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3rd person POV

The questions inside the room were still piling up and Ayanokouji just sat there listening. Whilst the questions were still thrown at him, a couple of students were discussing among themselves about whether they should intervene. What surprised P the most was that it was Ayanokouji's own friend group along with the pacifist Hirata Yosuke. They were still waiting to make their move after the big question was asked. Then... it was asked, by none other than Katsuragi who stood up. His masculine voice and the aura of superiority he exuded simmered down any other commotion that was happening, soon all questioning ceased and they all listened to the bald man standing.

Katsuragi: "Ayanokouji kun I know I am prying into your life and I know we have seen way too much of your thoughts, but I think we all want to know, what is "that place" you mentioned at the start of the video?"

The whole place was filled with a resounding silence, everyone was eagerly waiting for Ayanokouji's response. Ichinose was staring intently at the boy, Hiyori was glancing between Katsuragi and Ayanokouji, her interest had peaked and she was engrossed by the confines of their interaction and she wanted to hear what her book buddy wanted to say. Horikita looked back and forth between Katsuragi and Ayanokouji, out of all the questions she wanted to ask she never thought of that one. The same could be said about the hidden talent of class D: Matsushita Chiaki her mouth which opened to speak was frozen, why? Because like Horikita she never factored that question into her head. It seems they were much more similar than they seem.

Meanwhile... Ayanokouji who was holding his girlfriends hand, let go of it and stood up. He looked directly at Katsuragi and then shifted his attention towards everyone present, before looking back at Katsuragi; who like everyone else was waiting for his response. The boy then spoke, his tone carried a heavy undertone; one which captured the attention of everyone all for the wrong reasons, it made them uncomfortable. His voice was not dull but emotionless, the only person to have had misfortune to hear this tone of voice was Ayanokouji's girlfriend: Karuizawa Kei. To her it was normal, to others a clear indication that they new nothing about the boy. Well except a smug loli who likes to parade the fact that she is his childhood friend.

Ayanokouji: "Katsuragi... I understand that you don't want to pry into my private affairs, but the answer to your questions rests in these videos. "That place" is my home, and I know many people are interested in my private affairs now. However, if the videos do not show the answer then I hope you refrain from asking about that place again. What I basically mean is... don't pry into my life."

P was amused by their interaction, however he had a job to do. P then clapped his hands to announce something.

P: "You have five minutes left of discussion time. All of you who are in need for food or refreshments or need to go to the toilet, please do so now."

Many students rushed to those places, including some of the members in class D. The Ayanokouji group and Hirata Yosuke went to talk to their friend, and asked a question that might have jeopardised the stability of the group including the friendship between Hirata and Ayanokouji. The question came from none other than Keisei who is at times the most sensitive of the group. The words he spoke rebounded off each member present in front of Ayanokouji. The remaining members of Class D were listening into their conversation. They knew despite being outsiders how serious the conversation would be, Keisei looked downtrodden he couldn't even look eye to eye with his friend. But he spoke his mind, for the other members of the group; and Hirata.

Keisei: "Kiyotaka, please answer honestly. Do you trust us? As your friends? Why didn't you tell us anything, listen I know I am prying deep into what is considered unsafe territory, but as your friends, can't you confide in us? I am becoming disillusioned, actually all of us are. So please confide in us. Otherwise I won't be friends with you anymore, I mean what is the point of being friends with a person who doesn't trust you? So be honest Kiyotaka, who are you? The trust we have in you is fickle right now, So please give us an answer. Please be truthful and don't lie. Your thoughts suggest you are hiding something painful, so please trust in us so we can help you."

P was... impressed, he thought Keisei would blow up a fuse and shout at the poor boy to reveal what he is hiding. But it was different he spoke his words like a brother to a lost soul. His question only contained pure curiousity and no malice. His announcement about leaving the group was pre planned in conjunction with the rest of the group. That's right he was bluffing about leaving the Ayanokouji group, he had learned from his mistakes during the 100% math score Ayanokouji got and used it to his advantage. What he was trying to do was corner his friend and see whether he would concede and open up. A rather insidious trick don't you think?, I wonder who influenced him? Naturally Ayanokouji had a rebuttal to the question, even though he knew Keisei was bluffing about him leaving the group he conceded and decided to trust them. The reason why he knew Keisei was lying was because his left eye was twitching. Nevertheless he decided to confide in them, the words he spoke made the group breath a sigh of relief.

Aynokouji: "The matter is private and I hope you understand, but I will try and open up to you guys even more."

Although a short and simple confirmation that Ayanokouji would open up, the group was happy, they felt their trust grow back. The group returned to their seats and awaited the end of the discussion period. Ayanokouji glanced at his girlfriend beside him, she looked very proud of him.

P then clapped his hands once again to announce something.

P: "Alright everybody discussion time is up! Please return to your seats, the next video is about to start."

The students who left to go to the toilets returned to their seats, when they did the video started.

Horikita, Ichinose, Hiyori and Kushida, in fact all the people who wanted to know Ayanokouji much more looked at the screen in anticipation. However none was more intrigued about what the video had to offer than Karuizawa Kei. Well only for the girls, the boys side had a different outlook on the matter, Kanzaki wanted to know more about the boy who he deemed as a potential opponent after his feat in the maths exam. He wanted to know about his abilities , he didn't care about his warning as he had already made the conclusion that he was dangerous to the class. Katsuragi had the same train of thought, although wary of the boy after what he said to him, his moral compass shifted towards helping him. After all he still remembers the help Ayanokouji gave him with the ordeal about his sister birthday, for now his mind was split and like the calm and patient person he is decided to postpone his judgement. The boys of class D were divided between Sudo and Ike, two best friends who have been together since the start. Why it was split was simple. Sudo wanted to impress Horikita by keeping a calm mind and acted where Hirata didn't, what he tried to do was calm the situation and tried to reprimand his friends in class D. Ike was being obnoxious and as a result the boys became divided between sudo and Ike. Both of whom had very little knowledge about the boy. When the video started their attention shifted towards the screen. The division between two was widening, the silence permeated by the two who wanted to watch the video didn't soothe the calamity coming forward if the video was going to show something dramatic. Who knows what will happen in the end, maybe a fight will break out between Sudos and Ikes side.

With that the video commenced, all opinions and judgements had to wait once again.

To be continued

Authors notes

Listen I know I am a terrible writer and I write a load of bullshit.
This is my first fanfic
A reminder that this is set in the second year so the students have matured a bit.
Please vote as it gives me motivation
I wrote all this during class and when I came home was when I decided to update.
Btw I don't proof read at all so tell me if I made any mistakes
Please vote as it gives me motivation
Updates are random
Please give me feedback
Have a blessed day

Thanks for reading

1515 words

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