Potions Class and a Dragon named Malfoy

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Potions class and a Dragon named Malfoy

The first class they had in all of Hogwarts was potions. And somehow they were running late

"ITS OUT FIRST DAY WE CAN'T BE LATE" Cas cried, running about trying to get his robes from under Terrys feet. 

"It will be fine, Cas" Charlie said, her tied was lose around her neck and she look as though she'd just woken up, even though she'd been awake for some time. Terry was practically still asleep standing up. Emery was standing by the door, they'd been ready for an hour. 

"Hurry up, you lot. We've got to go" They called, impatiently. 

The four rushed down, running out tiring to get to the basement. When they arrived most of the class was in already there. The only class not there where the Griffindoors.  

"Hay, Emery" Draco called, he was sitting alone at one of the desks. 

"Draco, guys come on" they all ran over to Malfoy. 

"Draco, this is, Charlie Montgomery, Terry Boot, and Cas Carvers, Guys this is Draco Malfoy"

"Hullo Draco, did you know your names means Dragon in Latin" Terry asked.

"No? Really!" Draco looked excited. "I'M A DRAGON NAMED MALFOY" They all laughed. Draco was sitting on a desk. Emery looked around the room, there where tables set up for two with areas for caldrons, people where standing around chatting and laughing. 

"SIT DOWN." An angry voice called out. Snape had arrived. Emery ended up at a table with Cas, in the table Infront of them, Terry and Draco sat together. And Charlie sat down behind Emery  and Cas, with a Hufflepuff named Hannah Abbot. 

"Now who can Tell me about Potions" 


"Snape hates your Brother Em" Draco noted. They where in the Library doing homework, and being generally bored.  

"Yeah, I dunno why, and he seems fine with me." 


"Oi, what did McGonagall say about the importance of focus in transfiguration?" Terry asked. 

"She said, if you're not focused you can mess the transfiguration, and accentually make the two objects combine." Cas answered. "What did you get for question 5 on the history?" 

"I haven't done it yet, Charlie you did it Right?"

"HA, No, I've been stuck on Snapes essay question!" Charlie Exclaimed. 

"You should be, Snapes a harsh Grader" A voice called behind Charlie. 

"AHHH" The First years shouted. They jumped up, only to see Rob, with a boy, (They'd learned this was Robs boyfriend, Nick) and Penny. 

"We've come to show you the Ravenclaw's secret Hideout."

"Yeah Come on you lot" Penny gestured for them to Follow.

"Even me?" Draco looked confused, as he wasn't a Ravenclaw.

"Yeah, Dragon, hurry it up," Emery called to him. 

They came to a shelf in the back of the library. Nick walked up to a book entitled, The magic behind Secrets of Doors. Quite a long name, and a kinda stupid topic. But Nick pulled the book back, the the shelf moved over reveling a secret room in the Library. 

IT was filled with kids, all running about, reading, eating playing games. There where pillows everywhere. There was fridge's with food in them, blankets, book shelves. It was like an extra large book nook. 

"This, is the Ravenclaws Hideout." Rob told them, "No one in any other house, can know, and should know." 

"You can come here when ever you'd like, but you've gotta help Madam Prince reorganize the Library" Penny added, "Oh Plus the last Friday of every month we've got a Ravenclaw Movie watching party. We come here after dinner and watch a movie." 

They nodded, grinning. 

Emery Decided that maybe Hogwarts was gonna be awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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