07 | bad boys

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My eyes slowly flutter open and I sit up, rubbing my eyes

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My eyes slowly flutter open and I sit up, rubbing my eyes. Why the fuck do I have a headache? Don't tell me I got drunk yesterday.

Scanning the room, I realise it's not mine then flashes of last night hit me. Oh, fuckity fuck. First, the Russians. Then I go to Kylian's house. Seriously?

How did I even know where his house is? Courtesy of Isiah for telling me when he was researching him, I guess.

I get up and walk out of the room. As soon as I do, I hear a familiar voice yelling in Italian.

Maybe I should have listened to Duolingo's threats about going back to learn the bloody language because now I have no idea what he's talking about.

I follow his voice and it takes me in front of a door. Should I knock? Nah. I open the door, walk in, and plop onto his couch.

"Ouch," I hiss, clutching onto my shoulder. Maybe jumping onto the couch was a mistake.

"Ivory," he scoffs, ending the call, "you need to rest. You know rest? R-E-S-T?" Did he really just spell rest for me?

"I'm fine, don't worry," I assure him, sitting up. If I say it enough, I'll convince myself that it's true. I got shot twice, obviously, I'm not fine.

"No, you're not," he runs his hands through his hair. How is he going to tell me if i'm fine or not? I mean, he's right but still.

"Can I plait your hair?" I blurt out. Shit, I wasn't supposed to say that. Well, he has very nice hair.

"There's a mission soon, but you're hurt. I don't know if you can tag along," he mumbles as he stands up.

I laugh at his words. "Oh, I'm tagging along. Funny joke, Kylian." He better be joking. There's no way I'm missing this.

He glances at me with uncertainty. "Are you sure you're alright enough to join, Ivory? We need you on your best."

"Yes, Kylian," I groan, standing up, "I'm fine. Besides, the mission is soon, not today. I'll be even better by the time we have to go on the mission."

"Whatever you say, Rory," he shrugs and sits beside me on the couch. He opens his mouth to talk but two people barge into the room.

Kylo and a girl with two purple strands in her blonde hair. Whoever that is, is my next wife.

"Kylo, I'm going to kill you," Kylian groans, throwing his head back. "Shush, you love me," he smirks, taking a seat in front of us.

"I'm Isabella, but people call me Bella. You can call me Bella. Nice to meet you," she says quickly, bringing a smile to my face.

"Ivory but you can call me Ivy," I chuckle. "Quick question, are you single?" I jokingly ask.

"Mhm, when's our wedding?" she stifles her laughter and I open my mouth to talk but Kylo interrupts me. "Uh, she's mine," he huffs.

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