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Ashlyn's P.O.V

"Ashlyn I'm home!" I hear my dads voice coming from down the hall, most likely in the living room.
Michael and I were laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, well there's a skylight so we were watching clouds. Michael looks at me wide eyed, I can tell he's scared of my dads reaction to us being in my bedroom together.
A knock comes on my door, my dad walks in and spots us.
"Hi Dad." I smile and sit up.
Michael sits up and nervously glances at me before speaking,"Hi, er, I'm Michael." he stumbles for his words.
"Michael," my dad says, he said it in his tone like he's planning on remembering it,"I'm Jacob." he smiles. Michael visibly relaxes when my dad had pretty much no reaction.
"I'll go whip up some snacks for you guys," he pauses, staring directly at Michael,"behave." but my dad grins before closing my door.
"Oh my god, I've never met a girls parents before." Michael covers his eyes with his hands, making a tattoo visible on his hand that I hadn't noticed before,"am I going to meet your mom is a minute?" he sighs laying back down with his legs draping over the side of the bed, I do the same.
"My mom doesn't live here." I tell him, grabbing my phone and looking at social media, suddenly feeling home sick with how many I miss you messages I have.
"Oh, sorry." he snatches my phone smirking.
"No!" I yell and laugh at the same time trying to get it back.
"AMan don't get your panties in a twist." he laughs, obviously typing something in.
"What if I'm not wearing any?" I smirk and tackle him, having him pinned.
"Ohhhhh, sexy. I like it." he purrs, but giggles immediately after.
"You're gross." I punch his shoulder, just hard enough to leave a bruise.
"Now as gross as you!" he rolls us over to he's on top, man this is sexual, so unplanned.
"Show me your tattoos and I'll let you screw with my phone." I say, attempting to break free from his weight on top of me.
"Oh, um, I have this one and um I've never shown any one this." he pulls up his shirt sleeve, there are black cursive words that say "to the moon"
"Where's the end of it?" I ask, looking up at him.
"I want my wife to get it." he mumbles, looking down at his feet nervously.
"Aw that's cute Mikey." I tease.
"Come on Jade, maybe we could get tattoos together sometime." he laughs, I figure he's not serious,"you'll have to design it of course." he nudges my shoulder, he IS serious.

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