She looks like her... (Part 7)

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The students of class D remembered what had transpired that day, a fallacy provided by their teacher so they could think that they were living in paradise, a dream school with endless things to do. They realised how naive their thoughts were back then and smiled bitterly at the memory.

The other classes weren't much different to Class D, even though they were much quicker in the uptake on the school, it didn't mean that they weren't swayed by the teachers words on the first day, but unlike class D they looked neutral towards it, it seems the memory of that day didn't affect them as much as class D. But the impact was still present.

Damn they're mature...

Moving on!

Karuizawa POV

My inner thoughts were crammed with curiosity and I wanted that curiosity to be... what's the word? Fulfilled? Yes fulfilled. I looked attentively at the book and opened it scanning through the pages of the booklet. Outside contact was prohibited as we were told in our acceptance letter, where we will live in are student dorms?! Wow they really thought of everything! This will be my first time living alone. How exciting!

Ryuenn: 'Kuku I think I see another pattern.'

Ryuenn wasn't the only one, other students have as well.

Once again it coincides with Ayanokoujis thoughts about outside contact. However in Ayanokoujis thoughts he was explicit and adamant about his say on outside contact, it was as if he was running away from something.

But in Karuizawas thoughts it was implicit, it was very hard to tell the hidden meaning behind her words.

In Ayanokoujis thoughts he mentioned "Them" and "That place" it must've been what he might have been hiding the whole time.

In Karuizawas thoughts there was a lack of who or what she wanted to hide, but that only helped reinforce the idea that she is hiding something as bad. Why? Because sometimes the lacking of something can fill in everything.

Her thoughts want to hide that something so badly that she doesn't want to mention it.

That's what the students who noticed could only conclude for now, but they still needed more.

Wow! This school is insane there are so many things you can do!

Karuizawa: 'Haha, I was really naive back then huh. Looking back it now it seems I may have matured a bit more.'

Ayanokouji and Matsushita both looked at Kei at the same to see a girl with a weird grin on her face.

Ayanokouji and Matsushita: 'What is she thinking about?'

Did their thoughts just fuse together?

Anyways... moving on!

The teacher standing in front of the podium looked at us in a hard to read expression, she then proceeded to open her mouth, her words echoing around the classroom.

Chanashira sensei: "As you can see in the booklet, outside contact is prohibited You will be living in your own dorms however it has been made up for. There are various different facilities present in our campus such as a mall, karaoke parlours, boutiques, restaurants, cafes, shops and many more. However to make use of these facilities I'll be passing on your student ID cards that will help you out, the student ID is linked to your phones that I will be passing on to you with your school phones. In this school to make purchases you will be given points that can be used to buy anything, each point is equal to one yen and if you go on to your phones to check your balance; you can see that 100.000 points have been deposited into your account."

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