The train (11)

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Emery, Harry and the pairs crew of adults entered into the train station. 

"9 and 3/4 makes no sense." Emery stated looking at the ticket for the eighth time. Loki was small enough to fit in their front jacket pocket which is where the little owls head was poking out to look at the crowed station. Hedwig was in Harry's trolley, which contained Harry's things and half of Emery things on account of Harry losing a bet.  

" You walk through the wall!" Harry shot back

"Well yeah but the wall is in-between the two stations so it should be 9 1/2" 

"Well you walk um yeah, that doesn't make much sense, ok fine" Harry look down a bit. They'd been walking around the train station looking for the right pole, James and Sirius had counted on Lily, Remus and Parents to find the right one for 7 years and Lily and Remus where proving a point that the two couldn't find the train to Hogwarts without help. The issue was that they couldn't.

"DAD look!" Harry called to his father. A family of red heads was gathering around a pole and Harry swore he heard on say Hogwarts. 

"THE WEASLY'!" James ran over with the kids fallowing. "Hay Mrs. Weasley! if the the way to platform 8 and 3/4?" James asked. The red headed women grinned "James its lovly to see you and lily and oh is that Remus and Sirius! and yes," To lily she added "did he get lost?" 

"Oh he absolutely did!" 

"Are these you're kids" 

"Yes, this is Harry and Emery, they're going into first"

"oh so is Ron" She turned to her swarm. "Percy you first." A red headed boy with glasses walk through the walls, "Fred you next." 

"I'm not Fred he is!" "Honestly women you call you're self our mother!"

"Oh sorry George you next" He ran up to her "Only kidding I am Fred!" Then ran into the wall George fallowed suit. The youngest boy, who had messy red hair and freckles looked a bit nervous then went for it. Molly looked at Harry and Emery, "You too as well" 

"H, E you to go off we'll fallow after." The three first years all went over. 


On the other side Emery was in shock. Remus put his hand on their shoulder, "DOn't fret, Sirius and James and Lily and I will write you lots."

"What if I'm not a Gryffindor?" 

"Then where ever you are you'll be a lot better, you wanna know why, cause it will be right for you" Remus looked down at the little kid. Emery had a faint smile on and with Harry ran on the train


On the train Emery and Harry found their own compartment and put all their things away waiting for the ride to begin. That's when the red headed boy from before opened the door. 

"Hay, I'm Ron and everywhere else is full or has people. Can I sit hear" 

"Sure" Harry said moving to make room for Ron. Emery was stretched out over the other seat. Loki was perched up on their shoulder and they where reading a book they didn't look up at Ron. 

"Are you Harry Potter" Ron said looking at Harry. 


"Well I'm Ron Weasley." Ron said looking at harry in awe. 

"Don't stare at me like that!" Harry said. 

"Sorry, its just, um could i maybe see it?"

"See what?" 

Ron looked down for a second, then whispered "The scar"

"Oh sure" Harry lifted his bangs up to reveal to small lightning scar on his forehead.  Emery rolled their eyes at the two. They put their book down and popped up. 

"I need to use the restroom" They left the compartment and headed off down the train. It was loud and noisy and filled with the sound of kids in every compartment laughing and getting back together with their friends.  Except one. Emery stuck their head at the window of one compartment where one kid sat leaning against the window. So of course they left the kid alone and went about their business heading off the the bathroom and... 

NO they didn't do that their a potter did you actually believe they would leave someone alone!

They knocked on the compartment door, and entered. 

"HI, who are you and why are you so sad?"

"Um my parents I guess, and I'm Draco" The kid said, he had gelled back blond hair that was starting to come un gelled, Emery looked closely at Draco.

"Why are you're parents making you sad, Draco? isn't that not what parents should do?" Emery looked at Draco. 

"Yeah I guess, Who are you?" Draco looked perplexed at the other kid, who he didn't know and who had barged in on him.

"I'm Emery Potter, and I'm running away from an awkward situation where I have to explain how I know Harry Potter, and how yes he is my twin brother, and yes you haven't heard I existed and blah blah blah" They rolled their eyes. Draco looked at them in bewilderment "You should come to my compartment"

"Why we just met"

"Well yeah, but I bet it beats sitting here alone!" 

"I guess" And before Draco could convince himself otherwise he was in Harry and Emery's compartment, laughing with the two idiots and Emery. And stuffing his face with candy from the cart. 

"Hello" A voice said, it was a bushy haired girl. "Have you seen a toad."

"Not non chocolate ones"

"Oh, ok keep a look out a boy called Nevil's missing his toad"

"Will do!"

"And we're getting close you all should change into you're robes" 

She closed the door, and they changed and made more jokes and ate more food, and did more thing that the author is to tired to write to do, and finally arrived at Hogwarts.

Emery PotterWhere stories live. Discover now