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Teleportation start!!
After teleport:

???: "Huhhh"
???: "Where are we?"
???: "Who the F@ck is that?"

Instinctively all eyes turned to the figure quietly analysing them. The figure then opened his mouth to speak , his tone of voice came out soft and reassuring.

???: "Hello there mere mortals... you may call me "P" and I am a deity. Unlike a god, in fact I am just like you, howev-

The deity didn't finish his introduction as a brown haired boisterous boy of short stature and below average looks interrupted the deity.

Ike Kanji: " cut the crap already and tell us what exactly are we here for? I feel uncomfortable..."

Ike was not the only one, everyone felt weird and bothered, perhaps it was the deity or maybe it was the sense of foreboding their gut instinct was trying to warn them about. It was as if they felt they were meant to be wary of something.

P: "Ok Ike Kanji to make you feel more at ease and everyone more comfortable, I'll tell everyone why I summoned you here. "

With a deep breath the deity then shouted a response which betrayed everyone's expectations.

P: "You will all be reacting to a student with capabilities I respect very highly, someone who has earned a lot of respect from us (readers) and someone who has the embodied the quote " It takes great skill and talent to hide ones talent and skill." He is none other than Ayanokouji Kiyotaka!!!"

All members of class 2D and members of different classes who knew of him looked at him, actually they stared fixedly at him as if drilling a hole into his skull. Which on the surface looked like it didn't faze him at all due to his unwavering poker face. However, on the inside his anxiety and discomfort was very much present due to the amount of attention his unobtrusive self was getting.

Ayanokouji: "umm... why exactly are we reacting to me? I mean there is nothing really interesting about me.
P: "You may say that about yourself however, you are actually very interesting kohai."
Shinohara satsuki: "P Sama Ayanokouji's right he is just an invisible and gloomy person. No offence. Right guys?"

Seeking the approval of her classmates she received a resounding amount of approval towards her statement about the poor boy. However a certain petite girl with lilac hair and a smile that was the bane of the existence of a purple haired maiden decided to interject. Her voice although very ladylike and refined despite her miniature figure ceased all commotion caused by class 2D.

Sakayanagi Arisu: "Shinohara san was it. will you please keep you mouth shut? Also do not insult people who I have been very good friends with for a long time. I mean we are childhood friends right? Kiyotaka Kun?"

Shinohara was shocked, in fact everybody from their grade was shocked Class 2D had many questions, others started speculating about whether the lilac haired princess of Class 2A helped Ayanokouji in the Class Poll exam due to their friendship. Among those thinking was the Tyrant Ryuen Kakeru, the beautiful model hidden talent of Class 2D Matsushita Chiaki, the Ayanokouji Group, the ticking time bomb Madonna of Class 2D Kushida Kikyo, Class B's analytical sub leader Kanzaki Ryuji, The cute book buddy Hiyori Shina, the strawberry haired beauty Ichinose Honami and many more. Each with their own personal reason for investigating him.

Sudo Ken: "You were friends with Sakayana-"

He was interrupted by the deity with a look of discontent.

P: "Alright that's enough after you finish watching each video I'll give you people time to discuss among yourselves. Is that alright?"

Although dissatisfied everyone nodded their head simultaneously.

P: "Thank you, now let's start!"

Meanwhile the brown haired poker faced hidden gem of the school was contemplating on the worst case scenario and how to resolve it. After all it would be a shame not to be cautious, when you view yourself as a horrible human being accompanied with a mindset that is not supposed to be a part of a teenager going through puberty. With eyes devoid of anything arms and hands once soaked in blood. A holder of the fate tenchatsu his misfortune may really be at its peak at this moment of his life right now. His peaceful life may be over...

She looks like her...

Authors notes
My first fanfic.
Updates at random
Feedback accepted
I have no idea if anybody else has done this so if anyone has please let me know I'd love to get in contact with them and work with them in improving my story or their story if their writing like me.
Idk when I'll update next chapter but expect chapters to be short and reactions possibly splitting into different parts.
Odd long chapters may come out once in a while.

Thanks for reading

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