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Rick pulls Maggie into a passionate kiss. His hands holding her face, "I was so worried, I thought I wouldn't make it in time."

"You always seem to save me on time, love" Maggie whispers back and he pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly as she whispers sweet nothings into his ear. The moment is torn apart when the whole place starts to shake and the walls start to descend into the ground. Rick quickly pulls away and grabs Maggie's hand, "C'mon!"  She yells to her siblings.

They all race past sinking pillars and run just in time to a sinking doorway. 

Maggie, Rick, Evy, and Jonathan crouch-run into the treasure chamber. Maggie skids to a stop. Looks in wonder at all the treasure. Sand rains down on them and Rick grabs her again and quickly pulls her through the mounds of treasure towards a sinking doorway on the far side of the room. The sound of the sinking walls is deafening.

Beni crouch runs into the treasure chamber. The group races past him. He joins them as they run up a staircase. Heading for another descending doorway. Jonathan dives through the narrow gap. Then Rick dives through, he spins around. Evy dives, and lastly Maggie but she gets stuck in the middle, about to get cut in half.

Rick grabs her arm and yanks his fiancé through in the nick of time. Beni reaches through the narrowing gap with his hand, "O'Connell!"

Rick grabs it, but it's too late. Beni yanks his hand back just as the top of the door crashes to the floor. Sealing him in. Rick sighs, "Goodbye Beni."

The temple collapses as the group and a pack of stray camels race through the ruins. A sinking crevice drops out right behind them. Chasing them out through the front gates. The whole place rumbles ominously. They make it down the ramp as more ruins crash down behind them. A massive cloud of sand and dust billows out over the wall and into the air.

They stand in the middle of the plateau, surrounded by stray camels. They stare off at the sandy, dusty, volcano as it continues to rumble ominously a hand comes down onto Jonathon's shoulder and he screams out, scaring everyone in the process. They all turn around and see Ardeth on a camel, "Oh thank you, thank you very much!" Jonathan exclaims holding a hand over his heart.

"You've earned the respect and gratitude from me and my people, we thank you."

"Oh, it was nothing!" Jonathan waves off causing the rest of the group to give him a look. Ardeth nods and leads his camel away.

"Stay out of trouble!" Rick calls and Maggie snorts. Evy looks with a longing gaze.

"Well, I guess we go home empty-handed, again!" Jonathan exclaims.

Rick looks to Maggie, "I wouldn't say that" Maggie looks back at him before pulling his head down into a kiss yet again. Jonathan just rolls his eyes, snorts in disgust, and climbs up onto a camel the same with Evy.

When the kiss is over, the pair lean their heads together and share a smile,

and then Rick leaps up into the saddle, reaches down, grabs Maggie's hand, and pulls her up behind him. She wraps her arms around his waist. They all slap their rains and head back on the long journey back to Cairo.

A/N: Welp and with that it's over! Am I crying in my room right now? Yes I am! I wanted to thank everyone who stuck by this stories side even when I didn't update for forever! I am so thankful to everyone who read this and commented nothing but sweet notes and encouraging update comments as well! This little community has really warmed my heart and I hope you all do the same with my other books as well! I will be doing the sequel eventually I just don't know when quite yet but its in the makings! I love you all so much!

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