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Michaels P.O.V

"Come on it doesn't hurt that much!" I laugh as Ashlyn tenses up at the mention of getting a tattoo.
"I'm not getting a tattoo." she states, glaring at me, but it's a friendly glare if you get what I'm saying. I see black books on her nightstand, they look awfully like sketchbooks. I practically leap and nab one off the table before she can stop me. Opening it up I can see that she is amazing at drawing.
"You need to get one of these as a tattoo." I show her one of her own drawings, I can see her cheeks becoming a light pink.
"Maybe.." she mumbled, laying back down on her bed and sighing.
"Michael! Ash! Food!" her dad calls to us from down the hall. I pull her up off of her comforter, her crazy patterned socks hit the floor. We practically run down the hall, I guess we are both really hungry.
Ashlyn waits for me to grab a cookie before she takes one, she has better manners than I do.
"We didn't even eat lunch at school." Ashlyn says, facing her dad, he looks back at her confused.
"Really? This better not become a normal occurrence, you two kids being kicked out of school." Jacob throws a small glare my way before looking back to his cooking.
"She didn't do anything." I step in, defending her.
"So what happened? They didn't explain everything that happened to me." Jacob looks to me, as if I was an angel of truth.
"Well this guy, the school bully actually, came onto her in a bad way and she told him to stop and he didn't so she slapped him..." I pause, looking for an okay from Ashlyn, she nods and I just continue telling him what happened.
"They should have sent him home not you two." her dad looks pissed, like not just a normal controllable level pissed, like "I'm going to hunt someone down and shot them" pissed,"Also you," he looks at me,"should not have gone into the women's bathroom."
"I know, I just wanted to make sure she was okay..."
"I'm standing right here." Ashlyn makes her presence known, not that it wasn't before,"Dad can we just move back up north?" she looks like a sad homeless puppy.
"You can't move." I wine,"give here a chance it's a good place to be." I grin at her.
"We aren't moving Ash, you'll survive."
She sighs, running a hand through her short hair, and smoothing her outfit down. She starts to play with her ears, I catch a glimpse of something shiny moving next to her head.
"How many piercings do you have?" I ask, checking out her earring filled ear lobe.
"10..." she looks up at me, almost ashamed.
"Her mother let her get them." Jacob obviously dislikes Ashlyn's mother.
"And there is nothing wrong with them." she snaps. Ashlyn angrily grabs the plate of cookies and storms in the direction of her room.

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