19. brawl at the station

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The girl stood by the newspapers waiting for the train. Susan stood beside her as she read the Daily News report. As the girl stood in her uniform, she watched as a boy attempted to flirt with Susan. "I'll leave you two alone," she said, placing her newspaper back before Lucy ran into her.

"Kara! Kara!" Lucy said. "Wait?" Karalyn said urrgerntly. "Come on! Where's Susan?" Lucy screamed more. "By the newspapers," before the younger girl could run away, Karalyn grabbed her, "Lucy, what is going on?"

"You'll see."

She ran to the girl at the newspaper and Lucy grabbed her. "Susan, we gotta go, now!" Lucy said. "What?"

"Same thing I said," Karalyn told Susan. The ran into the Train Station and pushed their way through the crowd that were yelling, "Fight! Fight!"

Karalyn finally realized who were fighting. Two boys from another school, and Karalyn's boyfriend. She watched as the boys kicked him when he was down, punched him when he up.

As the two boys ripped his jacket, he was pulled up, looking straight at his siblings and Karalyn.

When Peter's eyes met Karalyn, she gave him a wince, and she couldn't help but wanna punch those boys so bad. As they held Peter's head into the wall, Edmund ran down. "Edmund!" Lucy exclaimed. "It's the fifth time this week, let him go into it this time," Karalyn said.

Edmund jumped on one of the boys knocking them down, as well as himself. Another boy jumped in and the two boys grabbed Peter and placed him at the railroad track, his neck was over the railroad track.

Then the boys kicked his ribs. Finally, a whistle blew, making the 3-1 boys break it up. Everyone, Lucy and Susan rushed up the stairs, but Karalyn stood there, crossing her arms.


"Your welcome," Edmund said and like the rest of them, he was sitting on a bench beside the railroad. "That didn't sort it," Peter defended. "What was it this time," Karalyn asked.

"He bumped me," Peter said. "So you hit him," Karalyn exclaimed. "No. After he bumped me, he tried to make me apologise, that's when I hit him," Peter said.

"Is it that hard to walk away," Susan said. "I didn't have to. I mean don't you ever get tired of being treated like kids," Peter exclaimed.

"But we are kids," Edmund said. "Well, I wasn't always," Peter said. "Peter, at the age of nine, everyone treated me like an adult, I didn't want that. Do you?" Karalyn said, standing up, knocking sense into her boyfriend.

"Its been a year, how long do you expect us to wait," Peter said, sitting down. "I think its time for us to say we live here," Susan said. "Its no use pretending we're any different."

Karalyn grabbed Peter's hand. And when he looked at her, he saw her very deflecting eyes, the ones he fell in love with.

The train bell blew and the whole station stood up, except the Pevensie's. "Pretend you're talking to me," Susan said. "We are talking to you."

"Ow, something pinched me!" Lucy exclaimed, standing up. "Ai, stop pulling!" Peter yelled, standing up. "I'm not touching you!"

"What is that?" Susan yelled as she felt a tingling sensation. "It feels like magic?" Karalyn said. "Quick, everyone hold hands!" Susan said. Karalyn grabbed Susan and Peter's hands. Karalyn watched as the two brothers bickered. "I'm not holding you hand," Edmund screamed. "Just do it!" Peter exclaimed.

Karalyn watched as the brothers held hands, finally. But the station started breaking, the roof, the posters, the way out sign. And the wall broke, showing a long dim tunnel.

In what seemed in seconds, the train appeared in front of them. And every time a car ended, she could see a beach.

Once the train left, she looked around. She was at the beach and the station was nowhere to be found.

She walked forward, towards the beach. She remembered that beach. But she didn't know where. Lucy looked at the girl and they ran forward. As they ran, Karalyn took off her shoes and jacket, leaving her trousers and skirt and shirt on.

She ran into the water, followed by Peter. "Pete, don't you dare," she said as he threatened to splash her, and he did.

She sent water at him and ran to him. She jumped at him and he backed out. She fell into the water. She got S O A K E D. Peter lender his hand out to her. "Let me help you."

"No," the girl said. "Let me help you!" She yelled pulling him into the water. The boy smiled at the girl and kissed her. Edmund let out a gag, while Lucy laughed.

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