Diagon Ally (Age 11)

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Emery, Harry, James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius where galivanting around in Diagon Ally. They where there to get things for Hogwarts for Emery and Harry. 

"Alright, so we should split up cover more ground" James said.

"You realize that we are getting all the same things for both of them" Lily responded looking at her husband.

"Well, we also need to get, Ya know" James said to Lily, "Sirius and Remus should take the kids to get their Hogwarts things, and you and I can get the other things" 

"What other things?" Emery asked, looking up at their father. Remus rolled his eyes at James failed attempts at hiding the fact that he was getting gifts for his kids. However Emery and Harry where to busy noticing all of the things in the stores and the magic around them.

"Where to do we go first!" 

"What's that!"



"Harry, Emery stop, Uncle Pads and I are gonna take you around to get you're Hogwarts things, and you're mom and dad are gonna work on a Secret project" Remus said laughing. James grinned and walk off with Lily, well Emery and Harry ran off to the bookstore.


The bookstore was a paradise to Emery, who looked at every title and grabbed at least 4 books not on their required reading list. 

"Uncle Moony, can I get these too! OO that one too!" Emery bounced up and down. Remus Grinned wildly, "Alright, but I'm limiting you to only those 5 others, NO MORE" Emery Nodded, and ran off ready to check out. 

Harry on the other hand was not having the bookstore. "Can we go already, I have all my books" Sirius smiled softly, "Look little padfoot, I had to come in here for two hours over the course of 7 years cuase my boyfriend, over there wanted every book in this shop. If you love them, let them have this" Harry looked up at Sirius. "That's the most profound thing I've ever heard you say" Sirius looked appalled. "RUDE" 


"JUST CUASE ITS TRUE DON'T MEAN YOU NEED TO SAY IT!" Remus looked over at the yelling idiots. "Emery, I think our dumbasses need us. I'll pay and we'll leave" Emery looked up, "Ok Uncle Ray" The smile on their face still present and unfading. The two paid and walked over to Sirius and Harry. Who where arguing. "You two ready to go or should we give you a minute." 

"RAY, tell Harry I can be Profound" Sirius said, in the winey little kid way.



They got robes fine, and a caldron after a argument between Harry and Emery over what was more valuable, gold or silver. "Next wands." 

"You can get more with gold!" Harry yelled, not noticing Remus' plea for their argument to stop. 

"Well I don't argue that's untrue, if you have the same amount of gold in silver, you can take it more places and feel more protected, it would be easier." Emery responded bouncing around a bit as they did.

"Guuuuuys wands" Remus said in a sing-song way.

"But gold is easier to deal with"

"Silver's still better to carry around!"

"PRONGS 1 AND 2 YOU'RE GETTING WANDS!!" Sirius yelled. This got the kids attention, "WANDS" The two said in perfect unison. 


Jingle jingle went the door on Ollivanders. "Yo Mr. Oli you here" 

"SIRIUS" Remus said in exasperation. The four where waiting out when the crazy looking old man came out from the back. 

"AH Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin, its good to see you two again, and is this the young Mr. And Ms. Potter"

"MX. Potter" Remus, Emery, Harry and Sirius said all at the same time. 

"Ah my apologies, Mx. Potter." Ollivander said. "You're parents not with you two." 

"Their off on a Secret Project."  Emery responded. Then looked up. Ollivander was already going back to get wand for the two kids. 

"For the younger Potter twin a dragon scale score with Mahogany wood 13 inches. Give is a try." Ollivander handed the wand to Emery. They took it and wind rusted around. Their hand felt warm and right. 

"wow" Emery whispered softly. Ollivander grinned, then went back for Harry's wand. Harry didn't get the right wand on the first try though so after 15 minutes and 20 wands Ollivander went to the back, "Curios" He muttered. "Maybe" He pulled out the wand he was looking at and crossed over to the twins.

"Try this one." Harry picked it up and the same things that Emery felt Harry was starting to feel. 

"11 inches, Holly, Phoenix core. curios" Ollivander said looking at Harry.

"Why do you keep saying curios?" Asked Harry. Ollivander looked weird. 

"Well its curios because that Wand has a brother, and its owner was the one to give you that scar." Ollivander said pointing to Harry's scar. The crew looked nervous. 

"OK, Thank you Ollivander, for the wands and the fun facts, but I think its time we take these two gremlins back to their parents." Remus said, rubbing his hands together a little. They paid and left, and almost ran into James and Lily. 

"GUESE WHAT!" James yelled excitedly, he and Lily where each carrying a bird cage. In one was a beautiful snowy owl. The Other was a tiny little elf owl. 

"For you Harry" Lily said giving Harry the cage with the Snowy owl. "And Emery for you" James said giving the cage with the tiny little owl. Sirius grinned, "Ya, know they need names, and Padfoot would work great for an owl" Remus shoved him a bit. "I think Moony's a much better name for an owl. They are Nocturnal after all" James laughed, "NO, if you're gonna name the owl anything Muarders related, name it Prongs!"

"I'm gonna name her Hedwig!" Harry said ignoring his Dad and Uncles. Making all three look at Emery. Who was watching the small elf owl trying to open the cage with his claw. 

"He's like a little Loki, oh I call him Loki!" The little owl seemed Happy with the name. "Sorry Muaraders, I just don't think any of you'r names would make good Owl names."

"Loki and Hedwig, I think their perfect names"

Emery PotterWhere stories live. Discover now