She looks like her... (Part 5)

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3rd Person POV

The students were taken aback by Ayanokoujis thoughts once again, however those thoughts were subliminal to what they had just seen happen to Ayanokouji. They for the first time saw the boys facial expression change, he just lost his composure at the sight of someone he should have had no connection to: Karuizawa Kei. The students obviously knew why, to Ayanokouji she looked like "her", to others however she looked like the usual Karuizawa Kei. P for the second time during the viewing of the videos paused the screening. He wanted to hear what they wanted to say and wanted see their reactions, but no one spoke, instead they all stayed silent they all just looked at each other. The students didn't want to say anything and wanted to wait until someone else interrogated Ayanokouji. But no one did, nobody had the courage to do it, Ryuenn, Ichinose, Horikita, the Ayanokouji group and the students who were relatively close to Ayanokouji decided to wait until the end of the video. P who was disappointed with the lack of noise decided to unpause the video. Surprisingly Ike, who was loud and boisterous in nature stood down from questioning the boy, however his thoughts were clearly smudged across his ugly face, why he stood down? It's simple nobody else would have stood with him, even the side of the boys in class D that he is in command of wouldn't stand. The sound of the video being unpaused eliminated the silence present in the room, the students turned their heads back towards the screen eager to see more, but they were in for a pleasant surprise.

Karuizawa POV

Shinohara: "Huh, Kei chan?"

Keis entire friend group was surprised by the sudden change in perspective. In fact everyone was, after all they were told they were going to react to Ayanokouji. But this stop one particular girl from getting her hopes up, and she was hoping her suspicions would be confirmed. That's right the girl was Matsushita Chiaki, but another girl had a different thought. She was getting more and more frustrated at the lack of information available for use against the poor boy, her name: Kushida Kikyo. The change in perspective was of minimal importance for her, it seems she had to wait a bit longer.

I had arrived at my new school, walking through the corridors I already knew something was different in this school, although I couldn't pinpoint what it was; I was sure this school would give me a better school life than the one I had previously.

All the students turned to look at Karuizawa, only find her staring blankly at the screen. After she saw what her boyfriend thought of her, the girls mind shut down, her left hand which was gripping Ayanokoujis right, unknowingly grew in strength,. Ayanokouji having noticed it looked away from the screen and glanced at his girlfriend; and slowly let go of her hand so she wouldn't notice. He knew what had happened to her, however he let her be. Why? It was because any words from him wouldn't be able to reach Kei in her current state of mind. The students seeing Karuizawa like that, they misinterpreted it as shock, when in fact it wasn't. It was just emptiness that was residing in her mind and blankness that was drawn from it to be seen on her face.

After all I've been through, I came to this school to start anew. I came here to reinvent myself.

Kei's friends looked at her with concern, they had always known her as a person with a very strong personality, to them she had the natural charisma to attract anyone towards her. But right now in her thoughts she sounded determined to right a past wrong in her life. "To start anew"? Why? Then they realised an abnormal coincidence, she shared something eerily similar to Ayanokouji. Both of whom wanted to hide something. Something dark... why they thought it was dark? Well it's because even though they were friends, Kei like Ayanokouji didn't open up. She kept it hidden just like him.

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