Haunted By A Pervy Ghost // FOUR

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Author : ...well I think it's time for a Lil bit of smut don't you?...😁😉 i owe it to you guys for going away for so long! Blame my boyfriend, it's his fault! 😭

"Ah, Ah, Ah~!" Soft high pitched moans spilled from Katsuki's pink and plump lips. "Nuuu..." He whimpered when those toxic green eyes looked up at him from between his thighs.

"Staaahp-Ahn!" Katsuki arched off the couch when he felt the mouth leave his cock but a thick slimy tongue poked and prodded at his little pink puckered hole.

Katsuki started sobbing as he  desperately started to kick at the things back but it didn't relent, only pushed its tongue deeper till it poked a small bundle making Katsuki practically scream and his toes curl in unbelievable pleasure.

The thing thrusted it's tongue in and out of Katsuki slowly but deep enough to poke that bundle everytime.

"N-No...No please...Ahn!" Katsuki begged desperately even as his back arched high off the couch in pleasure.

Tears trailed down Katsuki's cheeks as he sobbed and weakly tried to escape the things grasp, but froze when he heard a soft deep chuckle.

The thing pushed itself up, and pulled Katsuki's shaking legs around his hips before leaning down. Katsuki was frozen in fear when the thing grinned, his teeth jagged and dangerous.

Katsuki didn't have the time to worry about the terrifying teeth as he felt something unbelievably thick and hard start to enter him. Katsuki shook his head vigorously as he stated  pushing against the things hard broad chest.

"Stop no! Please sto-!"

Katsuki was immediately cut off by the soft yellow light turning on, his livingroom instantly illuminated.

Katsuki shook and trembled pulling the blanket over his naked body before he started to sob in fear, the thing had disappeared as soon as the light turned on.

"Kat? Kat what's wrong!?" Kirishima asked suddenly running over to Katsuki and pulling the sobbing and shaking blonde against his chest as comfort.

Katsuki shook his head as he clung tightly onto Kirishima, his sobs turning into soft sniffles and hiccups.

"Bad dream?" Kirishima asked softly as he stroked through Katsuki's damp soft spikes.

Katsuki stayed like that for a but before his eyes widened andhe pushed Kirishima away with a small soft scowl. "Don't fucking touch me" He said with no malice or bite in his words.

Kirishima chuckled and sat back on the couch. "You feeling okay now?"

"I was always okay, shut up"

"Whatever you say man" Kirishima said before he closes his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I was just about to catch some Z's when I heard some noises, I thought it was the TV but then I heard you screaming and I ran out" Kirishima said looking back at Katsuki.

"Bad dream?" Kirishima asked softly when Katsuki didn't say anything.

Katsuki sighed and got up from the couch before walking towards his bedroom. "Goodnight Shitty hair," He said making Kirishima laugh softly.

"G'night man" Kirishima said softly before he leaned his head back on the couch.

He waited till he heard the sound of Katsuki's bedroom door closing before he closed his eyes and yawned. He stopped Mid-yawn when he heard a deep growl come from behind him.

The livingroom felt like a freezer and Kirishima shivered before he looked back and frowned when he saw nothing. He shrugged before getting up from the couch and heading back to the guesthedroom.

And not once did he notice the large dark shadow standing next to the couch, watching him with glowing toxic green eyes, a jagged smirk glinting demonically in the soft moonlight.


The next morning...

"Ahn...God...yes...ah!" Katsuki moaned softly, still half asleep as his toes curled, his body quivered and trembled as he gripped the sheets desperately. Guttural Cries and high pitched moaned spilling from his mouth.

Katsuki's back arched from the bed as he let out a high pitched moan before he groggily opened his eyes. Tiredness weighing on him heavily.

Katsuki trembled softly before his eyes flew open wider and he gasped.

His legs were hovering in the air with his back barely on the bed, something invisible was trusting into him, something slippery and hot and wet.

Tears sprang to Katsuki's eyes as he moaned softly while trying to get his body down onto the bed.

"What the fuck is going onnn-Aggh!" He cut himself off with a loud moan.

Katsuki let out a surprised shriek as he suddenly fell on the bed and flipped over with his ass in the air. Something inbelievably big, heavy, hard and hot touched his hole and Katsuki shrieked in pleasure as it slammed into him.

It hurt, badly, and he felt something tear inside him but the thing didn't seem to care as it continued to fuck into Katsuki with a force that had the bed slam into the wall repeatedly.

Katsuki hissed and sobbed from the pain but soon started to scream and moan from pleasure as the thing slammed deeper and deeper inside him, abusing his prostate with every thrust.

Katsuki vaguely heard a door opening before he was dropped onto the bed and the thing inside him disappeared, leaving Katsuki laying on the bed, sobbing, sweaty and gasping for air desperately.

Katsuki's whole body quivered and he whimpered when his hole throbbed and ached into his whole back.

"Kat!?" Was all Katsuki heard before he passed out.

To be continued...

I hope it was good...when i read it it sounded really...rapey...and I'm sorry for that! I'll make it better in the next Chapter which will be here in two days! Stay tuned!

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