Haunted By A Pervy Ghost // SEVEN

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Author : Sorry guys for the late update~♡

"Thanks man" Sero said hesitatantly as he took the pizza's and buckled a little under the weight making Izuku chuckle deeply, sending a shiver up Katsuki's spine.

"Careful there, they're heavy" He said before grinning at Katsuki. "I hope you guys enjoy the pizzas! There is no need for a tip since you guys are the last customers, I hope you have a good night oh-" He stopped and gave a embarrassed smile to Katsuki.

"Would you guys mind if I use your bathroom real quick?"

Katsuki swallowed and shook his head before stepping aside with Sero behind him staring at Izuku with a frown.

"Thanks" Izuku said softly his eyes glinting before he walked passed them towards the bathroom, Katsuki frowned and Sero's eyes widened.

"Ey Bakugou? Did you...tell him where the bathroom is?" Sero asked uneasy and Katsuki shook his head.

"I didn't..."


"Who was it?" Mina asked softly as she sat on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest. Katsuki and Sero just entered the livingroom.

"The pizza delivery guy" Sero said putting the pizza's down on the small coffee table, Kirishima grinned.

"Is it Izu? From PlusUltra Pizzas?"

"How do you know him?" Katsuki asked Kirishima with a frown as he crossed his arms but flinched when he felt something grope his butt hard, he immediately whipped around and his eyes widened when he found Izuku standing behind in the hallway, his toxic green eyes almost glowing and his smirk glinting dangerously in the shadows of the hallway.

Katsuki trembled and backed away slightly before Izuku took a step forward into the soft glow of the livinroom light and Katsuki saw his expression instantly morph into one of concern and worry.

His brows were furrowed and his mouth was quirked into a small frown.
"Are you okay?"

Katsuki swallowed heavily and shook his head. God I must be going crazy..
"I-Im fine..."

Katsuki's breath hitched when Izuku raised his hand and traced the back of his hand against Katsuki's forehead, Katsuki shivered as his body grew hotter and hotter till his lips trembled making him groan onto them with his teeth.

Izuku saw this and Katsuki trembled even more when he saw Izuku lick his lips with a sharp black tongue, his pupils growing slitted before turning to normal as he took his hand from Katsuki forehead.

"You feel a little hot, maybe you have a small fever...you should go lay down yeah?" Izuku said softly, his eyes growing heady and darker. Katsuki gasped softly.

"It is you! How have you been man?" Kirishima's loud voice suddenly broke Katsuki from his trance and he let out a shaky breath as Izuku's head snapped to Kirishima before a wide bright and friendly smile broke out on his face.

"Kiri! Damn man, long time no see" Izuku said as he walked over and gave Kirishima a bro hug.

"I've been good, business is running smoothly and you?" Izuku went on. Kirishima grinned and pulled Kaminari close to his side. Kaminari gave Izuku a small friendly smile, still a little shaken up from the events that happened.

"I've been great man, this is my boyfriend Denki" He said proudly smiling down at Denki who blushed bright red and timidly held a hand out to Izuku, Izuku shook it with a soft smile.

"Nice you meet you Denki, my name is Izuku Midoriya"

"N-Nice to meet you" Denki said softly his smile more relaxed now especially when Izuku winked and somehow pulled a electric yellow rose from behind Denki's ear.

Denki's eyes glowed as he timidly took the beautiful flower from Izuku's fingertips. "O-Oh my god" He said softly.

Kirishima laughed softly and kissed the side of Denki's head. "Oh, did I forget to mention that Izu here, is a magician too, a damn talented one too"

Izuku snorted and rolled his eyes. "Please, what I can do is nothing.."

"Please do something Magic-ee again! I wanna see it from close up!" Mina said as she sprang up from the couch, her eyes wide and sparkling and her grin wide. She looked almost back to normal, almost cause her body was still slightly shaking.

"Quit it Pinky, he just came to deliver our pizza's cuz it's his job, he's not here to perform for you" Katsuki's voice cut through making Mina pout.

"Blah! He can decide then! It's just one trick please" Mina pleaded while Izuku's eyes glanced at Katsuki making Katsuki flinch slightly and gulp. Izuku seemed satisfied with that before he looked at Mina and smiled.

"What kind of trick do you want to see?" Izuku asked her softly but Katsuki stiffened when he heard a dark underlining to the words.

Mina thought for a minute before she gulped and looked around slightly before she walked up to Izuku, went on her tiptoes and whispered something in his ear, whatever it was it made his brow quirk up before he smirked.

"Really? You think I can do that?" He asked when Mina stepped back with a nervous expression eched on her face.

"Please, my friend here needs it and I know it sounds stupid but it's true and I'm desperate" Mina said seriously for the first time.

Katsuki looked between them with a frown. What the hell are they talking about?

"I've heard about you before you know, and I've heard that you're good at this too" She went on making Izuku chuckle deeply before he stared down at her with wide predatory eyes.

By now everyone was silent and staring back and forth between the two, Katsuki growing more frustrated.

"You know there's a price to this right? It can either effect me or him and it almost never ends well for either party" He said lowly.

"I-...Just do whatever it takes Please!" Mina said her eyes glinting. Izuku chuckled again and drew back before looking Katsuki dead in the eye.

"Don't blame me for what happens next okay?"

Katsuki didn't know what possessed him to nod and Izuku made a pleased noise before he closed his eyes and turned fully to the Ouija board behind him, he lifted his hands and everyone gasped when it started to levitate with the planchette spinning wildly around Izuku.

Izuku let out a deep sigh before he opened his eyes, they were practically black as he smirked into the dark hallway infront of him.

"You can't hide from me, I already know you're there...I can see you" Izuku said making everyone flinch, his voice sounded like multiple people spoke through him at the same time.

He sounded...Demonic...

Katsuki and the rest of the gang didn't even have time to react when something tall, dark with green hair and sharp teeth lunged at Izuku, Izuku didn't even flinch as he grinned and suddenly it was like he was vacuuming the grotesque creature into his own body.

Everyone watched with bated breath as he creature disappeared with a sharp scream and left only Izuku standing.

Everything was silent till Izuku let out a dark chuckle, slowly turning around till he was facing everyone.

Everyone flinched at the dark smirk he gave them. "You know, I should thank you guys for this, really," He said and his voice was still like it was echoing multiple people at the same time.

"I can't believe I took me this long to finally consume him..to make him into me, I've waited so long and finally..." He said and chuckled again.

"...I'm whole again" He said before completely disappearing shattering all the lights in the house making nearly everyone scream in fear and shock.

Katsuki passed out and the last thing he heard whispered in his ear was,

"I can't wait to make you Mine for good"

To be Continued~♡

...h-hey guys...PLZ DONT KILL MEH!

I promise you lots and lots of smut in the chapters to come! *pun fully intended*


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