02 | accompany the enemy

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"Sup, donkey," Kylo yells, dragging out the last letter of donkey as he walks into my office

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"Sup, donkey," Kylo yells, dragging out the last letter of donkey as he walks into my office. I don't know why he says that and I don't mind not knowing.

"Fuck's sake." I rest my elbows on my desk and running my fingers through my hair. Watch him say a bunch of random shit.

He always does. Last time it was about marvel and how he's going to shift to the mcu to kill this giant purple guy... I don't even know what shifting is.

I also don't need any more, "I'm gonna kill that purple mother suka," from him. I got Ivory to agree and that's all that matters. That's also fucking fantastic. And surprisingly, that's not sarcasm.

I need to take the Russians down. They're my biggest enemies, they've always been. And although I'll never admit it, I need her help. And her help only.

We'll be together for months, training and going on missions. And the thing is, I hate her. With a fucking passion.

I have my reasons. Exhibit A, one of my best people dead because she killed them. Exhibit B, she tried to kill me. And that was before I tried to kill her. Great? I think not.

"Hello, Kylian," a girl in an all-black suit says as soon as I turn right. "Ivory Fernandez," I acknowledge.

The rest is all bullshit. Us fighting. That's all. Maybe some flirting... no. There was none. She just loves to piss me off.

"How much?" I ask, straddling her on the floor with both her wrists in my hand, above her head.

"Seventy million," she grits out. Someone is willing to pay her seventy million to kill me? It should be at least a billion but okay.

Suddenly, she flips me over so now she's hovering over me. "What?" She asks with a slight pout teasingly. "Expected to be worth more?"

I mean, I tried to kill her after that little run-in. Well, kill is a little extra. I just wanted to kidnap her to get information- that sounds worse, let's just stick with kill.

"What's up your ass today?" he mumbles under his breath and yet, I hear him clearly. "A gun will be up your ass if you don't shut the fuck up," I send him a fake smile. And in response, he gasps way too dramatically.

"I thought you loved me," he sniffles, faking his hurt expression. "What happened to for liferz, Kylian? What happened to our amazing bromance?"

"Gosh, you watch way too much drama shows," I mutter, holding back my laughter. "Yeah, did you know I can recite the Elena and Damon break up off by heart?" He tells me proudly.

What in the actual fuck? I'm concerned. Very concerned. I think anyone who heard that would be concerned.

"I did not know that and I didn't need to know that," I make known, furrowing my eyebrows as I think of more concerning stuff he knows about The Diaries Of The Vampires.

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