34 | eeny meeny, miny moe

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"Fuck," Kylian mutters under his breath

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"Fuck," Kylian mutters under his breath. We need a plan. Right now. Because we are so fucked.

I look into the mansion through the balcony doors and see guards frantically searching and asking guests to take their masks off.

"Kylian," I say, grabbing his chin so he can focus on me, "tell your guards to come in now. Look." I point inside and his eyes widen at what he sees.

"Guys, I'm fu-" Kylo starts to say but he gets cut off like his earpiece broke or something. "What's going on?" Bella exclaims.

"Stay in the rooms, I'll get guards to go there. Isiah, Riley, Bella none of you move," Kylian orders. He then looks at me, whispering, "Go to Kylo, he needs your help."

"What about you?" I ask. The question slipped out of my mouth before I could even think.

After all these months, I started to care about him. Now more than ever. And I can finally have him. Only if things don't go wrong.

"Don't worry about me, love. I'll be fine, promise, okay?" he gives me a slight smile. That promise means something to me. I believe him. I want to believe him because I can't think about losing him just when I got him.

Quickly, I grab his suit and pull him into a kiss. "I love you," I breathe out. I don't wait for him to respond before rushing inside.

On the list of what I have to do: first, save Kylo, second find Kylian, and third kill all these Russian bitches who want to ruin my life.

Inside is almost like chaos. If people choose not to take off their masks, the Russian guards pull out their guns and force them. What the fuck is going on?

I try my best to make it to the VIP section, but as I'm getting closer and closer a guard grabs my hand. Shit.

"Mask off, beautiful," he smirks. Without hesitation, I kick my knee into his dick making him fall to the ground. "Ew," I scoff, brushing the spot where he grabbed me.

I grab his gun and make my way up the stairs. Everyone is gone. No shit, Ivy. Okay, shut up I need to find Kylo.

"Кто-нибудь здесь?" I call out in Russian. I'm not stupid like those annoying characters in horror movies. (Anybody here?)

"Guard! I have one of the Italians!" I hear a familiar woman yell. Not just any woman. The Russian right hand, Charlotte.

I don't say anything but quietly walk towards the voice. Her back is facing me with Kylo in front of her, his hands in the air. His eyes meet mine and a small smirk forms on his face.

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