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Emery has a dead name and that will be used in this part but not any other part. Also James and Lily are alive, and there is Wolfstar in this story.

James stared at the dark figure before him, Petrified with fear he wouldn't let show. The only sound in the house was faint crying form the twins room, and James couldn't let the dark lord get in there.

So he did the logical thing, and punched lord Voldemort. because what else was he supposed to do.

Voldemort started back and raised his wand. But the younger wizard was ready, right as Voldemort said the first syllable in the killing curse James moved, just enough that when the killing curse was shot at him, it missed ever so slightly. James fell playing dead. He stayed that way until Voldemort moved away then immediately jumped up. He was ready strike him from behind.

Lily Potter stood in front of her two small children. She wouldn't let them die, not today. Wand ready. James was already probably dead, and if Voldemort had found that must mean Sirius and Remus too, maybe even Peter had been killed. Lily wouldn't let Harry and Emily die as well.

However as Lily stood ready to die the killing curse never happened Voldemort pushed her aside and pointed his wand at Emery. So many young happened at that crucial moment. First was harry jumping in front of Emery. Then was Lily's screen. And Voldemorts disappearance. Where ten dark kids once stood was now a pile of black robes

James turned to the sound of ten piercing screen that sound like Lily

The sound of foot steps came across the lower floor of the house. James turned around wand out ready.

"James" A voice called out quietly.

"Sirius!" James called back he ran towards his friend. At the broken in door stood Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. They both looked like that has been beaten up pretty badly. Sirius had a bloody nose and black eye. And Remus looked like his face had been stomped in.

"Are you guys okay" James asked looking worriedly at his friends

"Yeah, some death eaters came to our safe house. We thought they where coming to try and find where you and lily where but they just tried to kill us and said that 'the little rats told us where your friends are" Sirius told James.

"We came as fast as we could, after dealing with the death eaters that is" Remus said, he looked rather shaken and held on to Sirius ark tightly.

"James. James!" Lily voice called from upstairs


"James you have to come here" lily voice sounded shocked. The marauders ran up to Lily in the twins room.

As they entered they saw. The pile of black robes where Voldemort once stood, an un harmed lily with tears running down her face. And most importantly the cradle. Inside of it Harry and Em. Harry had a odd lightning scare on his forehead. 

"James, He tried to kill harry, now he's dead"


Hay so this is just the prologue, I will try to get the first two chapters out this weekend, But what do you think so far, please leave thoughts in the comments
Also all updates will happen on Friday Saturday or Sunday. 

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