She looks like her... (Part 1)

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Ayanokouji POV

After my initial wish to leave that place and to live a life that was mine, without "that man", without them, with freedom and peace, with her... I could only see myself as a dreamer, freedom is in essence a need in ones life and a very wanted thing. Did I ever want freedom or was it an illusion on my part? Would freedom mean anything without her? I can't seem to recall when we first met... I can't remember your smile... I can't even remember your voice. So why are you still in my head after all these years? That's right, your eyes which have something that I don't have... light. Where mine are devoid of anything, you shared your light with me. Your hair a dirty blond a feature that I remember vividly, why? Why can't I remember your smile? Your voice? Ahh maybe it's because when you died you slit your throat and the last thing I heard were your gasps for air and death coming from your mouth... all in all I will remember you and possibly cherish you in my heart when it is healed.

Most of the students were crying, Ichinose was amongst them along with Hiyori, ibuki couldn't hold back her tears, Albert was looking at Ayanokouji with a mix of sadness and determination to help him in living a peaceful life. Horikita looked down questioning herself whether she should haveever tried blackmailing him though she has changed she cursed her former self for not seeing with a wider outlook on life. Shinohara now understood why he was gloomy, she realised how foolish she was in calling him gloomy without knowing why. She could only look at herself in anger. Ryuen looked at him with a look that conveyed something unbecoming of him: respect. He may hate him deep down but he knows that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka the same man who beat half to death was still human. Will that stop him from calling Ayanokouji monster? HELL NO he will still call him monster.

That's why I enrolled in this school, although freedom and peace were a few of the reasons, the other including my development as a human, something I lacked in "that place".

A lot of the students looked puzzled, lack of humanity? "That place"? However, one person knew what he was talking about and it brought a sad smile to her face.

Sakayanagi: 'That place really is inhuman, what happened to him in there would leave a scar in his heart and mind which would last a lifetime, I'm happy he is here albeit for a short amount of time. My rival and my childhood friend."

The school I enrolled in is known as The Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing Highschool. A school which boasts a 100% employment and university acceptance rate. Naturally none of those interest me, what would be the point if I returned to that place? I came here for freedom even if it was for a short time of three years.

Kanzaki the sub leader of Class B and most of the class D were becoming uneasy. They were wondering, thinking, speculating about their friend, however to Kanzaki it was a different matter he had only now realised that something was different in Ayanokouji and he came to a conclusion. Something terrible happened to Ayanokouji and he didn't know whether to pry into his private affairs or to stay away from him. His calculating and analytical mind wanted to find out but his moral side suppressed that desire for now. For now he decided to wait and see.

I arrived at the bus stop and my eyes started wandering, even though I've been outside for so long there are still things that fascinate me. The people, their conversations, the food most of them I haven't tried yet; an example of which would be pizza.

By now a lot of the students stopped crying, but their eyes were full of pity, however the most would be a girl with blond hair tied in a ponytail, her gyaru persona wasn't there anymore and right now all she wanted to do was hug her boyfriend. That's right her name is Karuizawa Kei. The girl that looks like her and to Ayanokouji right now the most important person in his life. As his girlfriend she vowed to help him... taste pizza, but she was also determined in helping him achieve his wish for a peaceful life.

Karuizawa Kei: 'I am going to be the pillar of support for my Kiyotaka, where he is lost I'll be there for him and when he needs my support I'll be there to lift him back up because I love that boy, my hero and shield. Thank you for becoming a part of my life now. I will always love you for taking a chance with me. Even though our relationship at the start was shaky you helped me overcome my past now it's my turn to do the same for you.'

Ayanokouji who was silently watching the video turned his head to see his girlfriend with a look of pity and determination. However... he was increasingly getting nervous, he had only just recovered what he had lost, although a slither of it he didn't want to lose it again. Therefore he started to make countermeasures in case push come to shove and he might lose what is most important to him right now.

Ichinose the girl who had fallen for the brown haired apathetic boy had made a couple of conclusions based on Ayanokoujis thoughts. Firstly he had a terrible childhood, secondly he was trapped physically and mentally in a place he was forced to call a home, thirdly his assignment to class D may be as a result of this. However she was now more than determined to help him in any way possible because like Karuizawa Kei he was her hero and her saviour.

Ichinose: 'I will help you with all I have Ayanokouji kun.'

Of course the two maidens weren't the only ones Shina Hiyori and many more wanted to help him, they had just seen his thoughts and came to a conclusion that his childhood was terrible. Even class D most of whom who had problems with their lives understood, Yukimura Teruhiko with his mother, Hasebe Haruka with her parents, Hirata Yosuke with his childhood friend,. Each one understood him and wanted to help him, except one... Kushida Kikyo, it wasn't as if she didn't understand, in fact she sympathised with him however she was still determined in getting him expelled and was hoping these videos might help her.

The bus arrived and snapped me out of thoughts for a second and I entered, I then came to a realisation that this was the first time I had been inside a bus.

The students demeanour changed from pity to confusion, even though they came to the conclusion that he had a terrible childhood, they thought he'd at least been on a bus as a child. How much stuff was he deprived of in his childhood.

I went and got a seat and sank deep into my thoughts one again. As the bus moved my mind was in deep thinking about this topic that coincided with freedom.

"Are people equal or not?"

To be continued in part 2

Authors notes
Next update might be random so don't expect it, but thanks for reading. This is my first fanfic and I know I made some errors, I am stupidly busy but because I can finish my assignments much quicker than most I can update my story at any time, however it really depends on my mood.

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