She looks like her... (Part 2)

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Ayanokouji POV

"Are people equal or not?
A proper society will constantly strive for equality. There are those who clamor for men and women to always be considered equal. As a result, we raised the employment rate for women, we made specialized subway cars only for women. Sometimes, women will even argue over the order of names in a family register. The public opinion of people with disabilities has also changed. We're now told that we should not use the term "disabled people" when referring to them, so as not to discriminate. Nowadays, children are taught that all people are created equal.
But is that true? I have my doubts. If men and women have different abilities, then their roles should also differ. People with disabilities are still disabled, no matter what polite euphemisms you use. No matter how you try to avert your eyes, the meaning of the word does not change.
So, my answer would be, "No, we are not equal." To be human is to be unequal. Equality does not exist."

Everybody was speechless, no one could utter a word, until a clap resounded around the room it came from an unexpected person: Koenji Rokusuke. He was applauding him? Soon enough all the attention turned to him and they were all wondering why he clapped. The man then spoke.

Koenji: "Bravo, Bravo, you have surprised me there Ayanokouji boy. You seem much more intelligent than you let on, tell me? Are you hiding something? Or maybe you don't want to be found out?"

Everyone started thinking, the eerie silence changed abruptly as now members of Class D started questioning Ayanokouji. The fire lit by Koenji started this, usually nobody would listen to him. However his words carried conviction and it was hard to deny what he had to say.

Miyamota Soshi: "What are you hiding?!

Okitani Kyosuke: "yeah!, as your classmates can't you trust us?! Tell us what you want to hide!"

With the rest of Class D and surprisingly not surprisingly a couple of other members from different classes joining in to demand an answer from the currently silent Ayanokouji the room quickly descended into mayhem, with questions piling up on each other until he interfered suddenly the room got cold, Siberian cold. P was now looking at them with a glare, he then spoke his tone threatening and full of authority.

P: "Be quiet and watch, you will have time to discuss among yourselves when the video ends. I hope you understand because next time I'll take decisive action."

Reluctantly class D and the rest of the members who questioned Ayanokouji calmed down and listened. However what surprised P was Ryuen, who didn't speak nor reprimanded anyone, he just sat and analysed the situation. Who knows what was going through his head.

"Long ago, in a bygone era, a great man said that heaven does not set one man above or below any other. However, he did not necessarily adhere to the idea that everyone is equal. Did you know that there is more to that famous passage? The rest goes like this: Everyone is equal when they are born, so I ask, why do we see differences in position and status? And it continues: Do you or do you not encourage learning to create a difference? So then, education creates an imbalance. The point's spelled out there, in the incredibly famous work Gakumon no Sume. Even though this is the year 2015, the modern era, nothing about these teachings has changed. The situation has only grown more complex and fraught.
In any case, we are human beings. We are living, thinking creatures."

Every student was now in deep thought once again, not about what was shown in Ayanokoujis thoughts but rather their own evaluation of the seemingly unobtrusive boy. They couldn't once fathom how much talent he was hiding, however right now his intelligence was being shown in full force. An analytical mind, eloquent thoughts and mystery. These thoughts should belong to someone like Sakayanagi or Katsuragi or to other members of high intellect such as Keisei or Horikita. So how is it that a class D defect, someone who is even looked down upon by his own classmates holds possession of such high intellect. Then the members of Class D and most of their batch realised it... he was hiding it.

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