Birthday's and nicknames (Age 11)

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It was a wonder Emery and Harry knew there names as James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus all had different nicknames for them. 

Harry was Bambi, Prongs Jr., The little troublemaker, H, Ry, buck, buddy, and the little stag
Emery was Fawn, Sweet treat, Em, Dr. gets away with everything, Sirius apprentice, Remus buddy, reindeer, and bud

But Fawn and Babi where what everyone called the two. And what was on every single card that went out about them. Like birthday cards "Come celebrate the 1st birthday of Bambi and Fawn" Then the second, them the fifth, and now the 11th. 

"PADS, MOONY! BAMBI! FAWN! UNCLE PADFOOT AND UNCLE MOONY ARE HERE!!!!" James yelled up the stairs. Harry came running down the stairs "Uncle Pads, Uncle Moony! You here!" Harry had a big grin on. 
"Harry you look taller than ever" Remus exclaimed.  He said every time time he saw the twins, even when it wasn't true. Sirius grinned "Hay Troublemaker, how's it been." Sirius said ruffling Harry's hair. "Where's my little apprentice?" Sirius asked. 
"You're not corrupting them Sirius!" Lily yelled at him from the living room. "EMERY!" Yelled James. "EMERY POTTER DOWNSTAIRS PLEASE!" Lily then yelled. 

"Jesus I'm here, I'm here!" Emery said. Emery look a lot like harry, They had the same crumpled messy hair, but it was longer and red, the same Emerald green eyes, and the same grin. They Smiled brightly at Sirius and Remus "HI Uncle Ray, Hi uncle Sirius!" Lily  ruffled up Emery's hair, "happy Birthdays kids, You want to know what arrived in the mail this morning!" Lily asked the twins looking at them with one arm behind her back. "THEY CAME!" Harry almost screeched. Emery ran over to their mother and bounced up and down "The Hogwarts letters right!" 

"here you go" She handed them the letters and the two 11 year old's ripped them open full of excitement. The adults laughed and ate breakfast, and gave the twins other presents. Harry got a practice broom, and played on it outside with James and Sirius for hours. Emery got a star chart, a pack of pens, a book on transfiguration, and a green scarf. They ran" up to their room and hid in it reading and writing things down until sunrise. 


"Ry, thought I'd find you here" Harry said. It was sunset and the sky was a light purplish blue color. Emery sat on the roof with a sketch book and a pencil drawing the sunset. The roof of the potter house was Emery and Harry's spot. The two would spend hours up there talking and getting away from the rest of the world. It was there spot, Harry didn't have to be in the spotlight and have every one star at him. Emery could be themselves, Emery Potter, not Harry's younger sibling. Harry sat down next to Emery "Hay, what if I'm not a Gryffindor?" Emery asked they looked at Harry, their face was a bit closed off and pensive. "Ry, nothing will happen, you'll just be in a different house, we'll find a place in Hogwarts, just like we found one here." Harry nodded, like he was saying just as much to Emery as to himself. The two sat in silence looking at the stars, Harry  rested his head on Emery's shoulder and yawned, "H, want to go inside?" Emery laughed a little. "Shut up, I'm not tired" harry said defensively. Eventually However both of the kids fell asleep. They where very peaceful, not knowing the dangers that would come out of their entrance to Hogwarts. 

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