Haunted By A Pervy Ghost // FIVE

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Author : ..........I won't even try to make up excuses on why I'm so late, I'm so so sorry guys...🥺 i hope this one makes up for it...


Katsuki huffed and tried turning over but hissed as a sharp pain tore through his body making him groan softly. "...the fuck.."


"What the fuck is it!?" Katsuki growled out when he heard a frantic cry of his name. He turned his head and grunted again when he saw Kaminari and Kirishima looking at him with worried frowns.

"The hell are you looking at me for?" Katsuki asked them, hissing when his ass throbbed. "The fuck happened to me!?"

"I think you had another nightmare bro" Kirishima said making Katsuki frown. "What?"

"Yeah, you were kicking and screaming and  when we came in you were arched off the bed before you collapsed suddenly, passing out" Kaminari said with his brows furrowed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Katsuki gritted out as he tried to scoot off the  edge of his bed but abandoned that plan when he felt as if someone was brutalizing his back with a chainsaw.

Why the fuck-!?

His eyes widened as hasy memories started to flood in his mind, making him tremble and sweat in a mix if fear and anger.

"Kirishima" He gritted out, still trembling wildly.

"Yeah man?" Kirishima asked cautiously while taking a small step back.

"Where the fuck did you say they sold that voodoo shit last time?" Katsuki asked.

Kirishima grinned widely while Kaminari's face contorted in horror.

Katsuki clenched his jaw in anger and slight fear when he saw a shadow move in humanely through his open door in the hallway.


"I can't believe it! I can't believe It! I'm so excited!!!" Mina exclaimed, practically jumping up and down in excitement as they entered the shabby and quaint looking little shop.

"Grandma's attic?...really?" Katsuki asked as he looked at the sign up top.

"I think it's a cool name, creative" Sero said as he opened the door, making a soft bell chime sweetly.

"Oh dearie me! How can I help you youngsters today?" A small old lady asked softly, she had this wierd syringe for a cane making Katsuki scrunch his nose in confusion.

"My friend here would like some ghost repelling things!" Mina exclaimed making everyone cringe while the old lady just gave her a confused look.

"Ghost repelling things? I don't know if i have anything like that but I  remember..." she said but trailed off as she proceeded to walk towards one of the small shelves behind the front desk.

"This strange boy came in the other day and claimed that this can help speak to the dead, he said it gave him terrible nightmares and that i have to keep it as far as possible from customers but I haven't got to it, I just remembered it now that you mentioned it" she said taking out a flat black box.

"What is it?" Kamimari asked  softly, slightly hiding behind Kirishima who eagerly crained his head to see more.

The lady took the contents out and eveeyone could see that it was a wooden board with numbers and letters on.

Katsuki gingerly stepped forward and traced the large letters that spelled 'Ouija' with his fingertips.

"What is it? What is it!?" Mina exclaimed bouncing up and down as she scanned the board.

"I think...I know what this is..." Sero said frowning at the black board.
"I've seen Tiktok's and YouTube videos of people use these in America and other places but I've never seen one in real life..."

"What does it do?" Kirishima asked eagerly while Sero gulped and shook his head. "Like that boy said, it helps communicate with the dead people or dead relatives..."

"Ohhh~ sounds scary! I wanna try!" Mina giggled as she picked up the board and read some of the numbers and letters out loud.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and looked back at the lady. "Don't you have something else maybe? Like garlic or black mirror and all that creepy shit?"

"Bakubaeeeee don't be like that!" Mina pouted as he shoved the board in a yelping Kaminari's hands who immediately gave it to his grinning boyfriend.

Mina clung onto Katsuki's arm with an exaggerated pout. "Come on! Let's take the voodoo board and try it out tonight besides," she said glancing at the old lady. "We can always bring it back right? If it doesnt work?"

The lady nodded with a smile. "Of course, but if it's broken or damaged it can't be brought back"

"Yeah, no shit" Katsuki said with a groan before letting out a heavy sigh.

"How much for the stupid thing?" He asked boredly while Mina jumped around in excitement.

"Why are you so excited about this anyways?" Sero asked her while the lady boxed he board and Katsuki paid for it.

"I've always wanted to be a part of things like this! I once watched an exorcism movie and it totally gave me chills and ever since then i wanted to live through it myself!" Mina said with a wide grin.

"What?" Kaminari asked softly. "That's way too creepy, I always avoided things like these..."

"But you like horror movies?" Kirishima asked pulling Kaminari close to his chest.

Kaminari pouted up at his boyfriend. "No, you like them and you always make me watch them with you, it's nerve wracking Eiji, the Jumpscares are gonna give me a heart attack some day you'll see"

"Aw, come on babe don't say that" Kirishima said kissing Kaminari's soft neck lovingly.

"I love anything horror, it's just too thrilling to pass up" Mina said as she watched the bag Katsuki carried containing the board eagerly.

"Let's go extras" Katsuki said eyeing the package in his hand in distaste before walking out of the store hurriedly.


"So what now?" Mina asked softly that night as they sat on the livinroom floor with the board in the middle of them with each of them with two fingers on the planchette.

Sero hummed as he read on his phone.
"Now we have to circle the planchette on the board five times because it's the amount of players we have here"

"This is stupid," Katsuki said gruffly when they were done.

"Come on, show some spirit, no pun intended!" Mina giggled out making Katsuki roll his eyes.

"Now, we ask what ever we want I guess" Sero said putting his phone, face down, next to him on the floor.

Mina grinned widely.

To Be Continued...😗

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, there wasn't any smut but I promise there will be lots and lots of smut in the following chapters!

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