queen's orders, and stopped him before the ritual could be completed.

Imhotep looked down with panicked eyes as the black shadow had resurfaced out of Anck-su-namun. It rose up and gave out a loud screech before diving back into the pool.

Once they all arrived back at the palace Imhotep was brought forward in front of the new Queen Dalilah for her judgement. Imhotep looked up at his wife as she stood to feet, her swollen belly peeking out of her gown. Dalilah began speaking, " High Priest Imhotep you are accused of having amours affairs with Mistress and Murderess Anck-su-namun along with an attempt to resurrect her. Do you deny these accusations?"

Imhotep looked up at his wife and shook his head, "No"

"Do you also deny in assisting in the late Pharaoh, Pharaoh Seti's murder and inadvertently causing the death of Princess Nefertiri?" Dalilah went on staying strong.

Imhotep looked at his pregnant wife in shock, "Nefertiri is dead?"

Dalilah gave him the deadliest glare, "Answer the question!"

Imhotep looked down to the ground, "No"

Dalilah held her head high as tears threatened to spill, " High Priest Imhotep I hear by sentence you to the worst punishment we have record. The Hom-Dai. For betraying the crown and your wife. May Ra never have mercy on your soul. Your accompanying priests may suffer a less harsh punishment by being mummified alive."

Imhotep looked at his wife in shock he never thought someone as sweet as her could do something so horrible. He was dragged away from the room but not before he cought a glimpse of his wife rubbing her swollen belly and hearing her mutter, "Its okay baby, mommy will give you the best life possible. I promise."

The Medjai would never allow him to be released. For he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh-eater, with the strength of ages, power over sand, and the glory of invincibility.

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