27. stuck

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As the girl, being dragged to the dungeon, kicked and slammed as hard as she could. She was slammed onto her knees, so hard they bruised almost immediantly. "Tell us everything you know."

"Never," she exclaimed looking up. But almost immediately, she was smacked on her face, leaving behind a balck eye. The question was asked again, but no answer, repeating the action. After awhile of this, her face was bruised up more than ever.

They put chains on her hands, but not her feet. She sat around looking at her jailmate. A small girl. "Hello," Karalyn asked politely. "Hello," the girl said. "What's your name?"


"That's a very pretty name, Mayura. What are you doing here?" Karalyn asked. "Miraz took me from my parents and slaughtered them," the girl said and she stared at Karalyn. "Wait- are you high Queen Karalyn the courageous?" Mayura asked. "Yes."

"I read a book about you once, with the witch, you sounded so grown up, I wanted to be like you!" Mayura said. "Really? Mayura, may I ask you a question?"


"How long have you been here?"

"5 years, 112 days, 3 hours and 37 minutes."

"Oh my Aslan, really?" Karalyn asked to the nod of the girl. "How do you survive it," Karalyn asked. "I don't know. I think I act depressed."

"That's no way to live life, here come sit with m-" Karalyn was interrupted by sound of the door opening, she sat back on the wall, quiet. But the person coming down the stairs was quiet too, and Karalyn was surprised who it was. Prunaprisma.

"Prunaprisma?" Karalyn asked. "Stay away!" Karalyn stayed back. But little did she know, Prunaprisma pulled out a cloth, and wiped the dry blood of Karalyn's wound. "Why are you doing this?"

"Cause I have to. Miraz would kill me if he figured out I was here," she said, dabbing the cloth finishing it up and picked up two trays of food. Mayura smiled at the sight of the food. "Thanks, auntie," Mayura said. "She's not actually my aunt, but she brings me food," Mayura said, eating her toast.

"Why at you doing this," Karalyn asked. "A Queen needs to be treated correctly, am I right?" Prunaprisma asked. "Now, I must go, Miraz would kill me," she said walking out. With the strength she had left, Karalyn grabbed Prunaprisma's arm. "Thank you."

"Your welcome."


While Miraz's coronation was going on, Karalyn had a weird feeling, she looked in a shard of glass and saw her face, her scar off her face somehow, but that didn't draw her attention, for her hair was white. Mayura screamed in horror, but not gaining the attention of the guards, thankfully.

She had to warn the Narnian's. Jadis was back, she didn't know how. Or why. But she was back, and she had to warn. She had to try to awaken her friends. The trees.

She used her boot to break the glass in her cell, but it was too small for her to crawl in. She had no choice but to call out and yell. "My friends, you don't have to awake fully! You must warn the others! The White Witch, Jadis, is back! You must warn High King Peter Pevensie the Magnificent!" She yelled and almost immediantly, the leaves came off the trees, heading in the direction of the camp.

And eventually, it made it to the camp. Just in time, in what feeled minutes, which was actually hours, Karalyn's hair was back to normal.

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