The Sorting (age 11)

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Time to find out what house I'm gonna put Malfoy in

Emery wasn't paying too close attention to what was happening as they came close to the sorting everything kind of came in a blur. 

"Firs' Years!" 

"Look, Its Hogwarts!"

"If you will follow me we will begin the sorting" Emery head shot up, zoning back in to what was happening. The sorting.

When they entered the great hall it became real. Like really real. 

"When I call you're name you will be sorted" Professor McGonagall  called out to them. "Abbott Hannah"

She walked up the the sorting hat, got it placed on her head and, "HUFFLEPUFF"

"Bones Susan"


"Boot Terry"


A few more people went, Emery couldn't really keep track, but one went Ravenclaw, two Gryffindor, One Hufflepuff, and a Slytherin. 

"Granger Hermione"


After more sorting, "Malfoy Draco" Got called. Emery gave Draco A little smile, before he went up 

The Hat was plopped on his head, and it stayed their for almost 3 minuets. Draco's eyes where squeezed shut, and he look scared. Eventually the hat called out. 


There was some clapping and Emery gave him a small thumbs up. 

After like 10 more people got sorted it was finally time for, 

"Potter, Emery"

People started whispering, they all knew a Potter but Emery was not that Potter. 

Emery walked up and sat down, waiting for the hat to be put on their head. 

"A potter, hmm"  it was the sorting hat inside their head. Emery wondered what kind of magic they could have used to make it telepathic, it couldn't just be one spell, probably a combination of charms and transfiguration. 

"Ahh you're unlike the rest of you're family" What was that supposed to mean. 

"Less brave less brash" Well now, hattty.

"Hmm, not griffindoor. not hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin" Slytherin to be with Draco, that would be nice, but Emery wasn't sure it was the right place. 

"Hmm no you're right slytherin wouldn't fit, then its got be"

"RAVENCLAW" thanks mad hat

People looked in shock seeing Harry Potters younger sibling go to Ravencalw not Griffindoor. 

People in Ravenclaw where happy about it. 

People where a lot less confused when Harry ended up in griffindoor. 

"Emery, right" A vioce next the them asked. 

"Yeah, whos asking."

"I'm Charlie Montgomery." Emery looked at her, She was a girl, Red hair cut into a long bob. Her robes where slightly untucked. And her eyes where darting around the room, but bright and friendly. 

"Now that the sorting is over you're headmaster would like to say a few words."

Albus dumbledoor got up to speak, "Welcome to a new year at Hoggwarts, before we begin I would like to say a few words and those are, Nitwit, Blubber, oddment, Tweak." And he sat down. 

~~~~Time skip to the end of the feast~~~~

"Hay yo, Humans" A boy with scruffy brown hair, and blue glasses called. "I'm one of two Prefects, for the record I think that the prefect system is stupid and cis-normative but who listens to me, anyway, I'm Rob my pronouns are he/him, and you should follow me and-" He looked around "PENNY" He walked over to a girl with long brown hair who was flirting with Percy Weasley. "Quite Flirting with the straight guy and help get these Ravenclaws!" He turned back to the first years, "Follow me to our tower of doom." They walked up through the stairs and moving stair case and the building. They stopped at one stair way. 

"Ok, so this is the main entrance, up these stairs is only two things. One is the Ravenclaw room, which is why this is called Ravenclaw tower. The other is the owlery. Now lucking you guys, you get to have you're owls near you, and you get the keep them in our common room, because Flitwick is the best."

They went up the stair case and to a double door with a bronze eagle knocker. 

"YO, Bronzy, wake up"

THe Bronze eagle put its head up and then "When will you frustrating students stop bossing me around" It talked in a gravely voice. 

"Great let us in"


"FIIINE, give us an easy one then, Bronzy"

"Why do - just- no respect" He muttered "(x^5 y^2)^3"

"hmm that's X^15 Y^6" Rob grinned, the door opened. 

The Ravenclaw room was hectic. It was pretty but so hectic, Animated quidditch drawing where flying around the room. SO were flying books. A kid with a plant was trying to stop one of the quidditch figures. Two other kids where chasing each other around. A mongoose was running away from someone screaming "F*** you you mongoose, I am you're mother obey me and DIE"

Rob, looked at his feat, "I told them don't do this this year, we need to make a good impression" He sighed, "Welp this is what happens when you make a house filled with Queer people, This is Ravenclaw, we like to cause chaos, and be nerdy. Here you can study what ever you want, and then use it to attack you're friends. You can also be whatever you want, and now I need to Make sure everyone is being called what they want to be called. So I'm gonna point to you and you will say you're prefeed name gender and pronouns. You can change this information whenever you like. You just need to talk to Professor Flitwick who you will meet tomorrow."

He pointed to a black haired kid. "Cas, He/him"

"A.B., he/him"

"Terry, he/him"

"Mandy, They/them"

"Mica, She/her"

"Padma, Not sure"

"Charlie, She/her"

"Emery they/them"

"Got it alright, so any info that needs to be updated will be, and next we have rooming. so if you see the door ways in the back, on one side is the common rooms for 7th, 3rd, 1st and 2nd year the other is 6th, 4th and 5th year, each year gets a A room and a B room. for you in room A will be, Padma, A.B, Mica and Mandy. Room B is Cas, Charlie, Terry, Emery now go get settled in" 

Emery followed Cas, Terry, and Charlie up into their common room. 

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