Haunted By A Pervy Ghost // TWO

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Author : Enjoy~♡

Katsuki huffed as he placed the last box in the living room and froze when something cold passed by him.

He closed his eyes tightly and hummed softly under his breath. There's nothing there, there is no ghost, ghosts do Not exist Katsuki you're just out of it...ghosts do not exist...

Katsuki calmed down slightly and hummed more under his breath as he sat down and started sorting through the boxes, he glanced up the stairs and decided to keep himself busy downstairs for the time being.

When he purchased the house, most of the previous owner's furniture was already there, and it was about new too and ofcourse Katsuki had to pay more but he didn't mind, there was already couches and all the rooms had their cupboards and beds already as well as mirrors and other equipment such as microwave, toaster, wafflemaker, kettle, coffeemaker, double door fridge, dishwasher and washing machine.

So all in all, Katsuki hit the jackpot since everything was state of the art and relatively new too.

Must've been a rich fucker before Katsuki mused in his head as he looked around the livingroom he had cleaned and put all his belongings in. Most of his boxes was scattered around the house where where would be packed out.

Katsuki jumped a little when his phone vibrated on the couch next to him. He picked it up and read through the texts.

°•° yo Bakubro! We'll be there in a few Kay? ^0^ BTW Mina said she'd bring us some snacks and stuff too! ~♡

Katsuki rolled his eyes before he slipped his phone back into his back pocket and when he looked up his heart hammered wildly in his chest.

A dark figure was hunched over one of his opened boxes.

Katsuki was completely frozen to his spot on the couch, wide eyed and freezing cold. His eyes trailed over the dark form and he could say with great certainty that it wasn't the apparition from before.

The figure was dark black and it looked misty, like a clump of dark smoke in the form of something humanoid.

Katsuki flinched when the figure reached one of its unatturally thin arms out and large hands out into the box and pulled out one of Katsuki's snow globes, the ones he got as a present from his father when he was a kid.

He watched with baited breath and a thundering heart as the figure seemed to examine the snow globe before shaking it slightly, it freezed as it watched the snowflakes flutter from inside the snowglobe.

Seemingly fascinated by the snow, it continued to shake the snowglobe when the snow settled.

Katsuki frowned as he watched the figure, it appeared to look almost watching the globe with some sort of childish innocence, and Katsuki was sure if the figure had eyes it would have been wide and sparkling with wonder as he continued to shake the snowglobe.

Katsuki's breath caught in his throat when the doorbell of his door Rang shrill through the silence. The figure seemed to be completely at ease before it turned his head to Katsuki and disappeared leaving the snowglobe to fall to the carpet with a dull thud.

Katsuki puffed out a breath, only now noticing that he was holding his breath. He ran his hand through his hair. "What the actual fu-"

"Bakubro! Bakubro you home!?" Kirishima's voice rang from outside and Katsuki rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch and made his way to the front door, throwing it open and glaring at the gang outside.

"Oh wow, you actually opened the door" Mina, Katsuki's pink haired friend, said with a smirk as she immediately walked around him into the house, the rest of the gang followed her completely ignoring Katsuki's annoyed growl.

"Take off your shoes!" Katsuki shouted at them making them scrambled to get their shoes off and put it into a shoe rack, Katsuki installed next to the door.

"Wow! Your house is so big and spacious Kat!" Denki, a energetic blonde and Kirishima's boyfriend, said excitedly as he bounced around the livingroom with wide eyes.

Katsuki just grunted while the others went around the livingroom, either sitting back in the couches or eyeballing the place.

"Oh!" Denki said in surprise before he picked up the discarded snowglobe.

Katsuki watched with furrowed brows as Denki yelped softly and dropped the snowglobe just as quickly as he picked it up.

"What's wrong babe?" Kirishima asked Denki softly as he shook his hand out while frowning at the globe.

"I-I don't know...it's cold...like really really cold" Denki said softly as he watched Kirishima bend down to pick it up. "Baby be careful" He said softly as he held onto Kirishima's shoulder.

Kirishima hissed as he picked up the globe, he brought it up to eye level before he looked at Katsuki who was watching them with a soft frown.

"Damn Bakubro, you keep this in the fridge before we came? You know just because it's called a snowglobe doesn't mean it has to be as cold as it's name you know" Kirishima mused with a chuckle.

"Fuck you and no, I didn't keep it in the fridge, I'm not you" Katsuki said as he took the globe from Kirishima's hands and flinched at the freezing temperature of it.

"Then why is it so cold?"

"The fuck should i know?!" Katsuki asked exasperated as he set the globe down on the glass coffee table.

No, he knew exactly what happened to the globe he just wasn't going to say shit.


Katsuki and the rest of the gang froze when they heard a door bang shut loudly from upstairs.

Katsuki mentally groaned when they all turned to face him, all their faces had different expressions, Mina looked ecstatic, Sero looked Nervous, Denki looked scared while Kirishima had a grin on his face while his eyes sparkled.


To be continued..maybe?

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