She looks like her... (Part 4)

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Ayanokouji POV

After that disastrous encounter, I continued on to my designated class: Class 1D. Whilst I was walking I was taking in the scenery once again, the blooming Sakura trees and the fresh air gave the place a sense of comfort.

The students all shook their heads in agreement, the environment around Ayanokouji does indeed give a sense of comfort. A shy bespectacled girl named Sakura Airi looked in awe at the scenery shown in the video, her first thought was about her hobby which was photography, she could take some really nice pictures. Well, moving on...

As I was walking, I couldn't help but delve back into my thoughts once again.

'I was here in a place where he can't reach me. In a place that held something other than blankness, three years is all I have; in fact it's all I need. Maybe I can actually repair what is left in the blank space of my heart, maybe I can properly cherish "her" properly by the end of these three years.'

The students shifted uncomfortably, the thoughts of Ayanokouji were still very vague and nobody bar one knew what they meant. They obviously knew who "her" was now, the girl named Suzuki Shizuku; but they didn't know why she was so important to him. But a pattern was forming and a couple of students noticed it.

Ryuenn: 'It's really odd, he has only said the girls name once, why does he keep on referring to the girl as "her"?'

Horikita: 'Hm, Ayanokouji kun only refers to Suzuki san as "her". Why is that? It's as if to him mentioning her name has become taboo.'

Kanzaki: 'It seems as if he doesn't want to say Suzuki sans name, it seems as if he is cautious about that topic.'

Sakayanagi: 'it seems as if Suzuki san's had a major influence on Ayanokouji kun. Something must have happened to her, that made such an impact on Ayanokouji kun because I know for a fact he did not care for anyone else in the White Room, after all he became the masterpiece by deleting his emotions.'

Ichinose: 'Why does Ayanokouji kun keep on referring to Suzuki san as "her"?'

Hiyori: 'Ayanokouji kun keeps on mentioning Suzuki san, but why does he keep on referring to Suzuki san "her"?'

Kei: 'Kiyotaka keeps on referencing Suzuki chan, ah mou how important is she to you? You could have mentioned her to me; your girlfriend. You know you can trust me with anything, but why do you keep on mentioning Suzuki chan as "her"? Ah mou! Kiyotaka you know you can tell me anything!'

The video continued playing.

It seems whilst I was lost in thought my feet carried me to my destination, I arrived at the front of my classroom. Since this is the first time I'll be attending a school I did some research and found out that it's very common for classes to change every year.

P looked at the students expecting shocked faces, but his expectations were once again voided, although some students throughout the grade did show some mild shock, the majority of the students remembering about what Was in Ayanokoujis thoughts weren't, instead they were curious, Ayanokouji did mention "that place" in his thoughts several times, the students produced a couple of theories, along with the backing of the conversation between Katsuragi and Ayanokouji they could infer that maybe "that place" is his "home", after all it was a private matter to the boy, they decided to wait and hope, that how with the revelation of Suzuki Shizuku happened they may find out what "that place" is the same way.

Ok Kiyotaka what shall we do? As a person who dislikes trouble, I had decided that I would like to establish proper relationships. Unfamiliar with the notion, I'd spent the day before in preparation, running through different scenarios. This was completely new territory for me.

As if a bomb exploded the speculation, theories and hypothesises gained much better credibility. "That place", which the students surmised as Ayanokoujis "home" made the students collectively agree on one thing... "That place" gave him the talents that made the students evaluation of him grow and their wariness of the hidden gem in class D increase.

Perhaps... should I burst into the classroom and actively start talking to people? Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address, so as to better befriend someone? I had ventured alone into a battlefield, and it was do or die.

A majority of the students chuckled at the thoughts Ayanokouji was displaying, they seemed childish in comparison to the other thoughts he's had. Although the last couple of words gave an indication towards Ayanokoujis isolation from their society, the atmosphere was light for once, instead of the usual eerie, analytical atmosphere present the ever since the start of the showing of the videos, thus shifting their mind from the what was in the last two sentences. However, it doesn't mean that nobody noticed. Ryuenn, Albert, surprisingly Sudo, Ibuki, Hiyori, Ichinose, Matsushita, Kei and a couple more noticed what was in the last two lines, but they kept it to themselves. They didn't want to ruin the nice atmosphere present at this moment.

I slid the door open and all eyes in the room shifted towards me to look at their new classmate, before looking away again. However they weren't the only ones I could tell was watching us.

The students were once again confused but Ryuenn, Keisei,, Katsuragi, Ichinose, Kaneda and Kanzaki caught on to what he meant: The cameras. Of course they weren't the only ones, but they were some of the people P looked at and saw a reaction in each of their expressions. Ryuenn had a massive grin, Katsuragi's eyes widened in realisation and beads of sweat were forming on his head, Ichinose and Kanzaki were pale as if they had seen a ghost and Kaneda looked at the video with a lot of admiration towards the boy. Who in the first day of this school noticed something so vital that he hadn't until the end of the first month and the start of the second month.

"Four cameras inside the classroom huh..."

Now all the students knew what he meant, a dangerous aura emanated from class 2D, obviously unhappy at Ayanokouji for withholding such an important piece of information. However before they were able to speak their mind, Horikita shut them all down with a powerful glare. The glare conveyed the danger of what would happen if anyone in the class opened their mouth. Reluctantly they sat down, Sudos side of the boys listened to his commands about not asking any questions until the end of the video, the problem was Ike who had roused his side of the boys to question the boy, but when he saw Horikitas glare he froze and shut up, seeing their leader doing that they shut up as well.

"Not my business anyways..."

Looking around the classroom, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the back of the room, near the window. A good place to sit, generally. As I looked around, I saw that the room was already halfway filled with students. The others were either immersed in their class materials or already talking with other people. Perhaps they'd all been friends beforehand or had only recently gotten acquainted. Maybe I should talk to someone, I looked around the room to see if there was anyone I could talk to. But then the door opened and it seems another new classmate of mine has arrived. My eyes shifted towards the door to see a girl with waist length blond hair tied in a ponytail, her eyes contained something that was eerily similar, her smile gave me a memory I thought I lost. Then my composure cracked when she spoke.

Kei: "konichiwa minna, is this the classroom for class 1D?"

No way...

No way...

No way...

It can't be...

Her voice... I remember it now.

That smile ... why is it so nostalgic?

Is that you?... Shizuku?

To be continued

Authors notes

This took a while to write because my mind was in the gutter but I wrote it as best I can. Thank you for your support up till now it is greatly appreciated. Like I said reactions will be split and updates are random. Please vote as it gives me motivation and comment me feedback because I don't proof read my work. Have a blessed day.

Thanks for reading

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