25. "we've waited for Aslan long enough

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As the new day became dawn, and the darkness disappeared. But with the darkness disappearing, the Telmarines marched


"Its only a matter of time," Peter said. "Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means the same men aren't protecting his castle," Peter exclaimed. "What do you suppose we do sire," Reepicheep asked, with the bickering of Caspian and Peter. "We need to-" both the boys bickered. The boys gave each other death glares before getting cut of by Karalyn. "Pete, say what you need to say," she said.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter exclaimed. "But that's impossible. No one ever taken the castle," Caspian said.  "There is always a first time," Peter sassily argued. "We'll have an element of surprise," Trumpkin examined. "But we an advantage here," Caspian yelled.

"If we dig in, we could almost hold them off indefinitely," Susan said, going against her older brother. "I for one, feel safer underground," Trufflehunter said. Finally, Karalyn stood up. "Look, I appreciate what you've done here, I really do. But this place, Aslan's How, it is not a fortress, it's a tomb," she explained. "Yes, and if their smart, wouldn't they just starve us out?" Edmund said. 

"We could collect nuts!" says a squirrel. "Yes, and throw them at the Telmarine's! Shut up!" Reepicheep sarcastically said. "I think you know where I stand, your majesty," he told Peter and Karalyn. 

"If I get your troups there, will you handle the gaurds," Peter asked General Glenstorm, who nodded yes. "Or die trying."

"That's what I'm worried about," Lucy, who Karalyn forgot was there, spoke. "Sorry," Peter asked. "You're all acting like there are only two options, dying here, or dying there," Lucy announced. "I'm not sure you've really been listening Lu," Peter said. "No, you're not listening! Or haven't you really forgotten who weakened the White Witch's power, besides Kara, Peter" Lucy yelled.

After a long pause, Peter spoke, and Kara had some deep thoughts about it. "I believe that we have waited for Aslan long enough," Peter said, and walked out.


Karalyn sat outside on the rocks, pulling the grass out of it's roots. After pulling three, she looked at her hands, which were full of mud and dry skin on the knuckles. She heard the sound of walking behind her, and she turned her head, but only by 45 degrees. "Hey," she answered when she saw who it was. "Hey," Peter replied. "What's wrong," he questioned. "Golly gee, I don't know," she said, standing up, "maybe, it's because I feel like every time I turn my back, you and Caspian are at each other's throats," she yelled, but hushed herself. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I just don't know what's wrong with me," she questioned. "Babe, there is nothing wrong with you," Peter said, grabbing her hand. "I think, that I missed a few details in my life."

"Go on then," he said. "First of all, when my mother died, I was 5- wait, 6? I don't know, anyway, my last words were full of hatred, discreat, pain, anything that has a negative effect. My last words to her were, I hope you die... I hope you suffer.. I hope you lose everyone you love. Even after I told those words to her, she said I love you, and I-I-I, said I hate you. That's why I never yell, I never finish a conversation without saying I'm sorry, and when my dad disappeared, my last words to him were, "Make sure you come back, okay? Then we could make all the hot chocolate you want. He loved Hot Chocolate, but he never got to taste it again," the girl said, crying.

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