Haunted By A Pervy Ghost // ONE

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Author : ~♡

Katsuki hums as he gets out of his car and smirks up at the small but quaint little house he recently bought.

Katsuki takes in a deep breath just as the moving truck stops behind him next to his car and smiles as he throws his hands in the air and shakes his hips a little with a soft giggle. "Fucking finally! Im on my own! No more nagging moms and no more yelling"

The man getting out of the moving truck smiles as Katsuki in amusement but Katsuki just glares at him and huffs.

"You didn't see that" Katsuki grunted at him.

The man raised his hands in surrender and chuckled and Katsuki's glare faltered a little and he let out a soft giggle, way too happy to let anything stop him from enjoying himself.

He finally moved out of his Hellish childhood home and he's gonna be fucking ecstatic about it!

Katsuki hissed when he heard a loud bang come from behind him and glanced at his new house...the banging had come from the door banging shut.

Katsuki frowned as he looked at the moving man that stopped next to him whistling lowly. "Maybe it's haunted?"

Katsuki raised his eyebrow at the man. "Aren't you talkative for a man that's supposed to move my shit into my house"

The man just let out a chuckle with the shake of his head before he started to instruct the team of movers to start bringing the furniture and boxes of belongings.

Katsuki huffed before making his way to the front door and pushing in, the door was surprisingly a little heavy. Katsuki shivered and gripped his upper arms when he got into the house, it was like stepping into a freezer.

"Damn" Katsui cursed softly, he could practically see a cloud of his own breath infront of him.

"Eep!" Katsuki squealed loudly when he felt something cold suddenly grope his butt. Katsuki whipped around and glared at the mover behind him. "What the fuck?!"

"I-It wasn't me I swear!" The man said, panicked and pale, he was shaking and loking like he just saw a ghost.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes as he placed his hands on his hips and glared heatedly at the shaking man. "You fucking expect me to belive that!? We're the only fucking ones in this house right now!"


Katsuki and the Mover let out extremely feminine screams when another door suddenly banged shut behind him. Katsuki blushed a vibrant red along with the man.

"What the hell..." The man asked, shaking slightly while Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the door before he huffed and cleared his throat.

"Must be the wind" Katsuki said turning back to the man who frowned at him.

"But there is no wi-"

"Just do your job!" Katsuki grunted at the man, shooing him out of the house slightly with no real force.

This house is normal, there is no ghost...ghosts does not exist! Katsuki chanted in his head over and over as he made his way slowly through the house and smiled when he saw a fireplace in one of the rooms, it also had a bay-window.

Perfect for a study and reading room! Katsuki thought happily as he looked around the room with a soft smile. This room was slightly colder than the rest but it was nothing he couldn't fix by lighting up the fireplace.

He inspected the other rooms too and decided that his room will be upstairs near the attic, which he was planning to make into a cozy little exercise room.

The basement is going to be his laundry room. The house had two bathrooms, one was right across his room while the other was downstairs.

There was also three bedrooms excluding the master bedroom, an office, one kitchen and a room that strangely had no windows and was painted a completely dark black on the inside. Katsuki decided hat it would be his little in-house library.

Katsuki was just about to walk down the stairs when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, peeking out of the master bedroom. Katsuki's whole body went cold when he spotted a pair of glowing green eyes staring intently at him, Katsuki felt a shiver go though him when he saw the eyes pulling back slightly before a dark and demonic smirk showed.

"What the fuck" Katsuki asked, incredulous when he blinked and it was suddenly gone, Katsuki huffed and turned around, only to gasp and scream before he tumbled to the floor and scrambled back as fast as he could.

The thing with the demonic smirk and glowing green eyes stood there, towering over him and now Katsuki could see that it was actually a person, a really, really long guy. He was unnaturally long and he was also slightly transparent.

Katsuki saw the man's green and black curly hair tied into a man bun behind his head and his pale skin littered with soft freckles. His pale glowing green eyes glinted before his smirk stretched even further, almost tearing his face in half.

Katsuji whimpered and shuffled back even more when the man took a menacing step towards him.

Katsuki saw the man's smirk stretch even wider, if that was possible, before he tilted his head slightly to the side, a deep growly chuckle left him and then he became fully transparent before fully disappearing from Katsuki's vision.

Katsuki's eyes were wide and his chest was heaving as he sat there, staring at the spot where the demon ghost man thing stood towering above him seconds ago.

Katsuki let out a loud and frightened scream when his phone suddenly Rang in his pocket.

"Fuck!" He shouted in exasperation before he let out a growl and plucked it from his pocket and answering it as he shakily stood up from the floor and held onto the railing at the top of the stairs.

"The fuck fo you want shitty hair!?"

"Bakubro! You actually answered this time!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes and let out a irritated noise. "What do you want?!"

"Oh! Yeah, well me and the gang thought that now that you have your own place and everything...we wanted to celebrate and check out your new pad..?"

Katsuki took a deep breath and was about to decline when the door to the bathroom suddenly slammed shut with so much force that it made Katsuki stumble back and gasp in fear and surprise. "...fuck..." Katsuki mumbled.

What in the everloving Fuck is going on here!?

"Uh, Bakubro? Is everything alright over there? I heard a slam..."

Katsuki shook slightly. "Everything's fucking fine and okay...you and the other extras can come over and tell them to bring overnight bags"

"Really!? That's That's cool Bro! I'll tell them now and we'll be there in a few hours!"

Katsuki didn't answer back he just ended the call and sighed as he rubbed his forehead with his palm and took a deep breath, trying to make sense of what just happened to him.

Jesus Christ...

To be continued...maybe?

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