9. aslan's meaningful sacrifice

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Aslan looks at the girls and walked back to his tent.


The girl fell asleep the night questioning, What promise? She was interrupted by the shadowing of Aslan's body, awake. She put on her dress, the dress she hated, and ran outside. She finally knew what the promise was.

"You took me and Edmund's punishment, didn't you," she asked, placing her sword on her belt. The lion nodded. "Well, then. No one shall die to their death alone, I am going to walk you to the stone table," the girl said.

"Please, Karalyn, I need to do this alone," Aslan said. "Like it or not, sire. But no one, NO ONE, shall walk to their death alone," the girl said as the walked. As she entered the woods, she heard crunching in the trees, she knew who it was.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Aslan asked. "We couldn't sleep," Lucy said. "Please Aslan," Susan begged. "Well, I guest more company wouldn't hurt," Aslan said. "Thank you," Aslan said, and they walked.

As the girl was petting him, she couldn't help but realize such things. How come Peter met her at her horse's stall when his was done?

The girl used the shovel to scoop the poop, (I couldnt write this part without laughing) when she heard a voice behind her. "What are you doing," she said as Peter looked at her. "Nothing," he said.

"Uh huh. Well, since you're here you can start by feeding the damn horses," the girl said. The boy did as she asked but they couldn't help but look at each other, and once they got caught they flinched away and blushed.

She took her broom and sweeped the floor. She listened to the voices in her head. "Kiss him. Tell him you love him. Tell him he's who you've been waiting for. Kiss him already, mate!"

She listened but she wouldn't do as they said. "Thank you for helping me," she said, getting the hay. "No problem at all, High Queen Karalyn," he said, also carrying a bale. The girl laughed at his comment. She threw it on the floor, and hay splashed in her face, getting in her hair.

He had the same thing happening to him, but he cleaned his hair out by putting water over it, but the girl let it stay.

"It is time, from here, me and Karalyn must go on alone," Aslan said. "But Aslan-" Susan began. "Trust me, this must be done," Aslan said. "Thank you Susan. Thank you, Lucy and farewell," he said and him and Karalyn walked away.

She saw as she was getting closer and closer to the stone table, surrounded by the beasts. She drew out her sword and the beasts backed away. She walked up the stairs and she saw Jadis. She didn't shudder. She could see the fright in his eyes.

She looked at what Jadis was holding, a black stone dagger. The girl started growing frightful, but didn't show it. "Behold, the great lion, and the princess," Jadis says to everyone, there's cheers, but not to the welcome, but to the death of one.

She walked closed and closer to the stone table, then General Otmin, a mintotuar, playfully stabbed Aslan with his axe and Aslan let out a low growl. Otmin knocked him down, and Karalyn took out her hatchet, ready to throw.

Everyone mocked the king, the highest of the high, scaring him. "Bind him!" The queen said and trolls held her back. "No! No! ASLAN!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. They bonded his feet and mouth but the queen stopped them. "Wait."

"Let him first be shaved," the queen said. Ginarrbrik whipped out his knife and the trolls held Karalyn back and stepped on her legs not allowing her to stand, but to sit on her knees.

She watched as his beautiful fur got shaved off aggresivly. As the first was shaved everyone cheered. And the second. Third, fourth, fifth and sixth.

In a matter of seconds, all his hair was shaved by multiple creatures, as this point Karalyn was crying. "Bring him to me," Jadis said and the creatures did just that. They banged his snout on the stairs and Karalyn winced.

The cheering stopped, and banging started. One,





Six, seven

Eight, nine, ten, eleven.

The bangs started getting faster. Jadis started leaning down, and whispered to him, "Aslan. We've got some work to do," she said, rubbing the fur her had left. "This is what is the cost of a traitor. Giving your life and saving hers," and Aslan looked at her. "So much for love."

She stood up. "Tonight, the deep magic, will be appeaved but tomorrow we will take Narnia foreeeeveeeeeer!" She yelled. "In that knowledge, dispare," she said, raising her weapon. "NOOOOO!" Karalyn yelled, probably loud enough the camp could hear it, when she looked to the woods, she saw Lucy and Susan, behind a bush.

"ANDDDD DIE!" the White Witch yelled, and shot down her weapon. As soon as the stone hit the cat, Karalyn hair was pure white once again showing her The Great Cat was dead.

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